John P. Kotter
Edited by John C. Wood
John P. Kotter (b. 1947), a leading authority on business leadership and change, is the subject of this new collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Evaluations in Business and Management series. It brings together in two volumes the best critical evaluations of his work. The collection is...
December 2010 | 978-0-415-32575-2 | Hardback (Routledge)
Michael Porter
Edited by John Wood, Mike Wood
Michael Porter (b. 1947) has been described by The Economist as ‘the doyen of living management gurus’. Boldly introducing the language and concepts of economics into management theory, his work has focused on how a firm (or a region) can build a competitive advantage and develop a competitive...
September 2009 | 978-0-415-32584-4 | Hardback (Routledge)
Chris Argyris
Edited by John C. Wood, Michael Wood
Chris Argyris (b. 1923) was one of the key figures in the Human Relations Movement in the 1960s and 1970s; he is widely regarded as the founding father of the learning organization. His work has made substantial contributions to the understanding of organizational behaviour, organizational learning...
April 2009 | 978-0-415-32560-8 | Hardback (Routledge)
Alfred D. Chandler: Critical Evaluation
Edited by John C Wood, Michael C Wood
Alfred D. Chandler (1918–2007) was the founder of modern business history. He was a critical early influence on strategic management and is famous for the dictum that ‘structure follows strategy’. This two-volume collection, a new title in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Evaluations in...
2007 | 978-0-415-45476-6 | Hardback (Routledge)
H. Igor Ansoff Critical Evaluations in Business and Management 2 vol
Edited by John C Wood, Michael C Wood
The visionary theories of H. Igor Ansoff (1918–2002) on strategic business management have inspired worldwide acclaim. Called ‘the father of strategic management’ by Henry Mintzberg, he proposed that long-term profitability for a company results only from a commitment to understanding the political...
2007 | 978-0-415-32557-8 | Hardback (Routledge)
Herbert Simon (3 Volume set)
Herbert Simon (1916–2001) was a polymathic intellectual. A founding figure of the field of artificial intelligence, he gained renown in the 1950s (with Allen Newell) as the creator of the first ‘thinking machine’. Simon was also a central figure during the cognitive revolution in psychology in the...
2007 | 978-0-415-32587-5 | Hardback (Routledge)
Peter F. Drucker
Edited by Michael C. Wood, John C. Wood
A polymath and prolific writer, Peter F. Drucker has published influential books across seven decades. Taking a humanistic approach to management, he emphasises that it is people who create business, which in turn means that they have a crucial role in modern society. This collection gathers...
2005 | 978-0-415-32566-0 | Hardback (Routledge)
Joseph M. Juran
Edited by John C. Wood, Michael C. Wood
For more than seventy years, the teachings and writings of Joseph M. Juran have had a profound impact on the quality of the products we buy and use everyday. His pioneering work in 'quality' is heralded all around the world, and his ideas on total quality management centre upon the role of...
2005 | 978-0-415-32571-4 | Hardback (Routledge)
W.E. Deming: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John C. Wood, Michael C. Wood
W. Edwards Deming's name is synonymous with Total Quality Management. His ideas were at first enthusiastically adopted by Japanese businesses. Deming is recognized as putting Japan on the road to leadership in international business and industry and was awarded the Second Order of the Sacred...
2004 | 978-0-415-32386-4 | Hardback (Routledge)
George Elton Mayo: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood
George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is widely recognized as the progenitor of the human relations movement in management and his work laid the foundations for later management and organizational thinking.Mayo's work highlighted the importance of communication between management and workers and identified...
2004 | 978-0-415-32390-1 | Hardback (Routledge)
Alfred P. Sloan: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John C. Wood, Michael C. Wood
Alfred P. Sloan is credited with the invention of the modern corporation. At the helm of General Motors from 1923 to 1946, he had a profound influence on management thinking in America and much of the Western world through his unique, ahead-of-its-time, management style.Sloan's leadership and the...
2003 | 978-0-415-24832-7 | Hardback (Routledge)
Frank and Lilian Gilbreth: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood
Husband and wife, Frank Gilbreth (1868-1924) and Lilian Gilbreth (1878-1972), are the figures most closely identified with time and motion studies. Pushing F.W. Taylor's ideas to the limit, they sought ways to determine 'the one best way to do work'. Their lasting influence is evident in the fact...
2003 | 978-0-415-24828-0 | Hardback (Routledge)
Henry Ford: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood
This collection includes evaluations of and responses to the contributions made by Henry Ford and the ways in which his influence helped shape the understanding of management practices.Henry Ford was an eccentric, and occasionally enlightened, thinker and remains a controversial figure today. He...
2002 | 978-0-415-24827-3 | Hardback (Routledge)
F. W. Taylor: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood
This collection focuses on Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), the initiator of 'scientific management'. Taylor set out to transform what had previously been a crude art form into a firm body of knowledge. His work is synonymous with breaking down tasks into the smallest detail, diagnosing the...
2002 | 978-0-415-24824-2 | Hardback (Routledge)
Henri Fayol: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management
Edited by John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood
Henri Fayol, (1841-1925) along with F. W. Taylor, is one of the founders of 'classical management'. Fayol's work was the first significant attempt to develop principles of top-level management and one of the first attempts to analyse the different activities that constitute management. Fayol viewed...
2001 | 978-0-415-24820-4 | Hardback (Routledge)
2010年8月29日 星期日
critical evaluations in business and management
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