2018年6月2日 星期六

Frantz Fanon

黑皮膚,白面具(修訂版) | 哲學新媒體

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談到後殖民論述,絕對不能不提到法農(Frantz Fanon)。法農出生於法屬西印度群島,中學時代移居法國,並進入里昂大學攻讀醫學和心理 ... 黑皮膚白面具(修訂版) ...

黑皮膚,白面具(豆瓣) - 豆瓣读书

PATHS TO EMANCIPATION. For some of us of a certain age and of a particular political persuasion, Frantz Fanon has been the single most important thinker and inspiration. Author of the anti-racist lamentation Black Skin, White Masks; spokesman for the Algerian Revolution and author of The Wretched of the Earth, the touchstone of decolonisation; inspiration to Third World revolutionaries from the refugee camps of Palestine to the streets of Tehran and Harlem; founder, before it
became the fashion of the salon, of post-colonialism; hero to the alienated youth of France, who feel as if the Battle of Algiers never ended. And now what is arguably his most important book has just been published in English. Fanon's Alienation and Freedom (Bloomsbury Publishing UK), edited and compiled by Jean Khalifa and Robert Young, has to be considered one of the most significant intellectual achievements of the past half-century – a necessary point of reference for anyone interested in learning more about and from this great revolutionary thinker and fighter for the causes of dignity and freedom. The writing contains power, beauty and breadth – as we explore his complementary strengths: as a committed political philosopher; as an innovative psychiatrist; as a playwright; and much more. As Souleymane Bachir Diagne says, the book is "the story of the emancipation of the human being from everything that alienates her, everything that separates her from humanity." Already a book of the year.

