Complete Yes Prime Minister
Written by: | Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay |
Published by: | BBC Books (1989) |
Format: | Paperback, cassette |
That book spent 106 weeks in the Sunday Times top-ten fiction list, has been translated into numerous foreign languages and was described by the New York Times Book Review as "...the funniest, wittiest and truest piece of political satire to be published on either side of the Atlantic in the post-Evelyn Waugh period". Not to be out-done, The Washington Post described the book as "...a priceless comic treasure" and the authors as "...a madcap combination of Jonathan Swift, George Bernard Shaw and the George Orwell of Politics And The English Language."
The Complete YES PRIME MINISTER continued this amazing success: never out of the top-ten for it's first six months and the number one bestseller for twelve weeks. Uniquely, at Christmas 1986 they were at numbers one and two respectively. In the Sunday Times Bestsellers of the Decade, 1980-89, the two volumes were eventually listed as number two and number three.
The TV series. which have been showered with awards, were required viewing among top politicians and civil servants, and were seen in over fifty countries around the world. The books have become part of the English cultural tradition, just as Sir Humphrey and Jim Hacker have become part of the English language. Many literary classics become television and film classics. YES MINISTER and YES PRIME MINISTER have the rare distinction of becoming classics of English comic literature.
是,首相 [原創
2013-4-15 16:20:13]
ISBN 978-7-108-04361-0 2013.04出版 定價:50.00
《是,大臣》、《是,首相》根據英國BBC同名劇集改編,該劇在20世紀80年代上映後,廣受好評,英國下院議員為收看該劇翹班回家,首相撒切爾夫 人也心癢客串過一集小品。該劇集獲得三項BAFTA(英國電影和電視藝術學院電視獎)編劇獎,四項BAFTA表演獎,另有三項BAFTA提名。 2004年的時候,它在英國最佳情景喜劇的投票中名列第六。這套電視劇集被英國電影學院評為史上十大最佳節目之一,至今還能在BBC電臺節目中收聽這部劇 的錄音剪輯。
之後,創意和編劇喬納森·林恩(Jonathan Lynn)、安東尼·傑伊(Antony Jay)將劇本改編為小說,以吉姆·哈克的日記為主,輔以其他政府官員的備忘錄、信件等,同樣的事件在不同的記錄中互相參照,幽默、辛辣,非常精彩。銷量 超百萬,譯本也非常多,位列20世紀80年代最受歡迎的圖書第二、第三名。