鄭樹森編《國際文壇十二家 葛拉斯》臺北:聯合文學,292~334

Günter Grass 1927-2015《給不讀詩的人:我的非小說:詩與畫》,

Paul Klee, August Macke, Louis Moilliet
August Macke 8月8日從軍去,9月26日陣亡。
August Macke, Louis Moilliet Google 翻譯:奧古斯特·馬克,路易斯·莫伊利特
雨云《克利日記選》翻譯 (149頁): 馬格; 莫利葉 (瑞士伯爵)
(p. 193 翻譯者不知道Grey Hound翻誠譯"灰狗"令人不知所云:......在電車後頭跑了好一程,他是一隻真正的灰狗。"
第3首: (譯註):
Joseph Mallord William Turner
The Thames from Richmond Hill
Joseph Mallord William Turner
The Thames from Richmond Hill
10月03 2015 六 Mr. Turner
傍晚,拿著{周作人俞平伯往來通信集},從公館搭捷運往關渡,參加臺北藝術大學的第7屆關渡電影節的第2部Mr. Turner (2014年影片。主角為英國畫家J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851),當時已有火車,照相館.....) 。第一次完全利用公共運輸 (轉公車)去台藝大,有機會看到該校校長及一級主管及電影系師生。電影院和它的所有類別硬體設施之先進,讓我印象深刻。1977-78年,我參訪過劉森堯學長的倫敦電影學校,同樣熱情搭火車到外地去看一場電影......現在的台灣學子真是天之驕子,資源豐富,各專門老師都有,校園美麗.....。
這部電影是通俗之作。近年已發現Turner先生晚期的一系列很不一樣的"驚人作品",請往YouTube 去觀賞。
Yale University 的影片。
2015年7月28日 8:48 ·
2015年7月28日 8:48 ·
1999年諾貝爾文學獎得主,德國小說家Günter Grass逝世,享年87歲。
鈞特 葛拉斯《我的世紀》蔡鴻君譯,時報,2000。
Günter Grass, Nobel-winning German novelist, dies aged 87
Author of The Tin Drum and figure of enduring controversy
The writer Günter Grass, who broke the silences of the past for a generation of Germans, has died in hospital in Lübeck at the age of 87.
German president Joachim Gauck led the tributes, offering his condolences to the writer’s widow Ute Grass. “Günter Grass moved, enthralled, and made the people of our country think with his literature and his art,” he said in a statement. “His literary work won him recognition early across the world, as witnessed not least by his Nobel prize.”
“His novels, short stories, and his poetry reflect the great hopes and fallacies, the fears and desires of whole generations,” the statement continued.
Tributes began to appear within minutes of the announcement of Grass’ death on Twitter by his publisher, Steidl.
In the UK, Salman Rushdie was one of the first authors to respond, tweeting:
The Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk had warm personal memories: “Grass learned a lot from Rabelais and Celine and was influential in development of ‘magic realism’ and Marquez. He taught us to base the story on the inventiveness of the writer no matter how cruel, harsh and political the story is,” he said.
He added: “In April 2010 when there was a mushroom cloud over Europe he was in Istanbul and stayed more than he planned. We went to restaurants and drank and drank and talked and talked ... A generous, curious and a very warm friend who also wanted to be a painter at first!”
Grass found success in every artistic form he explored – from poetry to drama and from sculpture to graphic art – but it wasn’t until publication of his first novel, The Tin Drum, in 1959 that he found the international reputation which brought him the Nobel prize for literature40 years later. A speechwriter for the German chancellor Willy Brandt, Grass was never afraid to use the platform his fame afforded, campaigning for peace and the environment and speaking out against German reunification, which he compared to Hitler’s “annexation” of Austria.
Grass was born in the Free City of Danzig – now Gdansk – in 1927, “almost late enough”, as he said, to avoid involvement with the Nazi regime. Conscripted into the army in 1944 at the age of 16, he served as a tank gunner in the Waffen SS,bringing accusations of betrayal, hypocrisy and opportunism when he wrote about it in his 2006 autobiography, Peeling the Onion.
The writer was surprised by the strength of the reaction, arguing that he thought at the time that the SS was merely “an elite unit”, that he had spoken openly about his wartime record in the 1960s, and that he had spent a lifetime “working through” the unquestioning beliefs of his youth in his writing. His war came to an end six months later having “never fired a shot”, when he was wounded in Cottbus and captured in a military hospital by the US army. That he avoided committing war crimes was “not by merit”, he insisted. “If I had been born three or four years earlier I would, surely, have seen myself caught up in those crimes.”
Instead he trained as a stonemason, studied art in Düsseldorf and Berlin, and joined Hans Werner Richter’s Group 47 alongside writers such as Ingeborg Bachmann and Heinrich Böll. After moving to Paris in 1956 he began working on a novel which told the story of Germany in the first half of the 20th century through the life of a boy who refuses to grow.
A sprawling mixture of fantasy, family saga, bildungsroman and political fable,The Tin Drum was attacked by critics, denied the Bremen literature prize by outraged senators, burned in Düsseldorf and became a global bestseller.
Speaking to the Swedish Academy in 1999, Grass explained that the reaction taught him “that books can cause offence, stir up fury, even hatred, that what is undertaken out of love for one’s country can be taken as soiling one’s nest. From then on I have been controversial.”
A steady stream of provocative interventions in debates around social justice, peace and the environment followed, alongside poetry, drama, drawings and novels. In 1977 Grass tackled sexual politics, hunger and the rise of civilisation with a 500-page version of the Grimm brothers’ fairytale The Fisherman and His Wife. The Rat (1986) explored the apocalpyse, as a man dreams of a talking rat who tells him of the end of the human race, while 1995’s Too Far Afield explored reunification through east German eyes – prompting Germany’s foremost literary critic, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, to brand the novel a “complete and utter failure” and to appear on the cover of Der Spiegel ripping a copy in half.
His last novel, 2002’s Crabwalk, dived into the sinking of the German liner Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945, while three volumes of memoir – Peeling the Onion, The Box and Grimms’ Words – boldly ventured into troubled waters.
Germany’s political establishment responded immediately to the news of Grass’s death. The head of the German Green party, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, called Grass a “great author, a critical spirit. A contemporary who had the ambition to put himself against the Zeitgeist.”
“Günter Grass was a contentious intellectual - his literary work remains formidable,” tweeted the head of the opposition Free Democratic party, Christian Lindner.
The foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was “deeply dismayed” at the news of the author’s death, a tweet from his ministry said.
Steinmeier is a member of the Social Democratic party, which Grass had a fraught relationship with - after campaigning for the party in 1960s and 70s, he became a member in 1982, only to leave ten years later in protest at its asylum policies.
“Günter Grass was a contentious intellectual who interfered. We sometimes miss that today,” SPD chairwoman Andrea Nahles said.
Speaking to the Paris Review in 1991, Grass made no apology for his abiding focus on Germany’s difficult past. “If I had been a Swedish or a Swiss author I might have played around much more, told a few jokes and all that,” he said. “That hasn’t been possible; given my background, I have had no other choice.”While there were plenty of tributes recognising Grass as one of Germany’s most important post-war writers, social media users swiftly revived many of the controversies of his divisive career, bringing up his membership of the SS and his alleged anti-Semitism.
The controversy flared up again following by publication of his 2012 poem What Must be Said, in which he criticised Israeli policy. Published simultaneously in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Italian La Repubblica and Spanish El País, the poem brought an angry response from the Israeli ambassador to Germany, Shimon Stein, who saw in it “a disturbed relationship to his own past, the Jews, and Israel”.
Despite his advanced age, Grass still led an active public life, and was due to appear at a reading in Hamburg in two weeks.
Buchcover: Günter Grass - Mein Jahrhundert 《我的世紀》德文版封面
格拉斯的特點是:大聲說出那些別人別人試圖抹去的記憶;揭開這個社會的瘡疤。正是憑著這樣的勇氣,格拉斯在過去數十年在德國、在全世界贏得了尊重。他是一個不招人喜歡的知識份子,一個樂於參與意見表達,包括政治意見表達的作家。臺北歌德學院院長威恩哈德(Markus Wernhard)指出,這是一種西方人的處世哲學,"格拉斯這種主動參與政治,表明立場的態度,在東亞社會不是很典型的。在臺灣也缺少一點這種精神。因此(認識格拉斯)或許是此間作家反思自己的社會責任的一個機會。"
格拉斯特展" 鼓動的世紀" 記者會
Bardenhagen 編譯:葉宣

在台湾,德国文学其实是一个小众话题。连国立文学馆的馆长也承认,他自己也并不熟悉格拉斯的作品,因此得抓紧时间在展览开幕前补补课。不过林刘惠安女士可 以提供帮助,她是台北辅仁大学德语文学教授,也是台湾受到公认的格拉斯专家。正是她把格拉斯的文学、版画和雕塑作品介绍到了台湾。
格拉斯的特点是:大声说出那些别人别人试图抹去的记忆;揭开这个社会的疮疤。正是凭着这样的勇气,格拉斯在过去数十年在德国、在全世界赢得了尊重。他是一 个不招人喜欢的知识分子,一个乐于参与意见表达,包括政治意见表达的作家。台北歌德学院院长维恩哈德(Markus Wernhard)指出,这是一种西方人的处世哲学,"格拉斯这种主动参与政治,表明立场的态度,在东亚社会不是很典型的。在台湾也缺少一点这种精神。因 此(认识格拉斯)或许是此间作家反思自己的社会责任的一个机会。"
林刘惠安说:"或许来参观展览的人也能反思一下自己国家的历史。"她认为像格拉斯这样一个作家在台湾也会发现许多值得书写的议题。台湾今天虽然是亚洲为数 不多的真正意义上的民主国家之一,但仍然没有完全摆脱持续数十年的独裁统治的阴影。直到上世纪80年代后期,台湾才解除了战时的戒严令。直到今天,台湾社 会的裂痕犹在,而对历史的反思还刚刚开始。与此同时,台湾的民主受到中国的威胁。林刘惠安说,她定期到德国拜访格拉斯时,谈到过这样的话题。"他问了我很 多关于台湾,关于中国的问题。他非常好奇,直到今天都是如此。"
作者:Klaus Bardenhagen 编译:叶宣
在台湾,德国文学其实是一个小众话题。连国立文学馆的馆长也承认,他自己也并不熟悉格拉斯的作品,因此得抓紧时间在展览开幕前补补课。不过林刘惠安女士可 以提供帮助,她是台北辅仁大学德语文学教授,也是台湾受到公认的格拉斯专家。正是她把格拉斯的文学、版画和雕塑作品介绍到了台湾。

格拉斯的特点是:大声说出那些别人别人试图抹去的记忆;揭开这个社会的疮疤。正是凭着这样的勇气,格拉斯在过去数十年在德国、在全世界赢得了尊重。他是一 个不招人喜欢的知识分子,一个乐于参与意见表达,包括政治意见表达的作家。台北歌德学院院长维恩哈德(Markus Wernhard)指出,这是一种西方人的处世哲学,"格拉斯这种主动参与政治,表明立场的态度,在东亚社会不是很典型的。在台湾也缺少一点这种精神。因 此(认识格拉斯)或许是此间作家反思自己的社会责任的一个机会。"
林刘惠安说:"或许来参观展览的人也能反思一下自己国家的历史。"她认为像格拉斯这样一个作家在台湾也会发现许多值得书写的议题。台湾今天虽然是亚洲为数 不多的真正意义上的民主国家之一,但仍然没有完全摆脱持续数十年的独裁统治的阴影。直到上世纪80年代后期,台湾才解除了战时的戒严令。直到今天,台湾社 会的裂痕犹在,而对历史的反思还刚刚开始。与此同时,台湾的民主受到中国的威胁。林刘惠安说,她定期到德国拜访格拉斯时,谈到过这样的话题。"他问了我很 多关于台湾,关于中国的问题。他非常好奇,直到今天都是如此。"
作者:Klaus Bardenhagen 编译:叶宣
2008.12這本書中 葛拉斯 說 要求出版商將各國翻譯者聚會討論是其創舉
(這種作法為 米蘭 昆德拉等大作家所彷效)
啟蒙的冒險:與諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯對談 浙江人民出版社 2001

啟蒙的冒險:與諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯對談 Vom Abenteuer der Aufclarung
- 作者:鈞特‧葛拉斯、哈羅.齊默爾曼/著
- 原文作者:Gu nter Grass、Harro Zimmermann
- 譯者:周惠
- 出版社:先覺
- 出版日期:2004年
本書是德國不萊梅廣播電臺文學部主管哈羅�齊默爾曼,自1998年6 月至8月對諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯進行的訪談錄。這些訪談沒有導演的事先安排,而是大膽地共同進行一場觀點的遊戲,是一場「啟蒙的冒險」。在坦誠的交談 中,葛拉斯對其作品《錫鼓》、《狗年月》、《局部麻醉》、《蝸牛日記》、《比目魚》、《母鼠》、《遼闊的原野》的寫作背景、創作的過程、敘述手法等等一一 作了介紹。他除了談到他的作品,還談到作為畫家、雕塑家、「公民」及「公開政治化」的葛拉斯。
一九九九年諾貝爾文學獎得主鈞特�葛拉斯 透過寫作逝去的歷史,引領讀者回憶過去,同時預視未來。葛拉斯以「但澤三部曲」為首的所有小說、詩歌、文集,都在亦真亦幻、似夢非夢、荒誕的描寫中,引導 讀者發現真實,以文學的形式對讀者進行啟蒙。本書是葛拉斯本人對所有重要作品的寫作背景、創作過程、敘述手法的解說,是深入了解葛拉斯的最重要著作。
鈞特‧葛拉斯(Gu nter Grass)
德國著名文學作家、畫家、雕塑家。1927年生於但澤,1999年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎,其小說深受十七世紀流浪漢小說(La Novela picarsca)的影響。
葛拉斯的主要作品有「但澤三部曲」:《錫鼓》(1959)、《貓與鼠》(1961)、《狗年月》(1963)。繼「但澤三部曲」之後,他幾乎每十年便有 一部大作品問世:《比目魚》(1977)、《母鼠》(1986)、《遼闊的原野》(1995)。在世紀之交,葛拉斯又推出新作《我的世紀》(1999)。
哈羅‧齊默爾曼(Harro Zimmermann)