He is aware there is a second way to parse his title, with “boring” serving as a verb instead of an adjective: “Not boring others, of course, requires that you take pains not to become boring, as often happens when you begin to bore yourself.”
2007年11月24日 星期六
張貼留言 (Atom)
Some Blogs of Hanching Chung
- Just Words
- new Shorter Oxford
- {錢牧齋柳如是佚詩及柳如是有關資料}
- Essence of Decision :王壽來
- ‘Avoid Boring People’
- Gutenberg Bible
- 訓道篇:Chapter 12
- Irina Palm (2007)
- A Girl from Shanghai by Yu-Feng Hsu
- Reinhold Niebuhr; Candor in the Corridors of Power
- 《 記時詞典》
- 憶 ( 俞平伯詩,豐子愷畫,朱自清跋)
- Webster 1913 Dictionary
- {新創事業在台灣}
- Sylvie Patin《印象……印象主义》(Impression...Impressionnisme)
- 傳道書 Ecclesiastes or The Preacher
- 小林紀晴 Kobayashi Kisei
- *三本歐洲文學史
- Maurois, Andre 1885–1967
- 安邦之道--國家轉型的目標與途徑
- 傳統的發明
- A LIFE OF PICASSO By John Richardson 首三部曲
- 史記會注考證
- I Saw Ramallah
- Confucian Personalities《中國歷史人物論集》
- Future Reading: Digitization and its discontents.
- The End of Medicines?
- 鈦與鈦合金
- 'Harry Potter' offshoot unveiled
- 周作人著{自己的園地} 1923
- 繆鉞全集第五卷: 杜牧研究