2010年9月28日 星期二

《矇矓的七種類型》Seven Types of Ambiguity

近日讀The Ambiguities of Experience

所以碰到它在某書店架 再買一次



2005/1/16應邀 泰碩電子股份公司 參加workshops review做「成長中公司最容易犯的問題」專題演講、公司尾牙。


我問江總為什麼沒人問Tai Sol公司是否代表 TAIWAN SOLUTIONS.

回來讀「紐約時報雜誌」,注意到In ancient theater, a play began with a protasis, or introduction, and ended with a catastrophe, or conclusion, driven by some irresistible cause; in French, that finish was the ''denouement.'' 將它推薦給rl 。

今晨知道,這一 denouement 數日前在問 Voltaire 的一句
« personne ne peut deviner le dénouement de cette tragédie »
rl說過:「根據我的了解,這句的大意是: 沒人能料到這場悲劇的結局。」

「1. 【古】解結;解開
2. (戲劇、小說的)結局
3. (事情的)解決;結束 」
Source: Aristotle: Poetics of Aristotle: XVIII. Further rules for the Tragic Poet

XVIII. Further rules for the Tragic Poet. Every tragedy falls into two
parts,--Complication and Unravelling or Denouement. Incidents extraneous to the
action are frequently combined with a portion of the action proper, to form the…




William Empson. 約60幾年前寫此書《矇矓的七種類型》''Seven Types of Ambiguity''


2003年我與梁先生都提到它(沒讀完);2004年 Simon University有篇也提到這本書:「錢定平《科學如此多嬌—科學和科學家的詩魂》上海教育出版社,2004,pp.170-71 引

W. EMPSON 《矇矓的七種類型》中說明《惡有惡報》(Measure for Measure ...」

Indeed, "Seven Types of Ambiguity" occasionally benefits from the breathing room provided by these larger debates. And they reflect the best of his larger insight. "Writing things down often forces people to clarify their thoughts," says Klima, urging Simon to keep a journal. "Really?" Simon answers. "You obviously don't read contemporary literary fiction."
. Seven Types of Ambiguity
Reviewed by Janet Maslin The New York Times Monday, December 27, 2004

紐約時報系對於去年這本取名與William Empson. 《矇矓的七種類型》''Seven Types of Ambiguity'' 的小說評介兩次:Seven Types of Ambiguity
Reviewed by Janet Maslin The New York Times
Monday, December 27, 2004 http://www.iht.com/articles/2004/12/26/features/booklun.html
January 16, 2005
'Seven Types of Ambiguity': Rashomon in Melbourne

【芥川龍之介《羅生門》(Rashomon;Rashomon [in Japanese] by Akutagawa Ryunosuke)經黒澤明(Akira Kurosawa )拍出同名電影和評說【on Rashomon】 ,成為英語界通行語。】

Unreliable witnesses
Every character in Elliot Perlman's brilliant novel, Seven Types of Ambiguity, is on trial and it is hard to decide who the guilty party is
Kate Kellaway Sunday August 8, 2004 The Observer

讀梁實秋翻譯莎士比亞《惡有惡報》(Measure for Measure)兩處:

注解說明莎士比亞時候的婚姻法律制度(第一幕第三景:「她確實是我妻……」),這對於讀者的了解有幫助。雖然梁實秋先生注釋中還是直譯technically speaking 為「所以,從技術方面講,…….」(遠東本,第24頁。)

錢定平《科學如此多嬌—科學和科學家的詩魂》上海教育出版社,2004,pp.170-71 引W. EMPSON

《矇矓的七種類型》中說明《惡有惡報》(Measure for Measure)第一幕第二景中

In her youth
There is a prone and speechless dialect
Such as move men.



我比較贊成 prone此處意思為'' submissive, vulnerable, docile" "eager, ready'。(Shakespeare's WORDS: A Glossary & Language Companion by David Crystsal and Ben Crystal, p.349。 同書對dialect的說法為 'language, manmer od speech',它例子與上同。所以,梁實秋的「表情」比朱的好。)

不過,讀一下《矇矓的七種類型》對於此處的完整說法,會更有啟示。( Seven Types of Ambiguity ,周邦憲等翻譯,中國美術學院出版社,1996。這翻譯本還不錯,不過此處微妙無法表達,所以我抄原文。)

Speechless will not give away whether she is shy or sly, and dialect has abandoned the efforts to distinguish between them. The last half line makes its points calmly, with an air of knowing such cases; and indeed, I feel very indelicate in explaining Claudio's meaning. ( p.202

附hc:請注意sly的說法 第一義:Dexterous in performing an action, so as to escape notice; nimble; skillful; cautious; shrewd; knowing; -- in a good sense. 次義:Artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily.)。

