2011年9月7日 星期三

The Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memoyr 超負荷的大腦︰信息過載與工作記憶的極限

The Overflowing Brain

Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory
ISBN13: 9780195372885ISBN10: 0195372883 Hardback, 224 pages
Sep 2008, In Stock


$21.95 (02)


As the pace of technological change accelerates, we are increasingly experiencing a state of information overload. Statistics show that we are interrupted every three minutes during the course of the work day. Multitasking between email, cell-phone, text messages, and four or five websites while listening to an iPod forces the brain to process more and more informaton at greater and greater speeds. And yet the human brain has hardly changed in the last 40,000 years.

Are all these high-tech advances overtaxing our Stone Age brains or is the constant flood of information good for us, giving our brains the daily exercise they seem to crave? In The Overflowing Brain, cognitive scientist Torkel Klingberg takes us on a journey into the limits and possibilities of the brain. He suggests that we should acknowledge and embrace our desire for information and mental challenges, but try to find a balance between demand and capacity. Klingberg explores the cognitive demands, or "complexity," of everyday life and how the brain tries to meet them. He identifies different types of attention, such as stimulus-driven and controlled attention, but focuses chiefly on "working memory," our capacity to keep information in mind for short periods of time. Dr Klingberg asserts that working memory capacity, long thought to be static and hardwired in the brain, can be improved by training, and that the increasing demands on working memory may actually have a constructive effect: as demands on the human brain increase, so does its capacity.

The book ends with a discussion of the future of brain development and how we can best handle information overload in our everyday lives. Klingberg suggests how we might find a balance between demand and capacity and move from feeling overwhelmed to deeply engaged.


"[The Overflowing Brain] is a highly sane look at the increasingly insane demands of the information age."--Publishers Weekly

"Klingberg does his best to keep the material accessible, with lots of anecdotes..."--Washington Post

Named Most Important Book of 2008 by SharpBrains.com!

"...[The Overflowing Brain] has a scholarly tone, but Klingberg provides a good balance between the science and the practical...An interesting book..."--Sacramento Book Review

"Klingberg writes in an engaging, conversational style....He...does a straightforward job of explaining the background science without being overly simplistic....The description of his initial pilot studies, his larger validation experiments, and his extension to neuroimaging studies makes for an interesting narrative..."--New England Journal of Medicine

"...an elegant scientific book of the most accessible type...."--Neuron

"There are several reasons I think so highly of this book... Klingberg brilliantly and (yes) patiently explains for non-scholars such as I (a) how and why our brains overflow with an increasingly greater number of 'messages' from an increasingly greater number of information sources (e.g. other persons, electronic and print media, The Web, telephones, billboard), (b) how and why at least some of it is retained by working and long-term memory capabilities, and (c) what we must do to achieve and then maintain a balance of working load with working memory capacity..."--Dallas Business Commentary Examiner

"Klingberg presents a lively and well-informed survey of a number of topics dealing broadly with attention, working memory, intelligence, and neuroscience....Klingberg writes beautifully, and he is strikingly knowledgeable about a variety of topics in cognition and neuroscience. By the end of the book, Klingberg has made an important and persuasive case for the importance of the systematic training of working memory."--As reviewed in PsycCRITIQUES

"How to measure, train and enhance working memory is the subject of The Overflowing Brain, an absorbing first book by neuroscientist and physician, Torkel Klingberg, who is well known for his studies of young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder...Klingberg's brief book packs a considerable punch."--The Lancet

作者:[瑞典]克林貝里譯者:周建國 周東

這 是一個被稱為信息大爆炸的時代。為了在這個時代中生活和工作,人們開始邊走路邊打手機,邊開會邊收發電子郵件,邊看電視新聞邊瀏覽電腦網頁,還要在紛亂嘈 雜的環境中一心一意地與人對話、完成手頭的工作。對此,許多人有力不從心之感。是不是我們所創造的信息文明已經超出了我們生物性大腦的容量?托克爾‧克林 貝里,一位認知神經科學領域的學術領袖,在《超負荷的大腦(信息過載與工作記憶的極限)》這本權威性的著作中,將關于大腦進化的討論、神經科學的歷史、最 前沿的科研方法學、信息理論,以及對神經可塑性的最新見解和關于多種神經發育疾病的全面綜述,巧妙地結合在一起,《超負荷的大腦(信息過載與工作記憶的極 限)》用深入淺出、引人入勝的敘述方式,向讀者解釋了什麼是“超負荷的大腦”,並試圖回答︰我們大腦處理信息的能力為什麼是有限的?這對我們的日常生活有 什麼影響?我們如何通過腦力鍛煉而拓展這些極限?



第一章 引言︰石器時代的在腦遭遇信息洪流
第二章 信息門戶
第三章 心智工作台
第四章 工作記憶的模型
第五章 大腦與神奇數字7
第六章 協同能力與腦力帶寬
第七章 華萊士悖論
第八章 大腦可塑性
第九章 ADHD存在嗎?
第十章 認知健身房
第十一章 腦力的日常鍛煉
第十二章 電腦游戲
第十三章 弗林效應
第十四章 神經認知的強化
第十五章 信息洪流與心流

曼哈頓向來不是個安靜的地方,但是在過去10年左右的時間里.它紛亂的節奏又達到了一個新高度。手機和iPod可謂來勢洶洶!它們的出現會成為社會走向自 我毀滅的拐點嗎?人們一邊走路一邊听音樂、打電話、發短信、拍照片,還得盡量避免撞上其他人。這可不是那麼容易的事情。所以你每天都能看到有人因為專心致 志地看手機而被人絆倒、被狗絆倒、被消防栓絆倒。撞上了牆,甚至險些撞上飛馳而來的汽車。

一個稀里糊涂的路人因為專注手上的小玩意而分心乏術鬧出笑話,這樣的畫面或許很滑稽。但也標志性地反映出我們這個時代的特色以及我們的文化所面臨的挑戰。 我們越來越受到信息流(information flows)的驅使。所以,當政客和經濟學家為石油供給不足以維持社會運轉而憂心忡忡之時,我們應該同樣為過量且高度重復的信息供給令普羅大眾越來越思緒 紛亂、失去方向而擔憂。

普通人究竟能一心多用[即多任務處理(multitasking)]到什麼程度而又能避免被汽車或其他人撞翻?我們的大腦是從遠比現在平靜的世界進化而來 的,那麼我們的文明是否已經達到了,或者說超越了我們這顆大腦的容量了呢?人類多任務和並行加工(parallel processing)的能力是否有極限呢?我們能夠對這些極限進行嚴謹的研究嗎?我們可以通過對大腦的訓練而超越這些極限嗎? 對于這些問題,很少有人能夠比克林貝里更有發言權。克林貝里博士在瑞典和美國都學習並從事過非常重要的研究.他不僅了解認知神經科學(cognitive neuroscience)領域中最前沿的基礎研究,而且對這些研究結果對人們日常生活和相關疾病患者的潛在意義,極有真知灼見。這一能力使他成為該領域 中的佼佼者。克林貝里博士是著名的斯德哥爾摩卡羅林斯卡研究院的認知神經科學教授,在那里,他主持著一項大規模研究,其中應用到了包括功能性磁共振成像 (functional magnetic resonance imaging,縮寫為fM- RI)、彌散張量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,縮寫為DTI)以及神經網絡建模(neural-network modeling)等多項尖端科技,其目的在于揭示執行功能(executive functions)和注意(attention)的機制,以及在發育過程中各種可能導致這些功能異常的原因。他的研究成果還包括一種通過訓練工作記憶 (working memory)而修復認知功能的方法,這一方法目前已經應用于歐洲和美國了。

談論大腦時下正流行,過去的幾年里有關大腦的流行讀物已經儼然自成一派。《超負荷的大腦》(The Over flowing Brain)憑借其廣度、深入淺出和引入入勝的敘述方式從這些書中脫穎而出。本書最早于2007年以瑞典語出版並大受好評,其英文版也成為一本具有權威水 準、涉及話題廣泛、寫作質量上乘、備受大眾關注的科學普及讀物。

經過孜孜不倦地精益求精,克林貝里將關于進化的討論、神經科學的歷史、最前沿的科研方法學、信息理論、對神經可塑性的最新見解,以及關于多種神經發育疾病 的全面綜述,巧妙地結合在一起,以此來更好地解釋我們“超負荷的大腦”。其他眾多面向普通大眾的“大腦讀物”均出自專業記者和科學作家之手,所述的也是些 關于認知神經科學的二手知識。克林貝里這本書的優勢在于,這是一本由一位科研界真正的學術領袖所著的權威性著作。克林貝里並沒有手下留情︰他通過力求精確 和翔實來表達對讀者的敬意,而不是像一般的“大眾讀物”那樣,用空洞做作的俗語來沖淡內容。


如同大多數人致力研究的領域一樣,認知神經科學和臨床神經心理學也是個時髦的東西。而很多時候,一個先進的理念一經傳播很快就變得模糊、晦澀和夸張,進而 失去了清晰的內涵。“工作記憶”是由像巴拜德利(Alan Baddeley)和戈德曼一拉科齊(Patricia Goldman-Rakic)這樣的頂尖神經科學家所提出的開創性概念,然而它很快成了個流行語,並且帶來了很多意料之外的結果。克林貝里在澄清“工作記 憶”這一概念並重塑其科學嚴謹性方面作出了莫大的貢獻,這也是為什麼《超負荷的大腦》對普通大眾和專業讀者都極具價值的眾多原因之一。

注意缺陷障礙[伴多動](Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disor der,縮寫為ADHD)是另一個例子,一個原本很有深意和價值的概念經過混淆和夸張之後面目全非,失去了科學價值和臨床合理性。


常言道“熟悉則生輕侮之心”,其實熟悉還能滋生“不知為知之”的錯覺。智商(Intelligence Quotlent,縮寫為IQ)這個詞融入主流文化已有相當長的時間,我們時常可以听到有人輕松而自信地引用這個詞匯。然而事實上,只有很少一部分人能在 被問及時對智商給出一個準確的定義。克林貝里在此運用嚴謹的神經科學和社會科學的語言,對它進行了精彩的闡釋。


戈德堡 于紐約 2008年5月

