2022年4月18日 星期一

Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems Illustrated;塞伯短篇小說選;James Thurber 1894 - 1961/The Secret Life of Walter Mitty、張曼儀

出版小說、散文、劇本、童書、漫畫……書寫類型豐富多元的美國作家詹姆斯.瑟伯(James Thurber,1894-1961)作品曾被改編為電影《白日夢冒險王》,更是《紐約客》早期的「幽默大師」。小說《想我苦哈哈的一生》自傳性質濃厚,以美國俄亥俄州家庭為故事圓心,日記般口吻敘述主人翁周遭的大小日常──床舖坍塌之夜,因為角色各自的「神經質」,引發連鎖荒誕事件;訛傳謠言,讓鎮上居民以為大壩潰堤紛紛逃難,隱約看見「末日預言」的輪廓;豢養的家犬,脾性古怪,見人就咬,卻怕雷電交加暴風雨;大學時不擅長的科目讓主角痛苦萬分,鬧出許多笑話,間接針挑教育環境帶給個人的困境。詹姆斯.瑟伯習以製造混亂與慌忙場面,將情節推向高峰,再戛然收束,點到為止,任笑意在無聲的罅縫醞釀、竄出,展現精緻的詼諧。

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was adapted for the stage by Thurber as part of the 1960 Broadway Theater revue A Thurber Carnival.
Fensch, Thomas (2001). The Man Who Was Walter Mitty: The Life and Work of James Thurber. New York: New Century Books.. ISBN 0-930751-13-2.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
In A Nutshell
James Thurber is most famous as a cartoonist and writer for The New Yorker in the 1930s and 40s. He published "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" in The New Yorker in March of 1939. It tells the story of an aging man who, though inept and bumbling in real life, passes his day with a series of fantasies in which he takes on the role of any number of powerful, bold, decisive men. The story has become an American classic, and Mitty a famous literary character. The word "Mittyesque" can even be found in The American Heritage Dictionary. (It refers to someone who is an absent-minded dreamer.)

Why Should I Care?
Who hasn't gotten through a boring day by imagining they were somewhere else, someone else, doing something different? Whether you pretend you're decoding spy codes when finishing your calculus homework, or that you're a dangerous Mafioso when your mother makes you take out the garbage, or that you're an FBI agent gathering intel when you're waiting at line at the supermarket, you probably know what we're talking about. The imagination is something we all use – possibly something we all need – to make our lives more interesting.

Some view "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" as the endearing story of a loveable man whose rather humorous, dramatic fantasies are harmlessly employed to get him through a dull day of errands. Others see darker themes at work here. Perhaps the story's message is that a dreamer can't survive in this world; or maybe that dreams are insufficient to compensate for what bothers us in reality. Any way you cut it, there are tough questions and hilarity to be found in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."

羈魂 | 2014年03月16日 11:11 | 分享到

   【港人字講:羈魂】屈指算來,認識張曼儀老師已有四十多年。印象中她是我在港大唸二年級時到中文系任教的。由於她主要教翻譯課,我卻選修了所有中文和中 哲課,沒緣直接做她的學生;可是,對她積極推廣新文學,尤其新詩方面的努力,卻早有所聞。何況,當年我也是一名「新詩發燒友」,她和友人合編的《中國現代 詩選》也有購閱,如今還珍藏於悉尼家中的書架呢!
  辨詩刊期間,張老師偶爾也有出手相助,尤其有關三十四年代詩人的專輯。集子中<雕蟲記譯>一文,就是張老師為《詩網絡》24期(2005年12 月號)<卞之琳逝世五周年特輯>而寫的。該文情辭並茂,翻譯理論以外,還幽幽道達她與卞先生,以至合譯者倫戴維先生好一段文學因緣呢!
  事實上,《揚塵集》中,雖以張老師多年來的創作為主,<第一輯>卻用了全書逾三分一篇幅寫卞之琳先生,更直接以<懷念卞之琳>為名,足見她與卞 先生那份亦師亦友的情誼。輯中除了從學術角度分析他的作品(包括新詩、小說片斷及譯作)外,字裡行間仍不時透顯她對卞老的尊敬、憶念之情。夾議夾叙,亦理 亦情,詩事、人事、家事、唉,國事,百多年來似乎還不斷纏繞無數知識份子的心靈!誰說論文不可以寄意抒懷?
  當然,作為張老師第一本個人作品結集,我們仍可以從那12篇散文、3篇小說,以及14首新詩中,窺探她從上世紀六十年代到本世紀第一個十年內長 達半世紀的創作足跡。誠如她在<自序>中所說:「這幾十年來」「寫得很少」,「願意保留存下來的只有三十餘篇」(實際見諸集子中只有29篇)。如此惜墨如 金,更見她對文字的尊重。
  張老師坦言「一生與詩結了不解緣,讀書、研究、教學、翻譯都集中在詩。」從集子中所見,詩作固然較多,創作年代(至少她願意保存下來的)也最 早。1961年兩首發表於《星島日報》<學生園地>版的少作:<昨夜>和<雨>,相信正是她從「醉心我國古典詩詞」轉為「覺得新詩有意思」的印記──前者 韻腳的靈活運用,後者近似十四行體的排列,可就是三四十年代新詩人的慣技?至於1962年美國留學時所寫的兩首新詩:<夜經內華達山脈>和<給沉思者>, 前者的「古典」與後者的「哲思」,正好展現她早年新詩養分的多元化,以及未來創作的無限可能。
  可惜,嗣後她忙於當學者、譯者,詩人的身分逼得暫時放下,直至八九十年代才偶爾重拾綵筆,寫下<紅掌>(84年)、<華威酒店外望>(84 年),以及<荒誕>(91年)、<祝福>(96年)等佳篇。除了二行一節的<荒誕>寄寓對兩年前慘劇的餘痛與餘悸外,其他三首都是很生活很深情的寫照── 「不習慣身邊少了孩子的笑語和爭吵」構成<華威酒店外望>時的「寂寞」,就讓「像小孩兒仰起稚嫩的笑臉」的<紅掌>,於以人喻物的同時,借物懷人吧!且不 消說,送給「披上潔白的婚紗」的「長女」那由衷的<祝福>,來得更窩心,更親切呢!至若移居加拿大哈利法克斯時(98年)所寫的兩首同題的<風>,雖同樣 借物,卻寄意自喻──「繫在孤另另」「木碼頭」的「一葉扁舟」,原來正朝夕期盼「再解纜東行」的「晴朗」「日子」;可惜,「愛海」而「不愛海岸常刮的疾 風」的詩人,在「命運」的播弄下,卻要「日夕與海和風/長相廝守」於「北國海邊一座小城」。幸而本世紀初,詩人終於重返她「生長」的「南方」「小島」, <喜樂>(02年)與<蘭花>(10年)二作雖相距八年,卻仍流露作者從加國「第一次體驗襌坐」後的「喜樂」與「圓滿」:匡湖的蓮鯉也好,窗前的蘭花也 好,浮游開謝之間,參悟的又是怎樣修為?說到壓卷的<太極室>,卻是教人掩卷的悼亡之作,室內老師「留下的空隙」儘管「永遠無法填補」,但,「太極」,與 乎「生活」,甚而「文化」、「文明」,卻「仍得繼續下去」、「傳承下去」・・・・

  集子中的散文只有12篇,最早的一篇更成於1974年,看似較她的新詩為少為晚;可是,張老師在<自序>已清楚交代,「散文寫得比較多」,而自 「1956年第一次投稿」見刊後,也寫過「散文、小說和新詩」,可見她寫的散文應不少於也不遲於新詩。事實上,六十年代《靜靜的流水》中的少作忍痛截流 後,七十年代《文學與美術》及《文美》的舊作,尚能倖存於新世紀這本《揚塵集》內!
  張老師散文的筆觸細密而精緻,管它是列寧格勒「一幢幢淡灰、淺黃、暗紅、啞綠的古老房子」、紐約車站與家人「匆促紛亂」的「散」「聚」、藏伏哈 城那「通曉梵文和藏文」「教車師傅」、匡湖園子裏「金魚、錦鯉」以至「石栗、梅花」好物競的「寓言」,或是「成昆行」那「踏著三四十年代先行者足印的心路 歷程」,寫景、叙事、記人、詠物、說理、抒情,無不舉重若輕。深於詩而寓於文的,總有教人驚喜的亮點吧!
說到集子中的小說,卻只得3篇,且全是近十多年的作品;相對新詩、散文,當屬「新作」吧!3篇更不約而同地以「女性」為主角──<清白>中小玫一時 貪念換來的冤屈,可換回讀者一剎廉價的同情?<四姐>好典型的傳統婦女形象,縱未能帶來怎樣的驚喜,以「六幀照片」臚列情節尚帶一絲新意吧!至於<家宴> 中的若紅,滾滾「下海」洪濤沖刷下的改變,原就是開放改革後某種必然啊!謔而不虐的點撥間,是會心一笑,唉,還是欲語還休?


[港人字講] 2014年03月16日
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泛亞交響樂團與女高音白天恩 演出..
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[港人字講] 2014年03月09日
[101會客室] 2014年03月03日
首席演員 ─── 羅冠蘭


“The characteristic fear of the American writer is the process of aging. The writer looks in the mirror and examines his hair and teeth to see if they’re still with him. ‘Oh my God,’ he says, ‘I wonder how my writing is. I bet I can’t write today.’” —James Thurber, born on this day on 1894

James Thurber was born on this day on 1894


First edition
(publ. Harper Brothers)

James Thurber is one of America's best known humorists, and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is his best known story. The story was first published in 1939 in the New Yorker magazine to great acclaim. It was reprinted in Thurber's 1942 collection, My World—And Welcome To It and in Reader's Digest in 1943. The story's main character is a middle-aged, middle-class man who escapes from the routine drudgery of his suburban life into fantasies of heroic conquest. Upon the story's publication, Walter Mitty became an archetypal American figure. Today, people still describe a certain kind of neurotic, daydreaming man as a "Walter Mitty type.'' In 1947, Hollywood released a movie of the same title, starring Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo.
Although his humorous stories, sketches, and illustrations were well-known during his lifetime, Thurber has received little scholarly attention. Some critics dismissed his work as little more than formulaic and whimsical. More recently, critics have become attentive to Thurber's literary prowess, such as his use of wordplay and attention to narrative form. They have also discussed the darker themes of his work which lurk underneath the hilarity. Others, referring to his tendency to portray domineering women, like Mrs. Mitty, and unhappy, ineffectual men, like Walter, fault his treatment of women and views of marriage.
- See more at: http://www.enotes.com/topics/secret-life#sthash.zXI0Vuhh.dpuf

Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems Illustrated

James Thurber



Product Description

James Thurber has been called "one of our great American institutions' (Stanley Walker), "a magnificent satirist (Boston Transcript), and "a Joyce in false-face" (New York Times). The New York Herald Tribune submits that he is "as blithe as Benchley...as savage as Swift...surprisingly wise and witty," while the Times of London, out of enthusiasm and a profound regard for truth, proclaims that "Thurber is Thurber."
In Fables for Our Time, Thurber the Moralist is in the ascendancy. Here are a score or more lessons-in-prose dedicated to conventional sinners and proving--what you will. The fables are imperishably illustrated, and are supplemented by Mr. Thurber's own pictorial interpretations of famous poems in a wonderful and joyous assemblage.

About the Author

James Thurber (1894)-1961) created some thirty volumes of humor, fiction, children's books, cartoons, and essays in just about as many years. A founding member of The New Yorker staff, Thurber wrote and illustrated such enduring books as The Thurber Carnival and My Life and Hard Times, which have appeared in countless editions and dozens of languages throughout the world.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Harper Perennial (March 23, 1983)

The Great American Humorist James Thurber 1894 - 1961 Left Us With Some Great Stories and Illustrations Here are some of his works from
"Fables For Our Times"

bulletThe Birds and the Foxes
bulletThe Little Girl and the Wolf
bulletThe Scotty Who Knew Too Much
bulletThe Very Proper Gander
bulletThe Bear Who Let It Alone
bulletThe Shrike and the Chipmunks
bulletThe Seal Who Became Famous
bulletThe Crow and the Oriole
bulletThe Moth and the Star
bulletThe Glass in the Field
bulletThe Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble
bulletThe Owl Who Was God
bulletThe Unicorn in the Garden

Risqué Egyptian Religion Thurber's Fables Einstein Source

