News for Jack Vance
Jack Vance tributes pour in after his death
The Guardian - 1 day agoGeorge RR Martin and Neil Gaiman among the hundreds paying tribute to a science fiction 'grandmaster'
- The Guardian - 13 hours ago
- - 18 hours ago
Jack Vance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Holbrook Vance (August 28, 1916 – May 26, 2013) was an American mystery, fantasy and science fiction writer. Most of his work has been published under ...May 30, 2013, 5:33 pm 1 CommentJack Vance’s Influential Prose Will Live On
Me, too. I was in my early teens when a friend lent me a copy of Vance’s “The Eyes of the Overworld.” In the first chapter, there’s this passing exchange at a bazaar that I included in the magazine’s profile:
“I can resolve your perplexity,” said Fianosther. “Your booth occupies the site of the old gibbet, and has absorbed unlucky essences. But I thought to notice you examining the manner in which the timbers of my booth are joined. You will obtain a better view from within, but first I must shorten the chain of the captive erb which roams the premises during the night.”
I tried to explain the effect his prose had on me: “I felt myself seized by a writer’s style in a way I had never experienced before. Vance didn’t even have to describe the “captive erb.” The phrase itself conjured up rows of teeth and the awful strength of a long, sinewy body surging up your leg.”
“No need,” said Cugel. “My interest was cursory.”
When I went to see Vance in his house up in the Oakland hills in 2009, our conversation had a time-capsule quality. Bundled up in a chair under a blanket, he wore a watch cap resonant of his long-ago stint in the merchant marine. He described his adolescent self, 80 years gone, waiting by the mailbox for the next issue of Weird Tales with his tongue hanging out, eager to be seized and shaken by the voices of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. When I told him about a certain formerly notorious science-fiction writer who had thrown a tantrum on the phone when I called to interview him for the story, Vance said, “Why, he’s nothing but a showoff and a jackass.”
Vance was famously brusque, and he didn’t like to talk about the craft of writing. But the joy he took in language on the page was contagious. I won’t say that there will never be another like him. Part of his lasting importance lies in the fact that there’s a lot of writing, and more on the way, that owes something important to his.
2013年6月1日 星期六
Jack Vance, the great American science-fiction and fantasy writer
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