幾年前我們聊起牛津大學以前的教授Sir Isaiah Berlin
其實我在1978年的BBC 訪哲學家節目上看過柏林
( 真正的人藏在許多地方:
編輯Henry Hardy 寫的《自由及其背叛‧編者前言》Freedom and its Betrayal: Six
Enemies of Human Liberty很精彩,不亞於Michael Ignatieff所寫的 Sir Isaiah Berlin 的傳記。(該書有二漢譯本,而我寫了好幾篇所謂"翻譯評論"。/Michael Ignatieff 的訪問影片,在YouTube可找到) 。---- 這是1952年的6小時BBC演講的追憶稿---- 最有趣/意思的是許多聽眾寫信問柏林……柏林很感動 每信必復……..)
從我所不知道的巴黎『 邁斯特路』 Rue Joseph De Maistre 說起 2005
第一次 (認真 )看見 邁斯特(Joseph De Maistre, 1753-1821) ,約 1992 年, 在波士頓買 I. Berlin的 Crooked Timber of Humanity:,其中有章 "Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism,",不過一直沒讀它。 2005/12/7 讀 R. Barthe 的 The Neutral 一書,其中有一段教材是 Joseph De Maistre 談論「西班牙的宗教審判所」 ,才認真讀 『自由及其背叛』*(趙國新譯,南京譯林,2005 之末篇:「邁斯特」)。再取出它讀讀。
自由及其背叛︰人類自由的六個敵人Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty
- 作者:[英]以賽亞‧柏林(Berlin,I.)
- 譯者:趙國新
- 出版社:譯林出版社
- 出版日期:2005年
他的著名作品是『教皇論』( Du Pape,1819); 又因為它出使聖彼德堡, 所以俄國論也很有名。我用日文找資料,有Joseph de Maistre On Russia. 之類的論文。
另外,有一四星級旅館: Terrass ホテル パリ(ホテル住所 :, 12, Rue Joseph De Maistre 75018. 所在地為市中心 Paris - City Center.)。
reactionary thinker
Joseph de Maistre As a harbinger of Fascism.
Chapters in the One of the essays, is published here for the first time; ... He persuasively interprets 18th-century French
我昨天介紹 普魯塔克(PLUTARCH) 作品,發現他翻譯其作品『論神的懲罰的延遲』(普魯塔克著,『古典共和精神的捍衛 :普魯塔克文選 ,』中國社科, ,2005, pp.84-122)【After the appearance in 1816 of the treatise Sur les délais de la justice divine dans la punition des coupables (On the Delay of Divine Justice in the Punishment of the Guilty), translated from Plutarch, 】
之後,再買 《論法國》魯仁譯,上海人民出版社,2005( Considerations on France (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought) )。這是11篇短論的文集。我們也可以從中知道:二百多年前巴黎的 方便看熱鬧的街屋都有人事先租下,再分租出去給人瞻望皇帝等儀隊。
他批評當時一部憲法只為廣義而抽象的一般化之人而立,而非為斯土斯民而立。【 His little book Essai sur le principe générateur des constitutions politiques et des autres institutions humaines (Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions and other Human Institutions , 1809) [2] (http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/history/links/maistre/generative_Principle.html ), centers on the idea is that constitutions are not the artificial products of study but come in due time and under suitable circumstances from God, who slowly brings them to maturity in silence. /// 人権(Human rights, les droits de l'homme )の、定冠詞付きのhomme = 抽象的(非決定 の)人間; 右翼思想家Joseph de Maistre (仏、1753-1821 )の抽象的人間(× 特定の共同体への帰属によって定義されることのない非決定の人間)の否定。 ... 】
In Considerations sur la France (Considerations on France, 1796), [1] ( http://maistre.ath.cx:8000//considerations_on_france.html 這版本少一章,又少掉下面討論的一句,所以不是好英文版本;或許更好之版本為Considerations on France (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Joseph Marie Maistre (著), Joseph De Maistre (著 ), Richard A. Lebrun (著 )。本書中文:《論法國》魯仁譯,上海人民出版社2005 – 此書取前述之新本之I. Berlin 之序當導言,可是這篇的翻譯品質不及 『自由及其背叛』趙國新譯,南京譯林, 2005 之末篇。 ) he maintains the thesis that France has a mission from God: France is the principal instrument of good and of evil on earth. Maistre looks on the Revolution as a Providential occurrence: the monarchy, the aristocracy, the whole of the old French society, instead of turning the powerful influence of French civilization to benefit mankind, had used it to foster the doctrines of the eighteenth-century philosophers. The crimes of the Reign of Terror were at once the apotheosis and logical consequence of the destructive spirit of the eighteenth century, as well as the divinely decreed punishment for it.
Joseph Marie Maistre (著), Joseph De Maistre (著 ), Richard A. Lebrun (著 )。本書中文:《論法國》魯仁譯,上海人民出版社2005 – 此書取前述之新本之I. Berlin 之序當導言,可是這篇的翻譯品質不及 『自由及其背叛』趙國新譯,南京譯林, 2005 之末篇。 ) he maintains the thesis that France has a mission from God: France is the principal instrument of good and of evil on earth. Maistre looks on the Revolution as a Providential occurrence: the monarchy, the aristocracy, the whole of the old French society, instead of turning the powerful influence of French civilization to benefit mankind, had used it to foster the doctrines of the eighteenth-century philosophers. The crimes of the Reign of Terror were at once the apotheosis and logical consequence of the destructive spirit of the eighteenth century, as well as the divinely decreed punishment for it.
『另請教劉老師一個翻譯: The restoration of the monarchy,which they call the counter-revolution,will not be a contrary revolution,but the contrary of revolution.—— 語出Joseph de Maistre "Considerations on France" ,中國政法大學出版社出版的劍橋政治思想史原著系列(影印本)
hc 請教瑞麟原文:
Rwaylin Chang wrote:運氣不錯,把開頭改成 Considérations sur la France ,再配上Maistre ,找到全本,至於段落文字,就請自行剪裁。Enfin, c'est ici la grande vérité dont les Français ne sauraient trop se pénétrer: le rétablissement de la monarchie, qu'on appelle contre-révolution, ne sera point une révolution contraire, mais le contraire de la révolution.
hc 案:由於在Considérations sur la France 一書中,將法國革命之雙方之革命都簡稱為「革命」,