『探索需求—設計前的質量』北京:清華大學出版社 2004 這本書的一些"譯注"都讓我傻眼 它們懷疑原作可能有誤 譬如說 直徑大的紛筆 似乎不該用 thicker (對的) 而應為fatter Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8 1867 – April 9 1959) was one of the world's most prominent and influential architects. 是飛機發明的萊特兄弟之第弟弟 (Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright built and flew the first airplane in human history. The brothers were engineers and tinkerers who founded the Wright Cycle Comany in Dayton, Ohio in 1892.) 巴黎艾菲鐵塔的傾斜電梯 應是 Pisa塔 |
ISBN:9780932633132 (Hard cover book)
Gause, Donald C. /Weinberg, Gerald M. /Publisher:Dorset House Published 1989/09 入手不能(Not Available)