2021年2月10日 星期三

Jean-Claude Carrière, This Is Not the End of the Book

Oscar-winning French screenwriter Jean-Claude Carrière, whose 1979 adaptation of renowned German writer Günter Grass's novel "The Tin Drum" won an Academy Award and a Palme d'Or, has died aged 89.
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This Is Not the End of the Book (English) Paperback –  2012

 A book lover today might sometimes feel like the fictional medieval friar William of Baskerville in Eco’s The Name of the Rose, watching the written word become lost to time. In This Is Not the End of the Book, that book’s author, Umberto Eco, and his fellow raconteur Jean-Claude Carriere sit down for a dazzling dialogue about memory and the pitfalls, blanks, omissions, and irredeemable losses of which it is made. Both men collect rare and precious books, and they joyously hold up books as hardy survivors, engaging in a critical, impassioned, and rollicking journey through book history, from papyrus scrolls to the e-book. Along the way, they touch upon science and subjectivity, dialectics and anecdotes, and they wear their immense learning lightly. A smiling tribute to what Marshall McLuhan called the Gutenberg Galaxy, this dialogue will be a delight for all readers and book lovers.

