2007年11月27日 星期二

Just Words

[jacket image]

Conley, John M. and William M. O'Barr Just Words, Second Edition: Law, Language, and Power. 184 p., 1 line drawing. 6 x 9 1997, 2005 Series: (CSLS) Chicago Series in Law and Society

Paper $16.00sp ISBN: 978-0-226-11488-0 (ISBN-10: 0-226-11488-0) Spring 2005

Is it "just words" when a lawyer cross-examines a rape victim in the hopes of getting her to admit an interest in her attacker? Is it "just words" when the Supreme Court hands down a decision or when business people draw up a contract? In tackling the question of how an abstract entity exerts concrete power, Just Words focuses on what has become the central issue in law and language research: what language reveals about the nature of legal power.

Conley and O'Barr show how the microdynamics of the legal process and the largest questions of justice can be fruitfully explored through the field of linguistics. Each chapter covers a language-based approach to a different area of the law, from the cross-examinations of victims and witnesses to the inequities of divorce mediation. Combining analysis of common legal events with a broad range of scholarship on language and law, Just Words seeks the reality of power in the everyday practice and application of the law. As the only study of its type, the book is the definitive treatment of the topic that will be welcomed by students and specialists alike.


Note on Transcript Conventions
1: The Politics of Law and the Science of Talk
2: The Revictimization of Rape Victims
3: The Language of Mediation
4: Speaking of Patriarchy
5: A Natural History of Disputing
6: The Discourses of Law In Cross-Cultural Perspective
7: The Discourses of Law in Historical Perspective
8: Conclusion


  • ANTHROPOLOGY: Cultural and Social Anthropology
  • LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES: International Law

中國的法律類書籍之出版盛況: "國內第一家法律書店,現書庫存二萬餘種,品種齊全、發貨及時。"



《法律、语言与权力》是《法律语言学译丛》中的一本。作者康利和奥巴尔分别是美国北卡罗来纳大学法学院法学教授和人类学家。本书以法哲学的视角、语言学的 方法,对法制定、法研究、法实践中的专业语言现象进行全面的分析和定位,总结了专业语言符号系统的生成、运用及循环的规律及规则,阐述了这个语言系统存在 的实用意义和文化价值。作者通过系统挖掘、把握法律语言的性质、功能及其在不同语境下的应用规律,归纳了它们的法定规则和习惯规则,并适度分析了应用中的 得与失。本书社会语言学和批判语言学的优秀作品。

這篇我只想談一詞之翻譯l 頁30 的

Pin-drop effect 翻譯成"吊尾效果 "不清楚中文含義

"在律師問另一個問題之前的沉默可被律師用作對此前話語的可信性做出的另一種暗含的評論--幾個調查者所謂的吊尾效果(pin-drop effect ) ...

這其實很簡單 此效應即大家凝神靜聽 注意力特別集中 容易引導聽眾"You could have heard a pin drop,"

Nobody moves, nobody talks and you can hear a pin drop. It’s a desired effect .

