Strand Bookstore is an independent bookstore located in New York City's East Village. Its slogan is "18 Miles of Books". The store is famous among New Yorkers for its giant collection of publishers' overstock, used, rare, and out-of-print books, as well as the chaos on and around its shelves. The store houses the city's largest collection of rare books, and is also a contender for the title of world's largest used bookstore, its major competitor in this regard being Powell's Books of Portland, Oregon. The Strand occupies 55,000 square feet of space while Powell's flagship Burnside location has over 68,000.
A family-owned business with more than 200 employees, the Strand was opened by Benjamin Bass in 1927 on 4th Avenue's Book Row. His son Fred took over the business in 1956 and soon moved the store to the present location at the corner of East 12th Street and Broadway. They gave jobs in the store to many Lower East Side artists, including Patti Smith (who claimed not to have liked the experience because it "wasn't very friendly")[1] and Tom Verlaine, both rock artists of the 1970s. Fred's daughter Nancy is co-owner of the store, and is also married to U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. The store occupies three and a half floors, using half a floor for offices and one additional floor as warehouse space.
位於紐約曼哈頓14街與百老匯大道的聯合廣場(Union Square)是一個獨特的所在。一眼看上去,它只是一個休憩所與交通樞紐。地鐵站的出口在這裡,許多路巴士在不同的街道設有站點。所謂的廣場,不過是圍繞著華盛頓雕像約莫20-30平米左右的一片小空地,四周蔥鬱地圍繞著一個小型公園。
它是一個文化中心。紐約大學散落在許多街區中的校園延伸到這裡,許多學生和教師的公寓就摻雜在民房之中,往來無白丁。於是這裡樹立著“維珍唱片”的旗艦店,與大型書店連鎖Barnes & Noble和Borders相互呼應。
可是,如果你是讀書之人,你到了聯合廣場,卻沒有到Strand書店,那就相當於,你既沒有來過聯合廣場,也沒有來過紐約。普利策獎得主喬治•威爾(George Will)說:“這個城市唯一值得保存的8英里就在百老匯大街和第12街的交匯處,它們擠滿在Strand Book Store的書架上。”
可是我說的是“二手書店”,而不是舊書店。事實上,Strand裡面的書,相當大的一部分,都是新書、暢銷書。 Strand一共有3層半。地下一層全是新書和暢銷書,價格多數在定價的一半或者75折。這些書的來源多數是全美各地的書評人。