從Apple供應鏈陸續傳出,明年的iPhone 8將改爲玻璃機殼,搭配2.5D玻璃弧度。似乎iPhone 7已經不是大家目光的所在了

The new glass phone will also feature a new AMOLED display panel, which will be thinner and lighter to compensate for the slight weight increase of glass compared with metal exteriors. Kuo does not believe that drop test issues will be a roadblock in Apple’s decision making, given the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s already relied heavily on glass front and back. Last week, Apple reportedly reached a $2.6 billion agreement with Samsung to supply OLED panels for iPhone displays.
Harvard University
Everybody’s reaction is: "They can’t be glass. How did they do that?"
GA: Glass and Architecture , Special Issue, June, 1989 ( Atrium)
Crystal Houses by MVRDV
- 発音
- éitriəm
[名](複a・tri・a 〔-tri
〕, 〜s)
1 《建築》アトリウム.
(1) (古代ローマの)開口部つき中央大広間.
(2) (初期・中世教会建築の)柱廓に囲まれた中庭.
(3) 吹き抜け(全階通し中央ホール).
(1) (古代ローマの)開口部つき中央大広間.
(2) (初期・中世教会建築の)柱廓に囲まれた中庭.
(3) 吹き抜け(全階通し中央ホール).
2 《解剖学》心房.
[形]今天隔了5-6年,記Alan MacFarlane 第二本書:他的書都值得一讀 ,《日本镜中行》翻譯相當用心。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass
他的日本觀當然可參考 不過引述某中國人之兒童教育等說法不令人滿意
不可不看一下的人類社會學學者的 網站:http://www.
他的論點之一說:西方的科學革命獨特 點是他們懂得用glass,
這書名The Glass Bathyscaphe: Glass and World History有一奇怪字,即,BATHYSCAPHE. (Pronunciation: 'bathi`skeyf. Matching Terms: bathyscaph. WordNet Dictionary.) ,意思是:到深海之中駕"玻璃船"探討 (Definition: [n] navigable deep diving vessel for underwater exploration. Synonyms: bathyscape, bathyscaph.) 又,有人撰書評說,這方面的著作,有更全面的: Robert Temple's excellent book, THE CRYSTAL SUN deals with the development and use of lenses in antiquity in a more complete manner.
作 者简介 · · · · · ·
艾伦•麦克法兰 英国著名社会人类学家、历史学家、剑桥大学社会人类学教授、剑桥大学国王学院院士、英国学术院院士、欧洲学术院院士。著述凡18种,包括《英国个人主义的 起源》、《玻璃的世界》、《给莉莉的信》(以上三种均有中译本)、《都铎和斯图亚特时代英格兰的巫术》、《重构历史共同体》、《17世纪牧师拉尔夫•乔斯 林的家庭生活》、《资本主义文化》和《现代世界的形成》等。
"Consumers could potentially be cut or injured if ingested," the company said in a statement.
"Consumers could potentially be cut or injured if ingested," the company said in a statement.
RECALL ALERT: Some batches of 'Nice!' peaches and mixed fruit sold at Walgreens nationwide recalled over glass particles.