"On Monday, May 17, 1824, near noon, six men gathered in the high-ceilinged drawing room at 50 Albemarle Street, off Piccadilly, in a house that served as both home and office to the publisher John Murray. For days the group had been quarreling among themselves. Alliances shifted. Messages flew back and forth, and meetings between pairs continued through the morning. Once they were finally assembled, an argument flared between two of their number, John Cam Hobhouse, a rising young parliamentarian from a wealthy Bristol family, and Thomas Moore, a Dublin-born poet and grocer's son. Angry words threatened to turn into physical violence. Finally, the decision of the host prevailed, and calm was restored. Murray then asked his sixteen-year-old son to join them. Introduced as heir to his father's business, the boy was invited to witness a momentous event. A servant appeared, carrying two bound manuscript volumes. While the group drew closer to the fire blazing in the grate, two others, Wilmot Horton and Colonel Doyle, took the books and, tearing them apart, fed the pages, covered with handwriting familiar to all those present, to the crackling flames. Within minutes, the memoirs of George Gordon, sixth Lord Byron, were reduced to a mound of ashes."
In this masterful portrait of the poet who dazzled an era and prefigured the modern age of celebrity, noted biographer Benita Eisler offers a fuller and more complex vision than we have yet been afforded of George Gordon, Lord Byron. Eisler reexamines his poetic achievement in the context of his extraordinary life: the shameful and traumatic childhood; the swashbuckling adventures in the East; the instant stardom achieved with the publication ofChilde Harold’s Pilgrimage; his passionate and destructive love affairs, including an incestuous liaison with his half-sister; and finally his tragic death in the cause of Greek independence. This magnificent record of a towering figure is sure to become the new standard biography of Byron. READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/45657/byron-by-benita-…/
"On Monday, May 17, 1824, near noon, six men gathered in the high-ceilinged drawing room at 50 Albemarle Street, off Piccadilly, in a house that served as both home and office to the publisher John Murray. For days the group had been quarreling among themselves. Alliances shifted. Messages flew back and forth, and meetings between pairs continued through the morning. Once they were finally assembled, an argument flared between two of their number, John Cam Hobhouse, a rising young parliamentarian from a wealthy Bristol family, and Thomas Moore, a Dublin-born poet and grocer's son. Angry words threatened to turn into physical violence. Finally, the decision of the host prevailed, and calm was restored. Murray then asked his sixteen-year-old son to join them. Introduced as heir to his father's business, the boy was invited to witness a momentous event. A servant appeared, carrying two bound manuscript volumes. While the group drew closer to the fire blazing in the grate, two others, Wilmot Horton and Colonel Doyle, took the books and, tearing them apart, fed the pages, covered with handwriting familiar to all those present, to the crackling flames. Within minutes, the memoirs of George Gordon, sixth Lord Byron, were reduced to a mound of ashes."
In this masterful portrait of the poet who dazzled an era and prefigured the modern age of celebrity, noted biographer Benita Eisler offers a fuller and more complex vision than we have yet been afforded of George Gordon, Lord Byron. Eisler reexamines his poetic achievement in the context of his extraordinary life: the shameful and traumatic childhood; the swashbuckling adventures in the East; the instant stardom achieved with the publication ofChilde Harold’s Pilgrimage; his passionate and destructive love affairs, including an incestuous liaison with his half-sister; and finally his tragic death in the cause of Greek independence. This magnificent record of a towering figure is sure to become the new standard biography of Byron. READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/45657/byron-by-benita-…/
Born: January 22, 1788, Dover, United Kingdom
Died: April 19, 1824, Missolonghi, Greece
Spouse: Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron (m. 1815–1816)
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad.
Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
Born: January 22, 1788, Dover, United Kingdom
Died: April 19, 1824, Missolonghi, Greece
Spouse: Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron (m. 1815–1816)
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad.
Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
《含淚的微笑》與《遠方》是許達然前期散文的代表作,抒情意味濃厚,在玄想中帶有 ...
Thou pendulum betwixt a smile and tear.
Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV (1818), Stanza 109.
The poet Lord Byron was born #onthisday in 1788.#DiscoverLiterature to see Byron’s mock-epic version of the famous Don Juan legend. http://bit.ly/1CeYcVb
Image: Manuscript of the sixth and seventh Cantos of Lord Byron’s epic poem Don Juan (1819–24).
拜倫書信選 天津: 百花 1992
懂得英文的人一定知道,英文本有詳註, 所以資訊豐富得太多了。
The Letters and Journals of Lord Byron Vol 1 (1798-1811) - Google 圖書
books.google.com/books?isbn=1406824240...Lord George Gordon Byron - 2007 - Literary Collections - 272 頁London, August 11, 1807. On Sunday next I set off for the Highlands. ... in the Thames from Lambeth through the two bridges, Westminster and Blackfriars, ...
1 雅典的少女:拜倫詩歌精粹
拜倫Byron的『唐璜』長詩翻譯在 『穆旦(查良錚)譯文集』(八卷)北京:人民文學,2005 ,第 1-2卷。
Dull is the eye that will not weep to see
Thy walls defaced, thy mouldering shrines removed
By British hands, which it had best behoved
To guard those relics ne'er to be restored.
Curst be the hour when from their isle they roved,
And once again thy hapless bosom gored,
And snatch'd thy shrinking gods to northern climes abhorred!
Lord Byron, "Childe Harold"
*ch張華「Roman Holiday(重溫林以亮的文章),發現這個成語可有三個面向:一、「甲方」(羅馬人)的角度: 把快樂建築在人的痛苦上。二、「乙方」(奴隸)的角度: 犧牲自己,娛樂他人(你文中的用法)三、「借形」用法: 也即只採用字面的意義,我覺得電影用的是這個層面。 」」
很有意思。Herbert Simon在自傳中用它說一流的學術界競爭激烈,
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto iv. Stanza 140.
There were his young barbarians all at play; There was their Dacian mother: he, their sire, Butcher'd
to make a Roman holiday! Canto iv. Stanza 141. ...
From Blake to Byron (The Pelican Guide to English Literature, 5) (Mass Market Paperback)
This book opens with an essay on the Social Setting of the Romantic Period ,1780-1830 by Edgell Rickword. Its second chapter is devoted to a survey essay by D.W. Harding, 'The Character of the Literature from Blake to Byron'. There then follow essays on individual writers, Blake, George Crabbe, Burns, Walter Scott, Jane Austen, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron. There are also two additional essays one by G.D. Klingopulos on 'The Spirit of the Age in Prose', and another by Geoffrey Grigson on 'English Painting from Blake to Byron'.
I focused on the essays on Coleridge, , Wordsworth, and Keats.
The collection is informatively rich, although the academic-quality of the writing seemed to at times contradict the spirit of the work written about.
所以,書名的涵義是:(It covers the period) From Blake to Byron