2012年10月9日 星期二
*** 愛智合作社連絡【33】:「百歲萬歲」之「日日是好日」
今天讀ft之business life專欄,談英國麥當勞也有類似的問題:
The milkshakes contain pig fat and whale blubber. The burgers are padded with worm meat. Traces of bird feather have been found in the ice cream. The french fries are manufactured from wood pulp. The apple pies are filled with potato . . .
明目書社買書:1 法語發音與糾音(附卡帶2卷)
目前家中無TAPE READER,不過這是因為要讀Roland Barthes 的L'obvie et L'obtus 文集中所談的「音調」(melody)等主題,買來接觸一下。
這本書的英文本書名似乎也從回響等處著眼:The Responsibility of Forms:Critical Essays on Music, Art, and Representation Translated by Richard Howard.【根據 rl的解釋:「……obvie本來的形容詞意思是「最明顯的」,能當名詞的話,我給它藏系佛學裡的「顯」義;obtus本來的形容詞意思是「遲鈍的」,能 當名詞的話,我也給它佛學裡的「鈍」義。」……】我猜,原來作者要談的,都是很「明顯」的,可是人們的觀察和感受能力對「習以為常」,反應遲鈍?
2 『歷史與轉義:隱喻的興衰』
本書無索引,不過我是發現它 pp.174-75中有 Barthes關於『語言的微妙之聲』 (The Rustle of Language, by Roland Barthes)的討論。
3 迦梨陀娑詩歌戲劇選:印度的,我還沒仔細看。
這首詩,是上月讀的啦!原想寫「我所不知道的巴黎」。前幾天和 rl和 oba 談;
在隔一天聽孫之演講,他的打油東西 「博士多如狗 大師滿街走」,跟這首當然無關!
我的文題談到dog,並加以聯想,當然與這首之理解不同,多不相關;雖說在「answers dot com」輸入 dog,就可以找到這所謂俗稱 「go to the dogs」 --意思
To go to ruin; degenerate
我已經說過/暗示過,可以從網路找到a paltry thing之用法,諸如
An aged man is but a paltry thing, 此用法出處文 Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats
這種「瑣碎、無價值、微不足道...... 」等等等,應是比較常用的意思。
其他部分,就各自了解啦。這整本E. M 之詩集,都是這種或許可說有點禪意的短詩。
"We use close-range laser scanners and photogrammetry to create full three-dimensional models," he says.
查一下close-range laser scanners 和 photogrammetry
人生或許是一場打不贏的戰爭;每天都是Albert Camus 所說的The Myth of Sisyphus;每天或每回都要往山上努力推大石…….
日本NHK 今年有一「百歲萬歲」之節目:報導百歲老人之日常生活。
「早上發現野百合幼苗已竄出(不計其數)三、四公分,驚喜萬分。」(11月9日);…….「記野百合已長高約至 30 公分」(12月1日)。
這周末,我們有聚會(12/17(六) 10:30~16:30 本校朋友聚會 (台北 張瑞麟家));朋友多忙著自己的事。
Oba 留言:
To: 瑞麟,我的好厝邊
轉換職場 -- 改變「投路」(台語「職業」之意)十年,…..。不知道自己了解多少「世間的真理」(俗諦(世俗諦))? 我最大的了悟是,生命是有限的,成就更是微不足道。
我的甥兒現在大一。上周一,一大早跟他去公館搭車(往基隆),由於時間很充裕,就帶他去台大內吃早點、逛校園……今天,他睡遲了,我教他趕車去…..。他忘掉拿其電子器材….. 。我竟然不會像太太想到將它關機。
RL 綜合答覆:
Oba 自己就是一部法漢大辭典,《我的法漢辭典》還不夠看。嘿!當ShowGirl?哇喔!有本錢耶:-)預祝接待成功!這回不能來,記得四月底來賞野百合。喜 歡賞葉的也隨時歡迎:-)不用敲門就可以觀賞到。大概在一月初就要用開始繩子加以固定,還要視情況調整。上個月我家賢內助還向附近整建的房東要回一棵本來 要剷除的老桂樹,我們估計樹齡大概有三四十年。希望它元氣仍在,看春天來的時候會不會發芽。因為被我的賢內助看到時,這棵老桂樹已經全身赤裸了。
Live Your Life So That You Will Have No Regrets
by Nancy Yucius
When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying dozens of times, "Live your life so that at the end of it you'll have no regrets." She sure did. She was her city's first licensed female pilot, went alone in 1936 on a six-month bicycling tour of Europe, raised three girls and helped my dad build their retirement house. She did all the things she wanted to do and died at peace with her life in 2001 at age 88.
Living my life so I'd have "no regrets" was a lesson I took in and believed in. I saved dimes and quarters while paying my way through college to save for my own three-month tour of Europe. I've gone up in a hot-air balloon, traveled extensively, worked for good causes in my church and taught hundreds of children to read during my 23-plus-year career as a special education teacher for Massachusetts public schools.
My husband, David, and I raised three happy, productive children, all married now, and enjoy our eight grandchildren. I've been lucky enough to have had a supportive husband who has allowed me to live my life as I wanted to live it. He did double duty around the house when I went back to school to get my master's degree, watched nervously as I took a ride on a Harley and silently cringed when I insisted on going parasailing. He worriedly wished me bon voyage several times as I traveled far and wide during summers when he had to work.
I never worried, though, because I abide by this life-affirming passage I found a few years ago. This, I believe: "Everyone is dying all the time. Everyone is also living all the time. It's all in your perspective which one you're experiencing! Choose wisely." It's so much like my mother's advice. And it's helping me now.
Eight months ago, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with colon cancer. Since then, I've had surgeries and several rounds of chemotherapy. Statistics say I have about another year to live. Maybe I do, or maybe I'll have more. No matter: I refuse to let cancer change my philosophy. When I feel well, I pack in as many experiences as I can. I visit friends, travel, laugh, read wonderful novels, play with our grandchildren and cherish those I love.
I believe in living my life. At some point -- hopefully much later than the doctors predict -- I'll feel too poor to enjoy what used to give me pleasure. Then, I hope to do just as my mother did. I'll reminisce with family and friends about my wonderful life experiences. I'll savor my memories. And I'll say to anyone who'll listen, "I believe you should live your life so that at the end of it you will have no regrets."
Nancy Yucius' essay was also published in the Oct. 9 edition of USA Weekend, our newspaper partner for 'This I Believe.'
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