2004年讀到:……「規模宏大,氣勢磅礡的史詩劇《列王》(1907-08 HC按:應為1903-08,即《统治者》)。
這部以拿破崙戰爭為題材,描寫「巨大的歷史災難或各民族之間的衝突」(《列王》 序)的史詩劇,共分三卷,十九幕,一百三十場,既是一部以英國和整個歐洲社會的重大變革為背景的歷史詩劇,也是一部富有深刻哲理的關於人類命運的悲劇史詩。《列王》問世後震動了英國文壇,受到歐美評論界的一致稱頌,認為《列王》是哈代最偉大的作品,充分顯示了哈代的才華,堪與彌爾頓的史詩《失樂園》和俄國文豪托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》媲美。」(劉新民《哈代文集 詩選 前言》 人民文學出版社(p.3))
1880 《喇叭-市長》出版。這是哈代最早涉及拿破崙戰爭題材的作品。HC評:《喇叭-市長》翻譯錯誤,應該是《喇叭長》({Trumpet major} (Mil.), the chief trumpeter of a band or regiment. )這本小說網路可取得:http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext01/trpmj10.txt ,無中文翻譯,有日文翻譯本(邦訳)ラッパ長)。
1903哈代擴充了關於拿破崙及其王朝破滅的劇作,出版《統治者》第一部。哈代將其視為自己的傑作。1906 《統治者》第二部出版。1908 《統治者》第三部出版。
哈代『統治者』(十冊)(THE DYNASTS: AN EPIC-DRAMA OF THE WAR WITH NAPOLEON)杜衡譯(漢譯世界名著甲編六百冊),台北:商務印書館,1966。這應該是大陸時期的作品在台灣再出版(上海商務印書館印『萬有文庫之三』),不過,大陸似乎也只有專家才知道有這本翻譯。
◎ (德)海纳(海涅)著《还乡集》,杜衡译,尚志书屋出版,1929。
◎ 蘇汶(杜衡)譯的《無產階級藝術底批評》,1928;
◎ 施蟄存《〈戴望舒譯詩集〉序》,《文藝百話》第224頁,華東師範大學出版社,1994年。按,由戴望舒和杜衡合譯的這部《道生詩歌全集》也有部分曾在當時刊物上發表,如署名戴望舒、杜衡譯的《道生詩抄》載於1929年11月15日出版的《新文藝》第1卷第3號,"全集"則在戴望舒死後由施蟄存保存,居然無損無厄,如今已全部編入浙江文藝出版社1989年出版的《戴望舒詩全編》中。
日文有The dynasts (『霸者』詩劇---研究社英文学叢書) / Thomas Hardy著・〔沢村寅二郎訳注〕1983
The dynasts : an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts, and one hundred and thirty scenes, the time covered by the action being about ten years / by Thomas Hardy ; edited by Harold Orel. - London : Macmillan , 1978. - (His The new Wessex edition).
Thomas Hardy's epic drama: a study of The Dynasts.
H Orel Lawrence, University of Kansas Publications, 1963
Hardy's Poetic Vision in the Dynasts: The Diorama of a Dream S Dean
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977
The overworld debate in Thomas Hardy' s The dynasts -
JL Harris University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1988
[CITATION] The dynasts: unity in irony, a critical study. HG Posey
University of Wisconsin, 1964
Thomas Hardy, Monism, and the Carnival Tradition: The One and the Many in the Dynasts
G. Glen Wickens (著) ハードカバー (2002/08/01) Univ of Toronto Pr
Thomas Hardy's Tragic Poetry: The Lyrics and the Dynasts
Katherine Kearney Maynard (著)
Thomas Hardy's tragic poetry: the lyrics and The dynasts
KK Maynard Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 1991
Thomas Hardy and the Cosmic Mind: A New Reading of The Dynasts - JO Bailey -
Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1956
The dynasts; an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon. - T Hardy London, New York, Macmillan; St. Martin's Press, 1965
Thomas Hardy; a study of the Wessex novels, the poems, and The dynasts. HC Duffin -
Manchester: UP of Manchester, 1937
Thomas Hardy and the Cosmic Mind: A New Reading of the Dynasts –
『統治者』(第十冊)有一字 Inniskillens,當 初翻譯的人不知道意思(p.1578)。現在,我們可以了解 它是愛爾蘭的皇軍of Ireland and the Scots' Greys whose "terrible grey horses" made Napoleon wince at Waterloo. What soldier would not glory in pointing to the number of his regiment of Heavies, and saying I am of the ...
1880 《喇叭-市長》出版。這是哈代最早涉及拿破崙戰爭題材的作品。
哈代『統治者』(十冊)(THE DYNASTS: AN EPIC-DRAMA OF THE WAR WITH NAPOLEON)杜衡譯(漢譯世界名著甲編六百冊),台北:
◎ (德)海纳(海涅)著《还乡集》,杜衡译,尚志书屋出版,
◎ 蘇汶(杜衡)譯的《無產階級藝術底批評》,1928;
◎ 施蟄存《〈戴望舒譯詩集〉序》,《文藝百話》第224頁,
日文有The dynasts (『霸者』詩劇---研究社英文学叢書) / Thomas Hardy著・〔沢村寅二郎訳注〕1983
The dynasts : an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts, and one hundred and thirty scenes, the time covered by the action being about ten years / by Thomas Hardy ; edited by Harold Orel. - London : Macmillan , 1978. - (His The new Wessex edition).
Thomas Hardy's epic drama: a study of The Dynasts.
H Orel Lawrence, University of Kansas Publications, 1963
Hardy's Poetic Vision in the Dynasts: The Diorama of a Dream S Dean
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977
The overworld debate in Thomas Hardy' s The dynasts -
JL Harris University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1988
[CITATION] The dynasts: unity in irony, a critical study. HG Posey
University of Wisconsin, 1964
Thomas Hardy, Monism, and the Carnival Tradition: The One and the Many in the Dynasts
G. Glen Wickens (著) ハードカバー (2002/08/01) Univ of Toronto Pr
Thomas Hardy's Tragic Poetry: The Lyrics and the Dynasts
Katherine Kearney Maynard (著)
Thomas Hardy's tragic poetry: the lyrics and The dynasts
KK Maynard Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 1991
Thomas Hardy and the Cosmic Mind: A New Reading of The Dynasts - JO Bailey -
Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1956
The dynasts; an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon. - T Hardy London, New York, Macmillan; St. Martin's Press, 1965
Thomas Hardy; a study of the Wessex novels, the poems, and The dynasts. HC Duffin -
Manchester: UP of Manchester, 1937
Thomas Hardy and the Cosmic Mind: A New Reading of the Dynasts –
『統治者』(第十冊)有一字 Inniskillens,