2012年9月4日 星期二

To Renew America/ To Save America (Newt Gingrich) 美國的公共道德危機

拯救美國 [平裝]
~ 紐特•金裏奇(Newt Gingrich) (作者)
出版社: 中國法制出版社; 1 (2012710)
《拯救美國》內容簡介:金裏奇為了與奧巴馬總統和民主黨劃清界限,提出了兩個概念:一是我們的美國和傳統的美國;另一個是他們的美國和世俗社會化 的美國。《拯救美國》圍繞著這兩部分展開精彩演述。在第一部分中,金裏奇不遺餘力地抨擊奧巴馬政府及其推行的各項政策,比如過度徵稅扼殺小企業的生存機 會,卻與大企業形成同盟;反對公開的宗教活動;推行官僚化、高成本、腐敗的醫保改革;犒賞、收買支持者,懲罰反對者等等。他認為,奧巴馬政府推行的這一切 政策使美國債臺高築、國家安全體系失靈、傳統的美國保守主義價值遭到侵蝕和扭曲,美國陷入了生存和死亡的危險

拯救美国 [平装]

~ 纽特•金里奇(Newt Gingrich) (作者)  出版社: 中国法制出版社; 第1版 (2012年7月10日)

 《拯救美国》内容简介:金里奇为了与奥巴马总统和民主党划清界限,提出了两个概念:一是“我们的美国”和传统的美国;另一个是“他们的美国”和世俗社会化 的美国。《拯救美国》围绕着这两部分展开精彩演述。在第一部分中,金里奇不遗余力地抨击奥巴马政府及其推行的各项政策,比如过度征税扼杀小企业的生存机 会,却与大企业形成同盟;反对公开的宗教活动;推行官僚化、高成本、腐败的医保改革;犒赏、收买支持者,惩罚反对者等等。他认为,奥巴马政府推行的这一切 政策使美国债台高筑、国家安全体系失灵、传统的美国保守主义价值遭到侵蚀和扭曲,美国陷入了“生存和死亡的危险”。

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To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine  
To Save America-cover.jpg
Author(s) Newt Gingrich
Country United States
Language English
Subject(s) Politics of the United States
Publisher Regnery Publishing
Publication date May 17, 2010 (hardback)
January 3, 2011 (paperback)
Pages 356
ISBN 978-1-59698-596-4
To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine is a 2010 non-fiction book by former Speaker of the House and conservative activist Newt Gingrich, offering a critical view of supposed secular and socialist influences on American liberalism and the Democratic Party. It was a New-York Times bestseller.



To Save America focuses on secular and socialist ideas which, Gingrich writes, are entrenched in modern American liberalism.[1] Acknowledging that his ideas "will be controversial," Gingrich coins the phrase "secular-socialist machine" to describe the current state of American liberal governance, especially the domestic policies and initiatives of President Barack Obama. According to Gingrich, the American political left can only be understood by considering the "interlocking relationship of secularism, socialism and machine politics."[2]
In the book, Gingrich explains how the "secular-socialist machine" can be seen in the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") and alleged scandals such as ACORN voter registration fraud. He also tells how the Left sides with "big business" against small business and why "there is no liberty without religious liberty".[3]
According to Gingrich, the influence of left-leaning politicians and government regulations has left the United States in a dire position, both in terms of the economy and the ideals instilled by the Founding Fathers.[4] Some of these ideals include the importance of work ethic, private property rights and localism. Describing the current political situation, he writes that the "danger to America is greater than anything I dreamed possible after we won the Cold War and the Soviet Union disappeared in December 1991."[5]
Gingrich also spends several chapters outlining his policy prescriptions for reviving the American economy, fixing the U.S. health care system and protecting religious liberty, among other issues. He argues that the existing bureaucratic systems in Washington and state capitals are so broken and so resistant to change that they must be "replaced — not reformed — if we want to remain competitive globally in the twenty-first century."[6]
A late chapter, "Why the Tea Party Movement is Good For America," addresses the rise of the Tea Party movement, and praises the efforts of local and national groups to stand up to what he characterizes as the leftward shift in American politics. Gingrich also writes: "Remarkably, like the British in 1773, the elite media today misunderstand and mock the frustration of American tea partiers."[7] Another chapter towards the end of the book describes the importance of the Second Amendment to American freedom.


The book was received favorably by conservative-leaning reviewers and negatively by liberal-oriented ones. Writing for Human Events, Donald Lambro stated that Gingrich's book "offers a futuristic agenda for reform that speaks to the angst and anger that is driving a mounting anti-government, anti-incumbent, anti-big-spending movement in this year’s midterm elections."[1]
From a critical perspective, What's the Matter with Kansas? author Thomas Frank — who does praise Gingrich as being "ready with policy suggestions, actual steps the nation might take to translate the conservative sensibility into a ruling philosophy" — takes issue with what he calls Gingrich's "conversion to the devil theory of Barack Obama" and an exclusive focus on political corruption among Democratic politicians.[8]
Following its release, To Save America reached number two on The New York Times' hardcover non-fiction bestseller list.[9]

External links



作者:羅伯特.賴希 來源:譯言網 日期:2012-03-22 這篇文章最初出現在羅伯特.賴希的博客上
羅伯特.賴希, 加州大學伯克利分校公共政策教授,曾任克林頓政府的公會秘書。他也是博文《餘震:下個經濟體和美國未來 》的作者。





政治學家James Q. Wilson(他于上周去世了)曾提出過“破窗理論”:一扇窗戶破了,沒有人在意這扇窗戶是破損的,接下來的一幕就會有更多人朝更多的窗戶扔更多的石頭,最終這種不正常的現象會逐漸損壞整個社會的道德水準。




新通過《多德-弗蘭克金融改革法案》,本期待可以阻止腐敗的在發生,但其漏洞百出,承蒙華爾街說客的好意了,這條法案幾乎成了一虛假外殼。華爾街阻止恢復<格拉斯斯蒂格爾法>(譯者注:1933年通過了格拉斯—斯蒂格爾法案(the Glass-Steagall Act),規定投資銀行和商業銀行必須分立,禁止它們擁有股票,而且商業銀行只能經營短期貸款,不能經營7年以上的長期貸款。)。並且華爾街反對對最大型銀行設限獲得了成功。

數年之前窗戶就開始破損了。據安然公司(世界500強)的法院指定委託人報告,花旗集團和 摩根JP大通的銀行家們不僅沒有設法彌補過錯,還幻想著將財政方案賣給安然,這明擺著允許安然犯金融欺詐罪。安然公司的審計員亞瑟.安德森以撕毀安然的檔被控告妨礙社會正義罪。然而,安德森的大多數合夥人,這些安然公司的同謀們卻從未遭到應有的懲罰。



退步的共和黨人在面臨他們不認可的個人道德決策時,肯定會給這種行為冠以“丟人”“可恥”“卑劣”的字眼。曾經有個年輕女子站起來捍衛自己的道德觀,魯什·林堡(Rush Limbaugh)稱人家為“蕩婦”。共和黨人已經把道德踩到地底下了。是民主黨人和進步人士拯救我們道德的時候了—新鍍金時代的經濟職權和特權的濫用應當受到譴責—技術上合法道德上說不過去的交易也應受譴責,他們辜負了投資人或員工們對企業的信任,較于普通工人的高管們的薪水卻高得離譜,政黨獲得的巨額捐贈也滋生了憤世嫉俗情緒,受贈人是否有能力代表了整個公眾的利益。






星洲日報 - ‎44分鐘之前‎
(美國‧華盛頓9日訊)美國聯邦政府可能停擺的最後一刻,民主黨和共和黨領袖終於各退一步,對聯邦預算案達成臨時協議,避免聯邦政府關閉。兩黨將於下週繼續協商。 美國眾議院議長博納深夜對共和黨籍議員表示,他已和白宮達成削減政府預算的協議。他宣佈這消息時,距政府 ...


不過 CNN 某評論者說 應該不致於讓政府停擺
因為在1995年 議長Newt Gingrich這樣強悍
卻讓 Bill Clinton 在1996年連任

To Renew America 一書台灣有譯本

Congress Passes Short-Term Stopgap

The tentative deal was reached before a deadline that would have shuttered federal facilities and furloughed workers.

  • Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and staunch Republican, praised Wells in his book To Renew America, writing "Our generation is still seeking its Jules Verne or H. G. Wells to dazzle our imaginations with hope and optimism".[52]

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