2021年2月17日 星期三

Eric Hobsbawm 1917~2012 及著作、為人:《盜匪》等

 Eric Hobsbawm  (1917~2012)有些話,或許多人嗤之以鼻,如《盜匪》(鄭明萱譯 p.166;她的翻譯多屬好書):就像有些女人,只有在床上才是完整的自己,有些男人,只有在行動中才能完全實現自我。

這些知名著作都有漢譯本 (台北麥田版等):Wikipedia 另有部分著作清單Partial publication list:其回憶錄Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century life (2002),演講集On History (1997) 論歷史 / 艾瑞克.霍布斯邦(Eric Hobsbawm)著 ; 黃煜文譯 


Eric John Ernest Hobsbawm CH FRSL FBA (/ˈhɒbz.bɔːm/; 9 June 1917 – 1 October 2012) was a British historian of the rise of industrial capitalismsocialism and nationalism. A life-long Marxist, his socio-political convictions influenced the character of his work.[1] His best-known works include his trilogy about what he called the "long 19th century" (The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789–1848The Age of Capital: 1848–1875 and The Age of Empire: 1875–1914), The Age of Extremes on the short 20th century, and an edited volume that introduced the influential idea of "invented traditions".





'What sort of person, apart from the doggedness and seemingly boundless knowledge, was the young or youngish Hobsbawm? Evans is a fine historian if perhaps not a natural biographer, and sensibly does not over-indulge in psychological speculation, but cumulatively an impression emerges: keen simultaneously to be accepted but different; susceptible to beauty, including natural beauty (as fuelled in adolescence through marathon cycling trips in the English countryside); insecure in relationships with women (including a disastrous first marriage), but a sympathetic enough listener to be attractive to them; and possessor of a strong judgemental streak, shading into intolerance.'
On Eric Hobsbawm, a ‘national treasure’ whose politics provoked endless bitterness

