“多年以後,我看了侯麥的電影《綠光》,劇中,那個處在抉擇狀態的女人,為了假期而煩惱,她反覆自我探問、徘徊等待,當聽到法國作家凡爾納的話「看到 綠光,即能洞悉自己與他人的情感」她似有領悟那內心的鼓聲。誰能看到綠光,誰就能找到幸福。這個茫然卻執著的女人,在末尾,驀然望見太陽滾下剎那最美亦最 罕見的光芒。
我本來以為,遇見你就會看見那道光,那發自神秘的宇宙深處,或可見但不可及的綠光,然而,我始終沒見到。那時,我改修愛情社會學,理念先行,永遠是紙上談兵。” 青鳥/綠光 http://blog.chinatimes.com/solyang/archive/2007/08/05/186768.aspx
花一陣子才找到這部電影:凡爾納-->Jules Verne--> Wikipedia
The Green Ray (Le Rayon vert, 1882)
私辦的的 Quality Times (2007/5/11) 有我在台大看了它的剪報
a k a The Green Ray; Le Rayon Vert
1986-France-Romantic Drama/Psychological Drama/Urban Drama
N.Y. Times Review by Vincent Canby
Best 1,000
Summer (Le Rayon Vert) is the fifth of French director Eric Rohmer's
"Comedies et Proverbes" movie cycle. Left out of everyone's Summer
vacation plans, unhappy Parisian student Marie Riviere (Rohmer's star
in all of the "Comedies et Proverbes") accepts an invitation to stay
at her friend's empty apartment in Biarritz. Swedish tourist Carita
tries to snap Riviere out of her bad mood, but the two ladies are
polar opposites in terms of relating to the opposite sex. Carita will
take it any way she can, while Riviere holds out for true romance. A
mystical assignation tied in with the old Jules Verne novel Le Rayon
Vert (The Green Ray) brings Riviere in contact with the man of her
dreams (Vincent Gauthier). An international award winner, Summer was
surprisingly overlooked in France, where director Rohmer was (in the
1980s at least) somewhat taken for granted. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie
Summer (Le Rayon Vert) is the fifth of French director Eric Rohmer's
"Comedies et Proverbes" movie cycle. Left out of everyone's Summer
vacation plans,
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