2014年1月16日 星期四

The Evolution of the Grand Tour: Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations Since the Renaissance黃郁珺《十八世紀英國紳士的大旅遊》A Pragmatist and his free spirit: the half-century romance of Hu Shih and Edith Clifford Williams

Front Cover
Taylor & Francis, 2000 - History - 426 pages
The Grand Tour has become a subject of major interest to scholars and general readers interested in exploring the historic connections between nations and their intellectual and artistic production. Although traditionally associated with the eighteenth century, when wealthy Englishmen would complete their education on the continent, the Grand Tour is here investigated in a wider context, from the decline of the Roman Empire to recent times.
Authors from Chaucer to Erasmus came to mock the custom but even the Reformation did not stop the urge to travel. From the mid-sixteenth century, northern Europeans justified travel to the south in terms of education. The English had previously travelled to Italy to study the classics; now they travelled to learn Italian and study medicine, diplomacy, dancing, riding, fencing, and, eventually, art and architecture. Famous men, and an increasing proportion of women, all contributed to establishing a convention which eventually came to dominate European culture. Documenting the lives and travels of these personalities, Professor Chaney's remarkable book provides a complete picture of one of the most fascinating phenomena in the history of western civilisation.

昨天讀陳毓賢先生和胡適學專家周質平教授合著的A Pragmatist and his free spirit: the half-century romance of Hu Shih and Edith Clifford Williams – (胡適與韋蓮司:深情五十年 到 A Pragmatist and his free spirit:...) ,想起我在東海可能見過歷史系研究生的周先生。又想起許教授前年任歷史系主管時,希望為研究生募集獎學金,好讓他們安心研究。

這本是輔仁大學的歷史所碩士論文的出版 (西洋史叢書的第二本)。還有很認真的學生在撰寫論文,並且有機會出版,是很可喜可賀的事。論文處理的主題很重要和有趣,寫得也很用心。大旅遊的目的是教育其實可能含蓋歐洲各名城和地方,所以我弄不清楚是否該包括希臘。無論如何,本書以義大利為主
基本上,重要的英文和漢文文獻都提到了,似乎只有一夲書的書名前後不一The Compleat Gentlemen (p.33) vs. The Complete Gentlemen (p.46) ;容易令人誤解的”public school” (現在多改稱為independent school)作者用「公學」,而引張漢裕翻譯的《國富論》則採用錯誤的「公立學校」。不過這些是微不足道的小毛病。如果有索引,那就相當好了。
我只舉一小例說明作者的細心118頁的注94中指出:…..此處趙乾龍所譯歌德《意大利遊記》將privy 譯為客房」,疑為「廁所」之誤植。…..」我們看哥德的上下文,知道英譯的屋外簡易廁所的privy ,比較合脈絡。妙的是,我查另外一本湖南文藝出版社(2006)的翻譯,也用「客房」。

