對我而言, 林皎碧翻譯的《作家論:三島由紀夫文學評論傑作選 》By 三島 由紀夫( Yukio Mishima),讓我受益最多。
我用《作家論 》中談川端康成一文中,關於《美麗與悲哀》部分來談林皎碧譯文的優缺點。
比較的基準是金溟若先生 (1905~1970)的論/譯《美麗與悲哀》 (台北:志文,1969.2出版,1985二版,附錄:三島由紀夫評《美麗與悲哀》頁239~42)。代譯序《論川端康成的小說兼談文藝譯作》頁1~12,也很可參考。
金先生的譯注都很好,可能的失誤在於頁66關於岸田劉生的"麗子" (這是初讀的差錯, 因為我誤讀"圖拉" 為"拉圖"。_
アンリ・ジャン・テオドール・ファンタン=ラトゥール(Henri Jean Théodore Fantin-Latour, 1836年1月14日 - 1904年8月25日)は、フランスの画家、リトグラフの版画家。アルブレヒト・デューラー(ドイツ語: Albrecht Dürer, 1471年5月21日 - 1528年4月6日)は、ドイツのルネサンス期の画家、版画家、数学者。同名の父・アルブレヒトは、ハンガリーからドイツ南部に移住してきたマジャル人金銀細工師である。Maurice Quentin de La Tour (5 September 1704 – 17 February 1788) was a French Rococo portraitist who worked primarily with pastels. Among his most famous subjects were Voltaire, Rousseau, Louis XV and Madame de Pompadour.
三島 由紀夫 Yukio Mishima 很有學問。《作家論》有不少慧見 (其實三島對各家的評論不只這些,本書為特定的"全集"寫解說),翻譯者作了相當多的註解,真該道謝。......
他在討論川端康成一章(這是搶先看的),引進 romanesque (本書翻譯成羅馬式),他在文中有解釋,可我們可以看看西方文學中如何討論它?
Romanesques is a twice yearly review which aims to explore the notion of the romanesque in questions about fiction, reading, literary history and genre theory.
It then proceeds to transfer to literature the art-historical system of periodi- zation by successive styles. Thus we get literary Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, etc., down to Im- and Expressionism. Then, by the process of ...
Ernst Robert Curtius - 1953 - Literary Criticism
On the Romanesque in Contemporary French Literature
The three authors considered in this study are exemplary of the diverse understandings of the developments of 20th-century literature, and the ways in which these understandings influence decisions pertaining to literary kinship and filiation. Jean Echenoz riffs on the standards of conventional genre fiction, at once sabotaging and renewing its clichés. Jean Rouaud polemically refuses what he sees as a tradition of experimental fiction, and returns to the romanesque as a literature of slow contemplation and strong axiological positions. Antoine Volodine constructs violent alternate realities, as well as an entire fictional community, in an attempt to sever his literary works from any relation to literary past, present, or future. This dissertation finally argues that these writing projects all point to the need for a theoretical paradigm which would reconcile critical and naive, reflective and immersive reading practices.
緩慢的沉思、價值觀立場 axiological position
ejje.weblio.jp › content › axiological
axiologicalの意味や使い方 【形容詞】1価値の研究の、または、それに関して(of or relating to the study of values) - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。


三島 由紀夫
+ フォロー
作家論 - 新装版 (中公文庫) 文庫 – 2016/5/19
三島 由紀夫 (著)