2018年6月11日 星期一

Image result for THE RULE OF SAINT BENEDICT by Benedict of Nursia
The Rule of Saint Benedict (Latin: Regula Benedicti) is a book of precepts written by Benedict of Nursia ( c. AD 480–550) for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot.

Rule of Saint Benedict - Wikipedia


[PDF]The Holy Rule of St. Benedict - Documenta Catholica Omnia


by S Benedict - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles
About The Holy Rule of StBenedict by Saint Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino. The Holy Rule of St.Benedict. Title: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/benedict/rule.html.

"Benedictine Order :本篤會:為聖本篤 St. Benedict ( 480-543 )于 529 年創立于義國喀西諾山的男、女隱修會;會士以祈禱和工作為兩大支柱,每日均隆重舉行彌撒,並隆重歌唱日課;對窮人、旅客視同對待基督,為當地民眾服務:指導農業、推展教育、藝術,對中古時代的歐洲有舉足輕重的貢獻。美籍本篤會士奉教廷之命于 1924 年來華,在北平創辦輔仁社, 1929 年正式立案為輔仁大學。 1933 年該會將輔仁大學管理權移交聖言會後,旋即轉往河南開封傳教並興學。之後在臺北及嘉義建有會院。本篤會全名為 Order of St. Benedict ,縮寫為 O.S.B. 。"
Vintage Books & Anchor Books
"Listen and attend with the ear of your heart."
--from THE RULE OF SAINT BENEDICT by Benedict of Nursia
Composed nearly fifteen hundred years ago by the father of Western monasticism, The Rule of St. Benedict has for centuries been the guide of religious communities. St. Benedict’s rules of obedience, humility, and contemplation are not only prerequisites for formal religious societies, they also provide an invaluable model for anyone desiring to live more simply. While they presuppose a certain detachment from the world, they provide guidance and inspiration for anyone seeking peace and fulfillment in their home and work communities. As prepared by the Benedictine monk and priest Timothy Fry, this translation of The Rule of St. Benedict can be a life-transforming book. With a new Preface by Thomas Moore, author of The Care of the Soul. READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-rule-of-saint-bene…/

