The British Century : A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years
Published by Random House Publishing Group

The French Century: An Illustrated History of Modern FranceHardcover – September 4, 2012
by Brian Moynahan (Author)
- Hardcover: 480 pages
- Publisher: Flammarion (September 4, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 2080201174
Sixteen chapters cover the history of France from the end of the 19th century to the present day, encapsulating everything from political events and scientific discoveries to cultural achievements and sporting triumphs. The five presidents of France’s fifth republic–Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, François Mitterand, and Jacques Chirac–have led the country through tremendous change in all sectors, and their respective reigns are covered in detail. The Dreyfus Affair, the May 1968 student protests, the onset of a socialist government in 1981, and two world wars are but a few French landmarks that have changed the face of Europe and the world. French culture flourished in the 20th century. Colette, Proust, Emile Zola, and Jules Verne wrote classics in literature while Picasso, Rodin, the Dadaists, and the Surrealists redefined art. Haussmann’s urban plan and I. M. Pei’s pyramid set new standards in architecture. Sarah Bernhard and Josephine Baker revolutionized the performing arts while Camille Saint-Saëns, Claude Debussy, Pablo Casals, and Maurice Ravel set the era to music. The Tour de France, Lacoste tennis, and World Cup soccer energized the sports scene. Innovations in science came from Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie, and Henry Bequerel. This book includes two hundred and photographs of the main events and key personalities of the century.
Paris : capital of the world 此書作者是女權名教授,英譯本由哈佛大學出版
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graha...北京大學翻譯本問題多;台灣的也不很理想
Paris : capital of the world 此書作者是女權名教授,英譯本由哈佛大學出版
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graha...北京大學翻譯本問題多;台灣的也不很理想
Paris : capital of the world
Higonnet, Patrice L. R.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2002
Higonnet, Patrice L. R.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2002
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graham Robb 中的"中國諺語"
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graha...
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graha...
Parisians : an adventure history of Paris By Graham Robb 一書,有台灣和中國兩種譯本 :
《巴黎人》莊安祺譯;《巴黎人》 许婧 / 王利军 合译
台版採圖完全集中,內文無插圖,雖然精美、完全得多 (包括1900地圖),這有缺點。。中國版插圖採原版方式 (缺1900地圖),似乎多加些小圖。
《巴黎人》莊安祺譯;《巴黎人》 许婧 / 王利军 合译
台版採圖完全集中,內文無插圖,雖然精美、完全得多 (包括1900地圖),這有缺點。。中國版插圖採原版方式 (缺1900地圖),似乎多加些小圖。
就翻譯而言,莊安祺譯文細心得多。舉一例: (說不定法文已經紐曲原意。原書375業有法文和英文文本,只記英文:When the finger points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.)
北京大學出版社版:"一只手指只像月亮,愚人則只看向手指 (中國諺語)" (頁289)
台灣衛城版:頁374 (該頁竟無頁碼)
[0110c12] 如人以手指月示人 ,彼人因指當應看月;若復觀指以為月體,此人豈唯亡失月輪,亦亡其指
T19n0945_002 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經第2卷 ...
台灣衛城版:頁374 (該頁竟無頁碼)
[0110c12] 如人以手指月示人 ,彼人因指當應看月;若復觀指以為月體,此人豈唯亡失月輪,亦亡其指
T19n0945_002 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經第2卷 ...
鹿島茂《巴黎文學散步》;繆詠華《巴黎文學散步地圖》。約翰巴克斯特 作《浪漫的巴黎文學徒步之旅:世界上最美的步道 》這3本巴黎文學散步法,各有特色。
繆氏的第2本"巴黎學"2012則採 取21世紀的Google Map法.情有獨鐘地將"搬家達人"文豪寫近7-8頁.....這本書某意義下.是必備的參考書.有的讀來很有趣.....
繆氏的第2本"巴黎學"2012則採 取21世紀的Google Map法.情有獨鐘地將"搬家達人"文豪寫近7-8頁.....這本書某意義下.是必備的參考書.有的讀來很有趣.....

The Russian Century : A History of the Last Hundred Years. by Brian Moynahan