Richard Dawkins
The Observer
'As long as we study life, it will be read': the Selfish Gene turns 40
In 1976 Richard Dawkins’s study of evolutionary theory became the first popular science bestseller. How do its ideas stand up today?
Some Blogs of Hanching Chung
- 【金瓶梅詞話】;“The Plum in the Golden Vase,” Translated ...
- Katherine Mansfield :徐志摩:《曼殊裴兒小說集》;《哀曼殊裴兒》。曼斯菲爾德《園會》
- the Selfish Gene
- Henry James:English hours 英國風情; "The Art of Fiction"
- 塩見直紀: 《半農半X的生活:順從自然,實踐天賦》蘇楓雅譯2006:《半農半X的幸福之路》王蘊潔譯 ...
- Individualism and Economic Order by Friedrich Haye...
- George Orwell : Animal Farm (1945)...George Orwell...
- Frank Dikotter 馮客《毛澤東的大饑荒》(Mao's Great Famine:The ...
- 《懸崖勒馬──美國對台政策與中美關係》 2007 (Rein in at the Brink of ...
- 李嗣涔等著2008《臺大對新政府的期許論文集》;《假使我是蔡英文》2016
- Book of Kells
- 林達光、陳恕合著《走入中國暴風眼---林達光回憶錄》2013
- All-female cast perform NUDE version of Shakespear...
- 哈代詩選"The Man He Killed"
- 但丁750歲了:Dante Turns Seven Hundred and Fifty
- 周作人譯《路吉阿諾斯對話集》;《琉善哲學文選》
- Japan Through The Looking Glass, by Alan Macfarlan...
- 吳興華(1921年-1966年)
- 《玻璃的世界》GA: Glass and Architecture 1989, Glass Flow...
- 老舍40歲小傳,《老舍文集》《文牛:老舍生活自述》《老舍幽默詩文集》《我這一輩子》
- "Rig-Veda", Athara-Veda; Upanishad - 奧義書
- 熊十力 1885-1968
- ‘Zero K’, by Don DeLillo, book reviews:
- 《字花》;60期;【第52期.光途】;愛香港特刊、【縮骨遮革命.在場者說.韓麗珠 (之二)】《9月3...
- Daphne Du Maurier《蝴蝶夢》(Rebecca).....
- The Long Search was a 1977 BBC documentary televis...
- Edward Lear: 諧趣詩 Book of Nonsense 、鳥類畫、『未晚齋』
- 源氏物語The tale of Genji 及日本文學專家Edward Seidensticker
- Richard P. Feynman’s blackboard and a poem
- Alexander Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin", Bronze Horseman
- On Metaphor
- Raymond Carver. THE LITTLE SISTER by Raymond Chandler
- 《傅斯年:中國歷史與政治中的個體生命》《陳寅恪與傅斯》年
- Le Modulor, 現代建築年鑒/邁向建築? Le Corbusier, 1925 Almana...
- 《夏目漱石漢詩文集》;鄭清茂 【夏目漱石的漢詩】;夏目漱石(なつめ そうせき,Natsume Sou...
- Gordon Tullock 和 James Buchanan《》
- "The Mayor of Casterbridge" By Thomas Hardy《嘉德橋市長》...
- 夏曉虹:燕園學文錄;梁啟超:在政治與學術之間
- Geoffrey Hartman: The Geoffrey Hartman Reader; 《荒野...
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- For Wallace Stevens, Hartford as Muse 最高虛構筆記The Id...
- 《小說機杼》| 'How Fiction Works,' by James Wood
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- Invasion of the Body Revolutions in Surgery
- 藍博洲《幌馬車之歌 》:鍾浩東與蔣碧玉;藍明谷與藍張阿冬