The Rhine is one of the most important rivers in Europe.
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能源、核電、電力、熱能, 這是上週歐洲關注的焦點。由於日本福島核電站發生的災難,一些歐洲國家對核能的替代方案展開激烈的爭論。還有一些國家根本就沒有討論。雙方之間是多麼的不同,看一看歐洲最長的河流萊茵河就一目了然。這條河流構成了德國和法國之間一段很長的邊界。法國是對核電依賴程度最高的國家。該國大約80%的電能來自核電站,其核電比例之高居世界首位。而在德國,其公民歷來反對核能。德國的核能只佔全部電力供應的25%。
2010/12/29 收到Justing 寄來的 萊茵河
目 录译序 超时代的真知灼见
——吕西安·费弗尔的《莱茵河》一书的价值…………………………郭华榕 1
告读者……………………………………………………………………………… 15
1935年版序言……………………………………………………………………… 17
第一章 莱茵河的三个题目……………………………………………………… 1
Ⅰ.“通道”一条大河的形成……………………………………………………… 2
Ⅱ.天然边界……………………………………………………………………… 12
Ⅲ.两个种族之间的莱茵河……………………………………………………… 20
第二章 三个形象,三种酵母…………………………………………………… 34
Ⅰ.罗马化地区…………………………………………………………………… 34
Ⅱ.蛮族…………………………………………………………………………… 52
Ⅲ.教会…………………………………………………………………………… 79
第三章 从城邦到国家…………………………………………………………… 98
Ⅰ.莱茵河城市…………………………………………………………………… 98
第四章 一条边界是如何形成和消失的…………………………………………177
In 2002 the Upper Middle Rhine Valley was named a World Heritage site.
The Rhine's real heydey, however, was 200 years ago when the
Romanticists first discovered the river and made it their muse.
English poet Lord Byron was so enraptured by the ruins on the
Drachenfels mountain in 1816 that he immediately reached for his pen and
wrote the famous lines of "The Castled Crag of Drachenfels."
Byron wrote with fervor that he would like to spend the rest of his life at the foot of the tower-crowned mountain. His verses sparked an avalanche of nature-inspired poetry and also kicked the Rhine tourism industry into gear.
The region is known as Siebengebirge or Seven Mountains. Today, the Siebengebirgsmuseum in the sleepy town of Königswinter near Bonn illuminates the Romanticists' fascination with Germany's most famous river. The exhibition hall is in just the right place: When visitors exit the train, they see the Drachenfels mountain and the Drachenburg castle looming majestically in the sky.
Painters' muse
The area on the Rhine is a popular tourist destination that is mentioned in every guidebook. Not only poets like Heinrich Heine, Clemens Brentano or Joseph von Eichendorf visited the region, but numerous painters also ventured here to interpret the landscape with their brushes.
"The mix of this region fascinated artists," said the museum's director, Elmar Schueren, "On the one hand, it was the scenery that lends itself beautifully to being painted, and on the other hand, it was the activity of the people."
Castles on the left and the right of the Rhine were witness to this activity. During the Middle Ages they were built as obsolete. New weapons techniques made them superfluous and, built for battle, they didn't make suitable residences.
It's amazing that any are left standing at all, said Scheuren, because some were used as stone quarries for the construction of churches. Even the stones of the Cologne Cathedral stem from the Rhine. Up until the 19th century, the gray stone of Drachenfels was dismantled and shipped to Cologne.
The other landscape
For the Romanticists the ruins along the Rhine provided just the right amount of eerie inspiration they needed for their art. Their works also became political symbols of a growing national sentiment in the 19th century.
While the wild and untouched nature inspired the artists, signs of civilization and progress also surfaced in their art. Johannes Jakob Diezler crafted the painting "Niederlahnstein and Kappellen-Stozenfels" in 1830, portraying a perfect idyll - but only at first glance.
Upon closer examination, you'll see that the artist wasn't only interested in beautiful scenery, but that the painting also depicts modern infrastructure. A steamboat glides through the Rhine; a vineyard dots the riverbanks; a carriage brings travelers to the river.
"The cultural landscape was, for them, the landscape," explained Scheuren.
Birth of the Lorelei
The Romanticists had plenty of imagination; they exaggerated the landscapes they saw and projected their own fantasies into them. One result was the legend of the Lorelei.
Prior to the 19th century, the Lorelei was nothing more than a slate rock at St. Goarshausen near Koblenz. Due to shallow spots in the channel, the passage was dangerous, and a number of shipwrecks occurred.
The legend of a mystical mermaid, who sat on the rock, combing her golden hair and casting sailors under her spell of song, can be traced back to the year 1801.
In his ballad, "In Bacharach on the Rhine," Clemens Bentano described an enchantress in the village. At this time, the rock played no role. It wasn't until the 1820s that Heinrich Heine revisited the story and placed the hair-combing enchantress from Bacharach on the stone.
"As such, the legend was perfect," said Scheuren, adding that the story of Siegfried the dragon slayer came about in a similar manner.
"The dragon fight was pure fiction," he said. "The story first appeared in the 18th century. The debate ran for a few years; then it became a legend that continues today."
Landscape of memories
What didn't exist was quickly invented. The Rhine depictions by Swiss painter Ludwig Bleueler demonstrate a contradiction between dream and reality. One of his pictures of Mainz shows a park with people milling about and a locomotive passing through.
"At that point the railway on the left side of the Rhine was only in the planning stages," said Scheuren. "When it was opened, Bleueler had been dead for three years."
The ongoing spread of technology didn't just change the portraits of the Rhine. At the end of the 1820s, thousands of tourists flocked to the region. The exclusive production of photos gave way to mass consumption.
Steamboats began offering affordable travel, and even members of the British royal family - attracted perhaps by the verses of their national poet Lord Byron - visited the acclaimed river.
The popularity of Rhine artwork peaked at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, long-distance travel replaced vacationing on the Rhine. Nevertheless, the beloved river has not been forgotten. At 350 meters, Drachenfels is allegedly the most-climbed mountain in Europe.
Byron wrote with fervor that he would like to spend the rest of his life at the foot of the tower-crowned mountain. His verses sparked an avalanche of nature-inspired poetry and also kicked the Rhine tourism industry into gear.
The region is known as Siebengebirge or Seven Mountains. Today, the Siebengebirgsmuseum in the sleepy town of Königswinter near Bonn illuminates the Romanticists' fascination with Germany's most famous river. The exhibition hall is in just the right place: When visitors exit the train, they see the Drachenfels mountain and the Drachenburg castle looming majestically in the sky.
Painters' muse
The area on the Rhine is a popular tourist destination that is mentioned in every guidebook. Not only poets like Heinrich Heine, Clemens Brentano or Joseph von Eichendorf visited the region, but numerous painters also ventured here to interpret the landscape with their brushes.
"The mix of this region fascinated artists," said the museum's director, Elmar Schueren, "On the one hand, it was the scenery that lends itself beautifully to being painted, and on the other hand, it was the activity of the people."
Castles on the left and the right of the Rhine were witness to this activity. During the Middle Ages they were built as obsolete. New weapons techniques made them superfluous and, built for battle, they didn't make suitable residences.
It's amazing that any are left standing at all, said Scheuren, because some were used as stone quarries for the construction of churches. Even the stones of the Cologne Cathedral stem from the Rhine. Up until the 19th century, the gray stone of Drachenfels was dismantled and shipped to Cologne.
The other landscape
For the Romanticists the ruins along the Rhine provided just the right amount of eerie inspiration they needed for their art. Their works also became political symbols of a growing national sentiment in the 19th century.
While the wild and untouched nature inspired the artists, signs of civilization and progress also surfaced in their art. Johannes Jakob Diezler crafted the painting "Niederlahnstein and Kappellen-Stozenfels" in 1830, portraying a perfect idyll - but only at first glance.
Upon closer examination, you'll see that the artist wasn't only interested in beautiful scenery, but that the painting also depicts modern infrastructure. A steamboat glides through the Rhine; a vineyard dots the riverbanks; a carriage brings travelers to the river.
"The cultural landscape was, for them, the landscape," explained Scheuren.
Birth of the Lorelei
The Romanticists had plenty of imagination; they exaggerated the landscapes they saw and projected their own fantasies into them. One result was the legend of the Lorelei.
Prior to the 19th century, the Lorelei was nothing more than a slate rock at St. Goarshausen near Koblenz. Due to shallow spots in the channel, the passage was dangerous, and a number of shipwrecks occurred.
The legend of a mystical mermaid, who sat on the rock, combing her golden hair and casting sailors under her spell of song, can be traced back to the year 1801.
In his ballad, "In Bacharach on the Rhine," Clemens Bentano described an enchantress in the village. At this time, the rock played no role. It wasn't until the 1820s that Heinrich Heine revisited the story and placed the hair-combing enchantress from Bacharach on the stone.
"As such, the legend was perfect," said Scheuren, adding that the story of Siegfried the dragon slayer came about in a similar manner.
"The dragon fight was pure fiction," he said. "The story first appeared in the 18th century. The debate ran for a few years; then it became a legend that continues today."
Landscape of memories
What didn't exist was quickly invented. The Rhine depictions by Swiss painter Ludwig Bleueler demonstrate a contradiction between dream and reality. One of his pictures of Mainz shows a park with people milling about and a locomotive passing through.
"At that point the railway on the left side of the Rhine was only in the planning stages," said Scheuren. "When it was opened, Bleueler had been dead for three years."
The ongoing spread of technology didn't just change the portraits of the Rhine. At the end of the 1820s, thousands of tourists flocked to the region. The exclusive production of photos gave way to mass consumption.
Steamboats began offering affordable travel, and even members of the British royal family - attracted perhaps by the verses of their national poet Lord Byron - visited the acclaimed river.
The popularity of Rhine artwork peaked at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, long-distance travel replaced vacationing on the Rhine. Nevertheless, the beloved river has not been forgotten. At 350 meters, Drachenfels is allegedly the most-climbed mountain in Europe.
2007年 我自己發行 Quality Times
Quality Times No.91, Apr.7, 07 ;品質時報 第 91期:07年 4月7日 (週六).
主編:鍾漢清 (hanching chung)
通信 - 聚會
工商時報 D2/工商經營報/產業決勝 2007/04/04
《開路尖兵》品質取勝 客戶為尊維勳螺絲躍居全國大盤商 維勳目前2成做外銷、 8成做內銷,中盤商客戶達 600家,對國內五金類螺絲市場頗有影響力。
justing :「這篇報導,個人看法是 :他們是屬於內銷五金行的鋪設點 ,有一定的生存空間. 但品質差強人意.( 遇到品質要求較高的螺絲,他們尚在摸索中 ,或根本不清楚 )感覺會被大型工廠取代 .」
鍾漢清:「Dear Justing, Thanks for your information and comments. 」
louis :「鍾兄:我目前在朋友處幫忙 每個月都會到大陸工廠(燈具工廠) 很可惜3月29日的品質知識研討會未能參加 希望下次有機會再參加 」
HC :「太好了。你只要有空再參加--我們下次 6月中會有一 FORUM關於 LEA SIX SIGMA 那才值得。」
***** -----
DAVID HSU : 「今天中原網站終於復原 好玩的是錄取人數剩下 50人左右 看來駭客的猜測不是全無可能 只是中原沒有對外做任何說明 當初誤以為自己進入複試的人豈不冤枉 還好我仍在更正名單中」
親愛的 SIMON UNIVERSITY(網站) 校友,大家平安
我認為聚會非同小可,(至少)小讀者、梁先生、 Oba等都有暢銷小說譯著發表,這真是震驚台灣武林的 a new force….連北京的 Stone都要趕回來……
David :「HC,, 今天真是多謝您與夫人的熱情款待﹐我說被款待的時候總是大有虛榮! 又謝謝您的贈書『在異鄉發現台灣』﹐拿回來就開始『悅』讀﹐我已經多年沒看所謂的『雜書』了。…… 」
oba :「今天特地到瑞麟家去"會前會"視察地形
後來又到明目跟校長喜相逢 ….」
補充她的說法。她是去取『馮象著《創世紀:傳說與譯注》北京:三聯, 2004』還梁兄的。他們之間的恩、怨,請當面請教他們倆。
1 數學和自然法則:科學語言發展史
2 巴洛克建築風格:1600-1750年的建築藝術
【這本書 "發現之旅" 第88 號,2007年 1月出版,不知道台北的時報有無出版。翻譯的有兩位,其中還有一位兼「審校者」,真是好笑。這書,含蓋整個歐洲,所以像它沒完整附原文,可能不知所云:譬如說將通常義大利的「克羅齊」翻譯成類似「克羅斯」 --大陸美學發達,這位仁兄連朱光潛等翻譯的「文藝心理學」等都沒讀過 ……】
3 尤瑟納爾文集:何謂永恒
【 Oba說她不是翻譯這類書的料。我說,這本其實是「回憶錄」啦!
我還向 Oba和她的朋友介紹一下窗邊的{ 雨果傳 Victor Hugo…l'homme et l'oeuvre} 這譯本有意思:譯者送大家他珍藏的十來張雨果相關的紀念明信片。就憑這,就夠本。中國近來翻譯不少法國文、藝家的傳記,份量級驚人。
「雨果傳」,台灣和中國大陸都翻譯過 A Maurois的 Victor Hugo AND His World,不過問題太多了。舉台灣新潮本的第 57頁末行,譯者其實要幫忙注解它舉的Rivoli 和Friedland ,都是拿破崙戰爭的著名戰場/ 地。
這種史地問題對我們造成很大的障礙:這在 {萊茵河 }等,更是困難太多啦!
1. Sears Warns Consumers to Remove Label from Craftsman Circular Saws,
Obstructed Blade Guard Poses Laceration Hazard
2. Aviv Judaica Imports and Ahron's Judaica Recall Chanukah Candles Due
To Fire and Burn Hazards
3. NY Thermal Inc. Recalls to Repair Gas-Fired Hot Water Boilers Due to
Carbon Monoxide Hazard
4. Gemmy Industries Corp. Recalls Disney Plush Easter Baskets Sold at
Wal-Mart Due to Choking Hazard
Hazard: Silver beads and ribbons attached to the basket can detach, posing a choking hazard to young children.
To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including a picture of the
recalled product, please go to:
recalled product, please go to:
Victor-Marie Hugo 我留給亞洲的八個預言
作者:英國《金融時報》首席亞洲事務評論員居伊•德•容凱爾 (Guy de Jonquieres)
2007 年4月 6日 星期五
首先,並非整個東亞都是經濟奇跡:當今所謂的亞洲經濟奇跡,完全就是一個有關中國的故事。本世紀以來,中國貢獻了亞洲發展中國家(包括印度在內)一半以上的經濟增長。表現令人失望的國家多得令人吃驚。作為亞洲最大的經濟體,日本仍在努力從長達 10年的經濟蕭條中復蘇。地區第三大經濟體韓國正在困境中掙扎;臺灣和泰國的表現也遠低於它們的潛力。
另外兩個因素,使得治理中國變成了一件很懸的事情。其一,是中央政府一直試圖控制那些 "不聽話 "的地方官員 ——他們為了讓自己管轄的地區和自己更為富有,在執行中央指令時往往過於流於表面。其二,是既得利益群體日益增長的影響。在一個改革不徹底的領導層的管理之下,既得利益群體正在更強力地維護自身利益。遊說政治如今在北京的重要性,至少已和華盛頓一樣,這就是為什麼人們往往很難解讀中國政治的原因。
第三,經濟支配亞洲外交。在這個因不信任和歷史積怨而分裂的地區,貿易和投資(特別是以跨境生產網路形式出現的投資)所創造的相互依賴,是地區穩定的最強大支柱。不管政治分歧有多大,亞洲國家從未允許它威脅到它們共同追求的出口帶動型經濟增長。鑒於外交選擇有限,人們只能寄望於經濟邏輯繼續發揮主導作用,期望亞洲不要遭遇像諾曼 •安傑爾 (Norman Angell) 1913年預言一樣的命運。安傑爾當時曾預言稱,歐洲國家在經濟上的相互依賴已經達到前所未有的水平,以至於互相之間不可能發動戰爭。
第五,中國 "軟實力" 的重要性被高估。北京在全世界的多數外交舉措,首先是受到經濟需求的推動,其中最重要的,是中國在能源及原材料供應安全方面的需求。中國能夠搶到美國前面,更多是因為華盛頓相對而言忽視了必需的政治營銷技巧。
移動通信最近宣佈的手機用戶人數已增長至 3.01億人,超過美國總人口。
北村 豊先生報導許多匪夷所思的問題::
危ない中国食品(その 4)塩卵、カップ麺、フライドチキンに工業用染料今度は加工牛肉で発覚~中国の消費者を脅かす "赤い薬 "