2007年9月24日 星期一

『巴特遜傳』William Bateson

Beatrice Bateson, WILLIAM BATESON, F.R.S. Naturalist.,His Essays and Addresses , Together With a Short Account of His Life. x & 473 pages., A frontispiece and 3 plates., Cambridge University Press., 1928

我看原書之篇幅可知中文本應該是以文言摘譯要點 (案:指譯其夫人之回憶錄 前160頁 小部分有刪節--譬如說引四首"魯拜集" 一句席勒德文 一段培根 和末文火化少灑骨灰於某地-- 加標題)

Beatrice Bateson. 是傳主夫人: William Bateson, F. R. S. Naturalist (1928, 1985),

這本書,在1930s就有中文本:『巴特遜傳』黃靜淵()譯,商務印書館;台北商務印書館在1971年收入人人文庫” 由於完全沒有其他(原書作者譯者等等)資訊 所以其他資料都屬hc之猜測

按:Bateson.發音近「貝特遜」。按:Bateson.發音近「貝特遜」。有些西方文化自字眼沒弄清楚--Hercules jobs (p.14) "Rock of Ages"指基督教之"彼得" (Peter) 而非"有年代之岩石" (p.128)...

genetics and gene


Milton's protest poem, (On the Late) Massacre in Piedmont, a political poem about the murder of innocents by the Duke of Savoy in Italy. It was like the folk song lyrics, even more elegant."

Milton, in Piedmont, beseeched God: "Forget not: in thy book record their groans/who were thy sheep and in their ancient fold/slain by the bloody Piedmontese that rolled/mother with infant down the rocks. Their moans/the vales redoubled to the hills."

Dylan, too, was channelling his indignation into poetics, this time at the death of a young African-American, Emmett Till: "Then they rolled his body down a gulf amidst a bloody red rain/And they threw him in the waters wide to cease his screaming pain/The reason that they killed him there, and I'm sure it ain't no lie,/Was just for the fun of killin' him and to watch him slowly die."

pp.37-40 談的一幅畫:

31. Madonna di San Sisto
Oil on Canvas
265x196 cm
Dresden Gallery, Germany
Better known under the name of Sistine Madonna, it is the last Madonna painting painted by Raphel (1519). It was painted for the monastery of San Sisto in Piacenza, whence its name. Purchased by Augustus II of Saxony (1753), it was "abducted" by Napolean but returned soon after and restored in 1827. It is now in the Dresden Gallery.
Mary with Child stands on a globe partially covered by clouds, her veil billowing in an imaginery draft coming from the left side of the painting. Draperies left and right of Mary give the impression of a theatrical setting. Mother and Child are framed in contrasting fashion by the older Saint Sixtus (he bears the traits of Julius II, whereas the Virgin resembles the famous Fornarina) and Saint Barbara in the splendor of youth. Mary's expression is one of lofty dignity. Her eyes – like those of her son – reflect according to one commentator "an eternity of unutterable fondness." Legend says that the two little angels were in fact two little boys who climbed up the window of Raphaels's studio and there intently gazed at the artist while he painted.
S. Tome e Principe, em. 1989


兩極區域誌, 魯得摩斯布隆(Rndmose Brown ,R.N)/黃靜淵/臺灣商務, 1970,


韋爾斯[] 世界史綱(上下冊)

從地球形成、生命起源到第一次世界大戰結束,人類的歷史短暫而喧囂。伴隨著文明成長的是無盡的戰爭與殺戮,人類將走向世界大同還是會自取滅亡?威爾斯的 《世界史綱》充滿人文激情、文采斐然又不失史學著作的嚴謹,自1920年面世以來,迄今已重版三十餘次,被譯成二十多種文字傳佈於世界各地。本書是國內最 早的中文譯本,譯校者彙集了梁思成、向達、黃靜淵、陳訓恕、陳建民、梁啟超、秉志、竺可楨、任鴻雋、傅運森、徐則陵、何炳松、程章、朱經農、王雲五等當時 第一流的專家學者,譯工精緻,文詞清順,堪與原書比美。


