2018年8月14日 星期二

Frederic Wakeman 魏斐德1937~2006

復旦大學文史研究院院長楊志剛:「大约1985年,美国魏斐德(Frederic Wakeman)教授到访复旦,在教室和研究生宿舍,就正趋红火的“文化”、“文化史”话题,与学生座谈。针对当时流行的中国传统文化阻碍现代化的观点和心态,这位汉学家提醒,近代英国,在1850年前后,实现了从好勇斗狠到彬彬有礼和一身绅士风度的国民性转变。他突显了“文化”在创造性方面可能的能动作用,并指出有种类似“switch”的存在,通过其调节可以引发历史发展的转向。如何找寻这“switch”,又如何认识、把握其调节。」


Wikipedia 的Frederic Wakeman ,沒日文等等,甚怪


  • Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service(正體字版《特工教父:戴笠和他的祕勤組織》;簡體字版《間諜王:戴笠與中國特工》)
  • 《洪業 : 清朝開國史》(The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in the 17th Century)
  • 《大門口的陌生人 : 1839-1861年間華南的社會動亂》(Strangers at the Gate: Social Disorder in South China, 1839-1861)
  • The Fall of Imperial China(正體字版《大清帝國的衰亡》;簡體字版《中華帝國的衰亡》)
  • 《講述中國歷史》(Telling Chinese History : A Selection of Essays)
  • 《歷史與意志 : 毛澤東思想的哲學透視》(History and Will: Philosophical Perspectives of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought)
  • 上海三部曲
    • 《上海警察》(Policing Shanghai, 1927-1937)
    • 《上海歹士 : 戰時恐怖活動與城市犯罪1937-1941》(Shanghai Badlands, 1937-1942)
    • 《紅星照耀上海城》(The Red Star Over Shanghai, 1942-1952)
  • 《中華人民共和國的明清史研究》
  • 《中國現代化問題 : 一個多方位的歷史探索》

In 1939 France declared war on Germany after its invasion and occupation of Poland. As France mobilized its troops, Marc Bloch left his position at the Sorbonne and took up his reserve status as a captain in the French Army at the age of 52. He was encouraged at the time by colleagues both in France and abroad to leave the country. He said it was his personal obligation to stand for the moral imperative.
I was born in France, I have drunk the waters of her culture. I have made her past my own. I breathe freely only in her climate, and I have done my best, with others, to defend her interests.[9]
His memoir of the first days of World War II, Strange Defeat, written in 1940 but not published until 1946, blamed the sudden total military defeat on the French military establishment, along with her social and political culture, and helped after the war to neutralize the traumatic memory of France's failure, and to build a new French identity.[10]

