伍迪艾倫 回到倫敦「遇見愛」
In at number 94 in our 100 Best Novels series ... Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel about a retired artist in postwar Japan, An Artist of the Floating World, "reflects on his career during the country’s dark years and is a tour de force of unreliable narration"
2010.09.25 03:37 am
愛情喜劇大師伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)回歸近年創意巔峰源地倫敦,拍攝都會喜劇「命中注定,遇見愛」(You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger),北美25日上映。透過一家兩代人的婚姻變故,探討婚姻、背叛、命運、生活與愛情。
伍迪艾倫每部愛情片,城市都是重要角色。他在紐約拍攝「安妮霍爾」(Annie Hall)、「曼哈頓」(Mannhatan)後,他轉向另一人文氣息濃厚、浪漫與罪惡相交織的城市倫敦。
本片其實是伍迪艾倫「倫敦三部曲」的第三篇,之前他還以倫敦為背景拍了「愛情決勝點」(Match Point)和「遇上塔羅牌情人」(Scoop),同樣是講述婚姻、背叛、人性的貪婪,並都有犯罪情節。在他眼中,倫敦是與紐約一樣,充滿欲望、貪婪、貧 富差距的城市。他希望透過這些城市人的婚姻變故,去探討人的脆弱本性和愛情的複雜。
本片邀集奧斯卡影帝安東尼霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)、潔瑪瓊斯(Gemma Jones)喬許布洛林(Josh Brolin)、娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts)、安東尼歐班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)、菲達品托(Freida Pinto)等眾多老中青優秀影星參與演出。
“Most of us aren’t where the big decisions are made. We do our jobs, and we take pride in them, and we hope that our little contribution is going to be used well.”
—Kazuo Ishiguro, The Art of Fiction No. 196, interviewed by Susannah Hunnewell in “The Paris Review” no. 184 (Spring 2008)

Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 196, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Paris Review is a literary magazine featuring original writing, art, and...
Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan on this day in 1954.
"But that doesn't mean to say, of course, there aren't occasions now and then- extremely desolate occasions—when you think to yourself: 'What a terrible mistake I've made with my life.' And you get to thinking about a different life, a better life you might have had. For instance, I get to thinking about a life I may have had with you, Mr. Stevens. And I suppose that's when I get angry about some trivial little thing and leave. But each time I do, I realize before long—my rightful place is with my husband. After all, there's no turning back the clock now. One can't be forever dwelling on what might have been."
--from "The Remains of the Day"
Here is Kazuo Ishiguro's profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. Stevens, at the end of three decades of service at Darlington Hall, spending a day on a country drive, embarks as well on a journey through the past in an effort to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving the "great gentleman," Lord Darlington. But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington's "greatness," and much graver doubts about the nature of his own life. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/…/the-remains-of-t…/9780307961440/
重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會
由於2010年9月26日晨 無意間又看 HBO
這次重聽 Peter Vaughan - Mr. Stevens, Sr.講的印度管家處理桌下的老虎之故事....
所以取出2005/1/05 寫的作品
重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會之最大一件事是他約有2年戒到明目買書.......
2010.09.25 03:37 am
愛情喜劇大師伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)回歸近年創意巔峰源地倫敦,拍攝都會喜劇「命中注定,遇見愛」(You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger),北美25日上映。透過一家兩代人的婚姻變故,探討婚姻、背叛、命運、生活與愛情。
伍迪艾倫每部愛情片,城市都是重要角色。他在紐約拍攝「安妮霍爾」(Annie Hall)、「曼哈頓」(Mannhatan)後,他轉向另一人文氣息濃厚、浪漫與罪惡相交織的城市倫敦。
本片其實是伍迪艾倫「倫敦三部曲」的第三篇,之前他還以倫敦為背景拍了「愛情決勝點」(Match Point)和「遇上塔羅牌情人」(Scoop),同樣是講述婚姻、背叛、人性的貪婪,並都有犯罪情節。在他眼中,倫敦是與紐約一樣,充滿欲望、貪婪、貧 富差距的城市。他希望透過這些城市人的婚姻變故,去探討人的脆弱本性和愛情的複雜。
本片邀集奧斯卡影帝安東尼霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)、潔瑪瓊斯(Gemma Jones)喬許布洛林(Josh Brolin)、娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts)、安東尼歐班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)、菲達品托(Freida Pinto)等眾多老中青優秀影星參與演出。
A lovely piece on The Guardian website today about The Remains of the Day http://www.theguardian.com/…/the-remains-of-the-day-by-kazu…
“Most of us aren’t where the big decisions are made. We do our jobs, and we take pride in them, and we hope that our little contribution is going to be used well.”
—Kazuo Ishiguro, The Art of Fiction No. 196, interviewed by Susannah Hunnewell in “The Paris Review” no. 184 (Spring 2008)

Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 196, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Paris Review is a literary magazine featuring original writing, art, and...
Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan on this day in 1954.
"But that doesn't mean to say, of course, there aren't occasions now and then- extremely desolate occasions—when you think to yourself: 'What a terrible mistake I've made with my life.' And you get to thinking about a different life, a better life you might have had. For instance, I get to thinking about a life I may have had with you, Mr. Stevens. And I suppose that's when I get angry about some trivial little thing and leave. But each time I do, I realize before long—my rightful place is with my husband. After all, there's no turning back the clock now. One can't be forever dwelling on what might have been."
--from "The Remains of the Day"
Here is Kazuo Ishiguro's profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. Stevens, at the end of three decades of service at Darlington Hall, spending a day on a country drive, embarks as well on a journey through the past in an effort to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving the "great gentleman," Lord Darlington. But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington's "greatness," and much graver doubts about the nature of his own life. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/…/the-remains-of-t…/9780307961440/

重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會
這次重聽 Peter Vaughan - Mr. Stevens, Sr.講的印度管家處理桌下的老虎之故事....
- Anthony Hopkins - Stevens
所以取出2005/1/05 寫的作品
重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會之最大一件事是他約有2年戒到明目買書.......
洪禎國( Hong Chen-kuo)老師八月一日從國立台北商業技術學院 (the National Taipei College of Business)退休。 我上周四說,他要活百歲,如此他選的月退法,才會將台灣經濟拖垮。
他在( 7/21)贈我們一組舊文:「知識分子的情愛與風俗—試探張賢亮的小說世界」、「談當前台灣文化現象」、「台灣的經濟建設—一項回顧與前瞻」、「咖啡與書香—北青座談系列之一」、「經濟方向球專欄(立報)」、「存在的體認與超越」、「詩歌 Epitaph 翻譯」….. 我說他與青年朋友介紹影響他的一些名著「咖啡與書香—北青座談系列之一」最感人。我希望他能繼續補充這未竟的愛書之旅。
今天 HBO再不斷地播好看的電影: The Remains of the Day won the 1989 Booker Prize. 【譯名情況:長日將盡 (臺 )/告別有情天 (港 )/去日留痕 (其他 ) ... 。書籍: 『長日留痕』(南京:譯林出版社,2003) 】我們可以引用主角安東尼.霍普金斯、艾瑪.湯普森在海濱談;「黃昏無限好」來勉勵他,他還有第二春。
電影中有一次重要的 Lord Darlington, 晚晏,該莊園的未來新主人劉易斯舉杯說,舉座嘉賓皆Decent, honorable and well-meaning (『長日留痕』p.100 :正派、體面、本意善良)。
周四洪老師( 31年匠氣)榮退聚會:明目書友會約 20人;周末派約5 人;老包派約3 人;邊城出版約6 人。
明目書友會 /明目幫
賴顯邦 研讀印度學
黃月棋 明目的老闆夫人
鍾漢清 戴明顧問公司 simon university. http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/2adigoxl/
楊灌園 台大農學博士
楊澤 編輯 豬+羊+鞭
賴鼎銘 世新教務長 (2008? 升為校長)
劉后安 法務部
葉春榮 中央研究院人類所
葉春榮 中央研究院人類所
楊碧川 史學家
林長正 電腦程式師
廖為民 一橋出版社
吳錫德 淡江大學教授 (2009升等成功)
劉端翼 時報編輯
張仁傑 淡江大學教授
舒國治 名作家
歐麗娟 台灣大學教授
林國卿 大眾傳播業
涂明德 美語老師
李靜宜 世新圖書館
鄭宏南 自稱「無業遊民」
【記一番還可以補救的缺失。我在四月推出: 明目之友:
洪老師七月底退休流水宴 (確定日期另行通知 )。
陳墇津 政大教授
呂正會 淡大教授
陳惠學 中華工程
蔡其達 時報編輯
潘光哲 中央研究院 (現胡適紀念館和殷海光紀念館主管)
劉鈐佑 群學出版社 (現經營良好)
陳文棋 自由作家
朱道凱 翻譯家
邊城出版 (這高品質出版社出2-3本好書之後就結束營業)
Kazuo Ishiguro: how I wrote The Remains of the Day in four weeks
The author reveals how the Tom Waits song Ruby’s Arms served as inspiration for his Booker prize-winning classic novel