Time's Arrow,
Time's Cycle: 一本約20年前買過 讀過的書
Burnet's Frontispiece 21 此圖耶穌 Alpha Mu Omega (這句在右邊為過去 左邊為未來
Cover may not depict
獻詞拉丁文 sine quibus non In the most brutal, literal sense.
(Sine qua non - n., pl. sine qua nons; also sine quibus non [literally, without which not] something absolutely indispensable or essential. )
Alpha & Omega | | Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and thus refer to the eternal nature of Christ. Rev. 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (NIV) Season: Advent, Ascension Sunday 啟示的要義 - 看,他乘著雲彩降來,眾目都要瞻望他,連那些刺透了他的人,也要瞻望他,地上的各種族都要哀悼他。的確這樣。阿們。
- 「我是『阿耳法』和『敖默加』,」那今在、昔在及將來永在的全能者上主天主這樣說。
| Alpha and Omega(Gr.):始和終;原始與終結;阿耳法和敖默加:為希臘字母表之首尾兩字母「Α」和「Ω」;教會以此兩字母來代表天主,因祂是一切世物的起始與終結(默一8),聖史若望並用以指稱基督(默廿二13)。 Alpha Mu Omega | | These letters are the initials for the Greeks words for "yesterday, today and forever," emphasizing not only Jesus' eternal nature, but His presence with us. Hebr. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV) - 你們應該記念那些曾給你們講過天主的道理,作過你們領袖的人,默想他們的生死,好效法他們的信德。
- 耶穌基督昨天、今天、直到永遠,常是一 樣。
Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time by Stephen Jay Gould About this title: The author of The Flamingo's Smile and Ever Since Darwin explores here the discovery of "deep time", the vastness of earth's history--a history so ancient that we can comprehend it only as metaphor. Illustrated. Note: This is a |
Contents The Throne
Fig. 1: The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly, on exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art, in Washington, D.C., United States of America. From Jan, 1, 2000, Smithsonian American Art Museum.
The Throne is a magnificent work of religious art. It consists of around 180 pieces. The many winged figures give a sense of exaltation. This photo can only suggest the impact of the original. Remarkably, this work of art was built, as the essay below by Mike Walsh notes, "from a very select collection of junk, including old furniture, burned-out light bulbs, jelly jars, carpet cylinders, desk blotters, cardboard, and foil. All the separate pieces are precariously held together with glue, tape, tacks, and pins." And it was built by an even more remarkable man.