2011年7月15日 星期五

Authentic leadership: rediscovering the secrets to creating lasting value


Bill George真誠領導(Authentic Leadership) 陳景蔚、鄭新嘉譯台北:天下雜誌出版社2004

n suburban Minneapolis, Minnesota,[1] is the world's largest[citation needed] medical technology company and is a Fortune 500 company.


Medtronic was founded in 1949 in a garage in northeast Minneapolis by Earl Bakken and his brother-in-law Palmer Hermundslie as a medical equipment repair shop. They originally wanted to sell basketball pumps due to a shortage in the Midwest in the 20th century. Bakken began as a graduate student in electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota before he gave up his studies to focus on Medtronic.

Through their repair business, Bakken came to know C. Walton Lillehei, a pioneer in the field of heart surgery then at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Lillehei was frustrated with the pacemakers of the day, which were quite large, applied electrical current externally (requiring higher voltages), and had to be plugged in to a wall outlet to operate. The deficiencies of such pacemakers were made painfully obvious following a power outage over Halloween in 1957 which affected large sections of Minnesota and western Wisconsin.[2] As a direct result of this blackout, a pediatric patient of Dr. Lillehei who was pacemaker-dependent died. The next day, Lillehei spoke with Bakken about developing some form of battery-powered pacemaker. Stemming from this need, Bakken modified a design for a transistorized metronome to create the first battery-powered external artificial pacemaker.

The company expanded through the 1950s, mostly selling equipment built by other companies, but also developing some custom devices. Bakken built a small transistorized pacemaker that could be strapped to the body and powered by batteries. Work into this new field continued, producing an implantable pacemaker in 1960. Medtronic's main competitors in the cardiac rhythm field include Boston Scientific and St. Jude Medical.

The company remains very focused on the mission originally written by co-founder Earl Bakken in the early-1960s. The first paragraph of the 6 paragraph mission statement reads:

"To contribute to human welfare by application of biomedical engineering in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of instruments or appliances that alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life."

Authentic leadership:

rediscovering the secrets to creating lasting value
John Wiley and Sons, 2003 - 217 頁
In the wake of continuing corporate scandals there have been few, if any, CEOs that have stepped forward as models of "doing things right"—except the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, Bill George. George has become the unofficial spokesperson for responsible leadership—in business, the media, and academia.

In Authentic Leadership Bill George makes the case that we do need new leaders, not just new laws, to bring us out of the current corporate crisis. He persuasively demonstrates that authentic leaders of mission-driven companies will create far greater shareholder value than financially oriented companies. During George's twelve-year leadership at Medtronic, the company's market capitalization soared from $1.1 billion to $460 billion, averaging 35% per year.

George candidly recounts many of the toughest challenges he encountered -- from ethical dilemmas and battles with the FDA to his own development as a leader. He shows how to develop the five essential dimensions of authentic leaders—purpose, values, heart, relationships, and self-discipline. Authentic Leadership offers inspiring lessons to all who want to lead with heart and with compassion for those they serve.

Bill George helps readers answer vital questions such as: What should I do when my personal values conflict with company business values? How do I make trade-offs between the needs of my customers, my employees, and my company's shareholders? Do I really want to devote my talents to business? Authentic Leadership provides a tested guide for character-based leaders and all those who have a stake in the integrity and success of our corporations.

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真誠領導 Authentic Leadership


   醫療儀器大廠美敦利(Medtronic)公司前總裁比爾‧喬治親筆撰寫這本《真正的領導》。喬治領導美敦利12年期間,公司市值從11億美元躍升至 600億美元,平均每年成長35﹪。優異的獲利績效、成功的領導典範,讓他屢獲「風雲高階經理人」、「最佳董事」、「最佳經理人」榮銜。什麼是真正的領 導?怎樣才符合真正的領導人?喬治告訴你:「做對的事」(Doing thing right)。



  • 了解自己領導的目的:了解你自己、你的領導熱情與潛在的動能。
  • 創建穩固的價值:價值理念堅定的領導人,知道己真正的方向,具備判斷是非的洞察力。
  • 用心領導:激發員工貢獻所長、提供最佳服務的動力。
  • 建立良好的人際關係:與部屬、團隊、外界建立開放與深厚互信基礎。
  • 展現高度自律:目標明確、信念堅定,在嚴酷市場中永保競爭力。


       比爾‧喬治(Bill George)曾任美國醫療科技大廠美敦利(Medtronic)公司總裁與執行長長達十二年,現為高盛證券(Goldman Sachs)、塔吉克(Target)百貨與諾華藥廠(Novartis)董事,並獲耶魯大學聘為高階經理人駐校講座(executive-in- residence)、瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)聘任教授。
      喬治是喬治亞理工學院工業工程學士,哈佛大學企管碩士,並為哈佛商學院貝克學者 獎得主。先後在漢威聯合(Honeywell)公司、國防電子產品製造商李頓工業公司(Litton Industries)擔任高階管理職務,也曾在美國國防部服務。因其卓越領導,曾獲美國管理學會選為「2001年度風雲高階經理人」、全美董事協會 (National Association of Corporate Directors)選為「2001-02年度最佳董事」、Business Week選為「25位年度最佳經理人」之一,並獲華頓商學院選為「25年來最具影響力商業領袖」。
      除在商業界表現傑出,也積極投入公益慈 善領域,是美國紅十字協會、卡內基國際和平基金會董事會成員,並先後擔任Allina Health System、Abbott Northwestern醫院、國際聯合勸募協會大雙子城區分部、先進醫療技術協會(AdvaMed)主席。現與妻子潘妮共同創立喬治基金會 (George Family Foundation)。
      現階段喬治把重心放在領導、治理與培育新一代領導人的工作上。他的論述常獲《哈佛商 業評論》、《華頓領導文摘》(Wharton Leadership Digest)、《Corporate Boards》、《Directors and Boards》、《Corporate Director》等刊物刊載。包括《紐約時報》、《財星》雜誌、知名新聞節目「面對國家」(Face the Nation)、美國公共電視節目「新聞出擊」(News Hour with Jim Lehrer),以及美國國家公共廣播公司(NPR)節目「全方位思考」(All Things Considered)等主流媒體也常引用他的意見。

  • 詳細資料

    • 叢書系列:天下財經
    • 規格:平裝 / 21*15cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
    • 出版地:台灣


    前言 領導人都到哪兒去了?

  • 第一部 成為「真正的領導人」
    1 領導是真誠,而非風格 p.53 有錯 Herman Miller (not Howard Miller) /第56頁第2行翻譯錯誤 "sent Nelson into high gear." 並不是什麼"規劃激勵方案...."
    2 領導人的蛻變
    3 均衡的生活
  • 第二部 建立一家真正的公司
    4 激勵的源頭是使命感,而非金錢
    5 價值理念不會說謊
    6 笨蛋!顧客至上啊!
    7 不只是執行長而已
    8 誰最重要:顧客或股東
  • 第三部 殘酷的市場
    9 七個致命過失—成長的陷阱
    10 克服阻礙—沒什麼能阻擋你
    11 企業倫理的兩難—入境毋須隨俗
    12 從心創新
    13 併購不只是金錢
    14 股東只排第三
  • 第四部 獲利結果之外
    15 治理就是治理
    16 冒險行事
    17 準備交接……繼續前行

    結語 若非我,那麼是誰?若非現在,又是何時?

  • 簡介:

    好領導人都到哪裡去了?分別被美國《Business Week》及賓州大學華頓商學院選為最佳經理人及最具影響力商業領袖的醫療大廠美敦利(Medtronic)前任執行長比爾喬治(Bill George),在新書《真誠領導》(Authentic Leadership)中強調,真誠、正直、做自己,才是真正的好領導,也是企業厚植永續競爭力的關鍵。在十二年的執行長任內,比爾喬治讓美敦利的市值從 十一億美元,躍升為六百億美元,平均年成長率達三五%,證明以真誠領導非但不是市場毒藥,反而是成功的唯一根本。

    醫療儀器大廠美敦利(Medtronic)公司前總裁比爾‧喬治親筆撰寫這本《真誠領導》。喬治領導美敦利12年期間,公司市值從11億美元躍升 至600億美元,平均每年成長35﹪。優異的獲利績效、成功的領導典範,讓他屢獲「風雲高階經理人」、「最佳董事」、「最佳經理人」榮銜。什麼是真正的領 導?怎樣才符合真正的領導人?喬治告訴你:「做對的事」(Doing thing right)。




