"In Thucydides’s morally coherent universe, moral action is also, inevitably, practical action, and immoral action is inevitably impractical, no matter how insistently short-sighted strategists pretend that it isn’t," writes Edward Mendelson. "In the two years since the 2016 US election, it seems ever more clear that Thucydides is the greatest historian not only of empire but also of contemporary politics."
What Thucydides Knew About the US Today
Historians argue among themselves whether Thucydides is a moralizing philosopher or, in a common phrase, “the first scientific historian.” What is radical about him, and gives him his unerring clear-sightedness, is that he is both. He understands morals, not as a set of arbitrary rules imposed o...
Robert Gilpin - Theory of Hegemonic War | Sparta | International Politics
Theory of Hegemonic War | Policy Tensor
2013/02/25 - Gilpin focuses on how the international order emerges from hegemonic wars, is forged and upheld by dominant ... Historically, the wars that meet these three criteria are: the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta ...[PDF]Hegemonic War
monic war. This essay argues that Thucydides' theory of hegemonic war constitutes one of the central organizing ideas for the study of international ... I Thucydides (trans. John H. Finley, Jr.), ThePeloponnesian War (New York, 1951)
Thucydides’ account of The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta is one of the classic pieces of writing on war. Thucydides, himself a failed Athenian admiral, wrote a detailed history of the war which, unlike the writings of his contemporaries, explained events by reference to the interplay of personalities and power rather than by the divine intervention of the gods. Above all, his account is written from a realist perspective which seeks to explain and understand rather than to moralize about war, although he does moralize implicitly and explicitly about the domestic pressures for war.
"I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time."
- 作者: 修昔底德 新功能介紹
- 原文作者: Thucydides
- 譯者: 謝德風/譯
- 出版社:台灣商務
- 出版日期:2000/
Mary Renault (1905-1983)一九五六年的《殘酒》(The Last of the Wine) 以伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(431–404 BC)為背景,講述在柏拉圖老師蘇格拉底門下的一對雅典情侶十三年的流離。呂西斯與阿列克西亞的關係,再現了雅典所崇尚的男同性戀習俗:較年長的「愛者」(erastes)要擔當他傾慕的少年「所愛」(eromenos)的精神導師。兩人彷彿是另一時空的拉爾夫與羅瑞,因生活在一個推崇男風的英雄主義時代,而能更加高貴而長久地相愛。戰爭與和平交替,暴民與寡頭輪番上台,雅典由盛而衰的歷程如長卷一樣徐徐鋪展。這小說一舉奠定了瑞瑙特作為歷史文學大師的地位,也確立了她用得爐火純青的敘事手法—第一人稱回憶體的成長小說。
【绕不开的修昔底德陷阱,美中必有一战? 】
2015年9月,中国国家主席 #习近平 对美国进行国事访问期间,“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)一说的提出者——美国知名国际关系和外交政策学者、哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上发表了题为《修昔底德陷阱:美国和中国正在走向战争?》的文章,指出快速崛起的中国必将冲击美国主导的国际秩序。在这一过程中,新兴大国中国和守成大国美国极有可能爆发战争。艾里森在他刚刚出版的新书《注定一战:美国和中国能否逃脱修昔底德陷阱?》(Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap)详尽阐述了这一观点。他表示,如果美国不及时拿出全面应对方案,不做出重大战略调整,美中极有可能爆发灾难性的冲突,而冲突的导火索将极有可能是朝鲜。
全文链接: https://goo.gl/c9BvZe
Allison derived his interesting metaphor, the “Thucydides Trap,” from the fifth-century B.C. Peloponnesian War recounted by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. The combatants were the ruling power Sparta, which the “trap” describes as corresponding to 21st-century United States, and the rising power Athens, corresponding to today’s China. Thucydides attributed the war to the “growth in power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta,” spurring the latter to launch what became a 27-year war.
But the comparisons do not end there. The Thucydides Trap further stretches history and credulity by presuming equivalence with other distant wars. Allison’s examples date to the 16th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power the Habsburgs, the 17th-century war between the Dutch Republic and England, and the 19th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power Germany — among several others, reaching back centuries. But the equivalences with 21st-century United States and China — geostrategic challenges and opportunities, international order, deepening and irreversible globalization, myriad interdependences, robust trade, potentially existential nature of war today and preferred resort to diplomacy — don’t really hold up. Especially not to ancient Sparta and Athens.
習近平在訪美演說中提到了"修昔底德陷阱"....那用功的C編, 就在此開課說明, 何謂"修昔底德陷阱" Thucydides’s trap (希臘文: Θουκυδίδης) : 即一個新崛起的大國必會挑戰當世大國,而當世的大國也必然會回應這種威脅; 如此的話, 戰爭就變得無可避免。
The Real Thucydides' Trap | The Diplomat
Thucydides (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free ...
Thucydides Trap, where a rising power causes fear in an established power which escalates toward war.
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