2013年5月26日 星期日

Portrait of Walton (Michael Kennedy)

 現在YouTube 可幫我們了解這音樂家.....

Kennedy, Michael (1989). Portrait of Walton. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-816705-9.

Corrected Reissue

Portrait of Walton

Michael Kennedy
Clarendon Press
364 pages | 8 pp black and white plates | 216x138mm
978-0-19-816705-1 | Paperback | 22 October 1998

Portrait of Walton [...] XD-US



Portrait of Walton [...] XD-US

作者: Michael Kennedy
出版商: Oxford [u.a.] Clarendon 1998

  • `well-conceived and admirably even-handed biography' (Observer)
This is a corrected reissue, in Clarendon Paperbacks format with a new cover, of Michael Kennedy's classic study of William Walton's life and works.
In this biography by one of England's foremost writers on music, Walton's personality emerges in all its complexity and self-contradiction. Michael Kennedy portrays a creative artist completely committed to his art yet plagued by misgiving and doubts, prey to insecurity and frustration, vulnerable to criticism, and jealous of the achievement of others. At the same time he was witty and generous, bore no grudges, and enjoyed the loyalty of a host of friends.

Appointed his biographer by the composer himself, Kennedy has had access to correspondence with many of the friends and colleagues who were important in Walton's life, among them Siegfried Sassoon, Benjamin Britten, Malcolm Arnold, and André Previn. His compassionate and perceptive biography will be welcomed by all devotees of Walton and his music.
 Part I. Willie
1: Oldham and Oxford, 1902-20
2: London and Salzburg, 1920-3
3: Façade, 1921-79
4: With the Sitwells, 1923-9
5: Viola Concerto, 1928-9
6: Belshazzar's Feast, 1929-31
7: In Switzerland, 1931-3
8: Unfinished Symphony, 1933-4
9: Finished Symphony, 1934-5
Part II. William
10: Crown Imperial, 1936-7
11: Violin Concerto, 1938-9
12: War Films, 1939-42
13: Columbus and Henry V, 1942-5
14: Post-war Quartet, 1944-7
15: Birth of an Opera, 1947-8
16: Making an Opera, 1948-52
Part III. Sir William
17: Corontation Interlude, 1952-3
18: Finishing an Opera, 1953-4
19: Troilus and Cressida, 1954-76
20: Cello Concerto, 1955-7
21: Partita and Second Symphony, 1957-60
22: The Bear, 1964-7
23: Britten and Bagatelles, 1969-72
24: Seventieth Birthday, 1972
25: Roaring Fanfares, 1972-7
26: The Haunted End, 1977-83
27: Epilogue
Appendices: I: Classified List of Works; II: Troilus and Cressida Synopsis; III: Discography: Walton conducts Walton; IV: Select Bibliography
Classifed Index of Works
General Index
全名 William Turner Walton
出生 1902年3月29日
逝世 1983年3月8日
所屬時期/樂派 20世紀
擅長類型 管弦樂,協奏曲,合唱,室內樂,電影配樂
代表作 配樂表演《門面》,兩部交響曲,小提琴、中提琴、大提琴協奏曲各一,加冕進行曲《帝王的冠冕》,清唱劇《伯沙撒王的宴會》,電影配樂《少數中的第一個》(《噴火戰機》)《亨利五世》《哈姆雷特》
威廉·特納·沃爾頓爵士,OM英語Sir William Turner Walton,1902年3月29日-1983年3月8日),英國作曲家指揮家。生於蘭開夏郡奧爾德姆(今屬大曼徹斯特郡)。少年時代進入牛津大教堂合唱團,青年時代曾在倫敦爵士樂俱樂部彈奏鋼琴,同時進行創作。他的音樂創作基本上是靠自學的。其風格深受斯特拉文斯基普羅科菲耶夫影響。他的成名作品是為詩人伊迪絲·西特韋爾(Edith Sitwell)的詩歌《門面》(Façade)譜寫的背景音樂。[1]





  1. ^ 牛津簡明音樂辭典(第四版),第1241頁

