2021年2月20日 星期六

Taoism and the Arts of China ;Picturing the true form : Daoist visual culture in traditional China,施博爾/「施舟人」(Kristofer M Schipper 1934~2021)

施舟人教授的莊子內篇,Zhuangzi, De innerlijke geschriften, transl. from the Chinese by Kristofer Schipper, Amsterdam (Meulenhoff) 1997, ISBN 90-290-5619-3
法籍荷裔的國際著名漢學家施博爾(Kristofer M Schipper 1934~2021)辛丑年的台北時間正月初七在阿姆斯特丹病逝。
我1983年入巴黎第七大學之初,要先通過博士預修階段,才能進博士班。施先生從巴黎開車載我到他在南部聖托貝(Saint Tropez)的海邊別墅,一住就是兩個月,期間每天跟我討論研究綱要,順利完成DEA的論文,正式修習博士課程與撰寫博士論文。
1991年秋我突然收到由法蘭西學院(college de France)寄來一包書籍,原來我的論文被出版了,這也是他一手打點,不憚其煩地把它交給法蘭西學院,整個過程我渾然不知。

Taoism and the Arts of China 

Paperback – November 6, 2000
by Stephen Little (Author), Kristofer Schipper (Author), Wu Hung (Author), Nancy Steinhardt (Author)
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: University of California Press; 1 edition (November 6, 2000)

Taoism and the Arts of China brings together a remarkable collection of art from one of China's most ancient and influential traditions. Produced to accompany the first major exhibition ever organized on the Taoist philosophy and religion, this opulent book includes more than 150 works of art from as early as the late Zhou dynasty (fifth-third century b.c.) to the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). Many of these works are paintings that show the breathtaking range of style and subject that makes the Taoist heritage so rich. Sculpture, calligraphy, rare books, textiles, and ritual objects are also represented.

Like the exhibition, the book is organized thematically. It begins with the sage Laozi (to whom the Daode Jing is attributed), and moves on to explore the birth of religious Taoism and the interaction between Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. A wealth of subjects are covered: the gods of the Taoist pantheon, ritual, the boundaries and intersections between Taoism and popular religion, Taoist Immortals and Realized Beings, the role of alchemy, sacred landscape and its significance, and Taoist temples and their architecture.

Taoism and the Arts of China includes an engaging series of introductory essays by scholars with a deep understanding of their subjects. Among the topics discussed are a historical introduction to Taoism, archaeological evidence for early Taoist art, and a general introduction to the functions of art in religious Taoism. Lavishly illustrated with over 150 color images, this volume affords a sweeping view of an artistic terrain that until now has received too little exposure in the West. Its publication constitutes a major advance in Western understanding of this important tradition.

再次謝謝孫教授。 12個小時前,我到過臺大圖書館,此書竟然館藏2本。我快速翻書,因為是外行,只能看熱鬧。道教雖然是公認的主要宗教,不過書中的圖等,橫跨的時空相當寬廣。
Kang-i Sun Chang 新增了 2 張新相片

I wish I had read Susan Huang's book, Picturing the True Form (Harvard, 2012) earlier! This amazing book is about the Daoist visual culture in traditional China! Reading it is like enjoying a great feast! In particular, I can't stop looking at the bird-inspired bird script commissioned by Empress Wu Zetian 武则天!

Material Type: 圖書

Picturing the true form : Daoist visual culture in traditional China
叢書名Harvard East Asian monographs ; 342.

Huang, Shih-shan Susan.

Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center : Distributed by Harvard University Press 2012

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