2018年2月16日 星期五

Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays by Bronislaw Malinowski 1948《巫術、科學與宗教》

 Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays by Bronislaw Malinowski 1948《巫術、科學與宗教》

Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays by Bronislaw Malinowski Selected, and with an Introduction by ROBERT REDFIELD Trade Edition BEACON PRESS: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Text Edition THE FREE PRESS: GLENCOE, ILUNOIS 1948

《巫術、科學與宗教》 Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays by Bronislaw Malinowski 1948,朱岑樓譯 ,台北:協志工業叢書,1978年出版、1996年第4刷
第75頁:"1925年11月",一直錯誤打成"1952年11月"。原文: [The above formed the opening passages of an address delivered in honor of Sir James Frazer at the University of Liverpool, in November, 1925.]
 I could then show you a student leaving the medevial college buildings, obviously in some distress of mind, hugging, however, under his arm, as the only solace of his troubles, three green volumes with the well-known golden imprint, a beautiful conventionalized design of mistletoe—the symbol of 'The Golden Bough3 .
朱岑樓的譯文:......有三卷,封面印有金色的榭寄生樹 (mistletoe)作為象徵,設計精美輝煌。

翻譯此,可能要了解 2事,其一:conventionalized design of mistletoe。
mistletoe 的解釋:封面的 mistletoe 圖案是conventionalized design 傳統的設計圖案。

其二:至於The Golden Bough 一書選擇 mistletoe 作為其象徵,必須了解該名著

Chapter 68. The Golden Bough. Frazer, Sir James George. 1922.

It is not a new opinion that the Golden Bough was the mistletoe. True, Virgil does not identify but only compares it with mistletoe. But this may be only a poetical device to cast a mystic glamour over the humble plant. Or, more probably, his description was based on a popular superstition that at certain times the mistletoe blazed out into a supernatural golden glory. The poet tells how two doves, guiding Aeneas to the gloomy vale in whose depth grew the Golden Bough, alighted upon a tree, “whence shone a flickering gleam of gold. As in the woods in winter cold the mistletoe—a plant not native to its tree—is green with fresh leaves and twines its yellow berries about the boles; such seemed upon the shady holm-oak the leafy gold, so rustled in the gentle breeze the golden leaf.” Here Virgil definitely describes the Golden Bough as growing on a holm-oak, and compares it with the mistletoe. The inference is almost inevitable that the Golden Bough was nothing but the mistletoe seen through the haze of poetry or of popular superstition.

The Golden Bough
The Golden Bough.jpg
Cover of the first volume of the 1976 Macmillan Press edition
AuthorJames George Frazer
CountryUnited Kingdom
SubjectComparative religion
PublisherMacmillan and Co.
Publication date
Media typePrint (Hardcover and Paperback)


馬凌諾斯基 (Bronislaw Malinowski

  一八八四年生於波蘭。家學淵源,擅長多國語言及各種澳洲土語。求學期間原專攻物理、數學及自然科學,獲博士學位。後因一場疾病,養病期間閱讀傅雷則爵士(Sir James Frazer) 的金樹枝 (The Golden Bough) 後,立志終身投入人類學的研究。其研究不空談理論、不偏頗學派,而是實際深入原始土著的生活中,親臨其境,用眼觀察、用心體會、用手記錄,使抽象的推論,產生真實的意義,以不尋常的洞察,配合無比的耐心作長期的研究,終於成為蜚聲國際的人類學權威。巡迴世界各地演講、教學、討論。一九三九年到美國時第二次世界大戰爆發,遂留在美國。至一九四二年在田野工作中因心臟病與世長辭。馬凌諾斯基一生事業──他的田野工作、他的理論、他的課堂教學、他的大眾化演講,在在反映他是一位了不起的人物 




