2013年8月18日 星期日
German Science : Some Reflections on German Science by Pierre Duhem.
這是四篇演講稿 附錄中翻譯者還擺一長長的生平介紹 其實應該寫中文版導論. 譯者可能以詞害義的地方不少. 因我還沒看英譯本
German Science : Some Reflections on German Science by Pierre Duhem. ... by; Pierre Duhem,; John Lyon (Translator).
Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) is a major influence in twentieth-century thought, a source for many of the ideas of the Vienna circle, Karl Popper, Imre Kalatos, and Thomas S. Kuhn. Yet Duhem's arguments have often been perceived as enigmatic, quirky, muddled, or even disingenuous, because his influence has been greatest outside his native France many of his works have never been translated, and Duhem's readers have mostly been ignorant of the peculiar French cultural and political background during Duhem's lifetime. "German Science" (here translated into English for the first time) is a document of importance for understanding Duhem's better-known works. Duhem's "Aim and Structure of Physical Theory" has been misunderstood because of ignorance of the position set forth in "German Science". At first sight, "German Science" is typical chauvinistic wartime propaganda, thought by the standards of the time and place, Duhem emerges as a moderate and sensitive patriot. The enduring worth of "German Science" lies in its oscillation between the poles of two basic Pascalian premisses: "Principles are intuited" and "Propositions are inferred". The introduction is by Stanley Jaki, author of the biography, "Uneasy Genius: The Life and work of Pierre Duhem".
Product details
Paperback: 164 pages
Publisher: Open Court Publishing Co ,U.S. (Nov 1991)
Language: English
作者: [法]皮埃尔•迪昂
出版社: 商务印书馆
译者: 李醒民
出版年: 2012-11
页数: 274
Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (French: [pjɛʁ moʁis maʁi dy.ɛm] ( listen); 9 June[2] 1861 – 14 September 1916) was a French physicist, mathematician, historian and philosopher of science, best known for his writings on the indeterminacy of experimental criteria and on scientific development in the Middle Ages. Duhem also made major contributions to the science of his day, particularly in the fields of hydrodynamics, elasticity, and thermodynamics.
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