2018年12月28日 星期五

以色列 “國民良心”作家阿莫斯·奥兹(Amos Oz) 過世; Israeli author Amos Oz dies of cancer at 79

Israeli author Amos Oz dies of cancer at 79

The most often translated Israeli author was a co-founder of the movement "Peace Now" and an advocate of the two-state solution in the Arab-Israeli peace process, but his works go far deeper than political positions.
Amos Oz
Israeli author Amos Oz passed away on Friday at the age of 79, his daughter tweeted.
"To those who love him, thank you," Fania Oz-Salzberger wrote. 
Oz was born as Amos Klausner on May 4, 1939 in Jerusalem and grew up in a district dominated by Jewish immigrants of Eastern European descent. His father's family had fled the Russian Revolution of 1917 from Odessa to Vilnius. In 1933 they emigrated to Palestine. 
Following the tragic suicide of his mother, Oz joined the kibbutz of Chulda at age 15. To the chagrin of his father, he replaced his family name with the name of Oz which in Hebrew means "force" or "strength." 
Surrounded by books and languages
Amos Oz's father, who came from a family of Zionist scholars, was a librarian and literary critic and spoke 12 languages, his mother seven. They taught their son only Hebrew, but in a roundabout way, he managed to return to multilingualism: His works have been translated into more than 40 languages, making him Israel's most-translated author.
From 1960 to 1963, Oz studied literature and philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. After graduating, he returned to the kibbutz. In 1986 he moved with his family to Arad in the Negev Desert . 
Buchcover von Amos Oz
A much-published author
From 1987 to 2005 he taught Hebrew literature at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, where he took the prestigious Agnon Chair of Modern Hebrew literature in 1993. In 2014, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland 
"The great character writer of our time" - as the German daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" called him - won many awards and distinctions, including the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, the Goethe Prize, the Heinrich Heine Prize, and the Siegfried Lenz Prize. 
International breakthrough 
The microcosm of kibbutz society, the tensions and uncertainties in the young state of Israel and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians are central themes in the extensive work of Amos Oz, starting with his first collection of short stories, "Where the Jackals Howl" (1965).
The author achieved global fame overnight in 1968 with his second novel, "My Michael." It tells the story of a young woman who, after the failure of her marriage, escapes in her dreams to two handsome Arab twin brothers. Although she is not particularly interested in politics, the formation of the young Jewish state is reflected in her personal fate. "My Michael" broke long-standing taboos in the relations between Jews and Arabs.
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Looking back to the future

A two-state solution 
Following the Six-Day War (1967), Amos Oz became an early advocate of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and went on to co-found Peace Now, an organization that seeks to achieve that. 
"My suggestion is to accept the terms which the whole world knows for a two-state-solution and coexistence between Israel and the West Bank: Two capitals in Jerusalem, a mutually agreed territorial modification, removal of most of the Jewish settlements from the West Bank," Oz told DW in a 2014 interview. 
He went on to say that he would like to see "Israel removed once and for all from the front pages of all the newspapers in the world and instead conquer, occupy and build settlements in the literary, arts, music and architecture supplements. This is my dream for the future."
Oz's support for a two-state solution was not widely popular in Israel. His nomination for the Israel Prize for Literature in 1998 met with heated controversy.
Schriftsteller Amos Oz (Imago/Leemage)
Amos Oz in June 1999
How to Cure a Fanatic
During a series of lectures held at the University of Tübingen in Germany in 2002, published later in the book "How to Cure a Fanatic," Oz tackled what he considered misconceptions about the Israeli peace movement. 
This situation in his country could not be paralleled to the German peace movement, he said, and he was "not a pacifist in the sentimental sense of the word." During the Six-Day War of 1967 he fought in the Sinai Desert, and during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 in the Golan Heights. He also spoke out in favor of the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and supported Israel's actions during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict.
Literature is more than politics
Though he held strong political opinions and was publically vocal about them, Oz did not want his literary works to be reduced to a political message. He emphasized that he did not trace the problems in human relationships back to the living conditions in a particular political context, but to a much deeper level of the human soul — saying that he aimed to write not only about life in the context of the Middle East conflict, but about life itself.




  • Date 28.12.2018
  • Author Angelika Ditscheid

博客來-作者-Amos Oz


博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:Amos Oz,分類:全館,朋友之間,收藏奧茲3書精選:地下室的黑豹+我的米海爾+鄉村生活圖景,愛與黑暗的故事.


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Dec 6, 2017 - 奧茲(Amos Oz) 本名艾默思.克勞斯納(Amos Klausner),1939年生於耶路撒冷(當時以色列尚未建國),出身書香之家,父母皆有大學學位,通曉多國 ...
Dec 4, 2018 - Mar 15, 2019
【壞掉的大人】村上春樹X安徒生:我和影子分開,然 ...


https://www.books.com.tw › ... › 文學小說 › 翻譯文學 › 其他地區

Aug 29, 2012 - 艾默思.奧茲AMOS OZ. 本名艾默思.克勞斯納(Amos Klausner),1939年生於耶路撒冷(當時以色列尚未建國)。艾默思出身書香之家,父母皆有大學 ...
Dec 4, 2018 - Mar 15, 2019
【壞掉的大人】村上春樹X安徒生:我和影子分開,然 ...

博客來-目前您搜尋的關鍵字為: Oz, Amos


奧茲(Amos Oz)的《在以色列》(In the Land of Isreal)、湯馬斯.佛里曼的《從貝魯特到耶路撒冷》(From Beirut to Jerusalem)之後,便難以得見如此振聾發聵又不偏不倚的 ...

Amos Oz | 誠品網路書店


Amos Oz,鄉村生活圖景,世界文學,我們如同一群失物之人, 終日尋找,卻遍尋不著, 東西也許真的遺落了, 也可能被我們藏起了, 也可能,是我們視而不見。 ...
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Images for Amos Oz 柏客

More images for Amos Oz 柏客Report images

Web results

阿摩斯·奧茲- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia


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阿摩斯·奧茲(希伯來語:עמוס עוז,拉丁化:Amos Oz,原名:Amos Klausner ,1939年5月4日-),當今以色列文壇最傑出的作家,也是最富有國際影響的希伯來語作家, ...
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地下室的黑豹- 艾默思.奧茲Amos Oz | Readmoo 分享書


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《地下室的黑豹》 - 艾默思.奧茲Amos Oz - 舉世矚目的以色列作家——艾默思.奧茲改寫自童年經歷,一部關於愛與背叛、理想與現實的動人之作。☆希伯來文直譯, ...

【新書上架】《愛與黑暗的故事》以色列最具國際影響力的作家,寫下二十一 ...


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Sep 4, 2012 - 博客來(繆思十週年書展開跑,全書系69折起! ... 奧茲AMOS OZ ... 已出版數部希伯來文學譯著,代表作有專著《當代以色列作家研究》、《把手指放在 ...

好書推薦愛與黑暗的故事必讀@ 詩柏的潮流手札:: 痞客邦::


博客來好書推薦愛與黑暗的故事愛與黑暗的故事愛與黑暗的故事評價網友滿意度:就是這 ... 博客來文學小說推薦 ... 原文作者:Amos Oz; 譯者:鍾志清; 出版社:繆思

Haruki Murakami, probably the most famous living Japanese person, is hardly a “discovery,” but it was a pleasure to read him in his natural habitat. Shusaku Endo was perhaps the closest thing to a “national conscience” writer (in the Amos Oz mold, say) to emerge in Japan. His historical novel “Silence” is wonderful. I have a soft spot for Junichiro Tanizaki, too. His earlier, Poe-drenched work is good fun, but his masterpiece, “The Makioka Sisters,” serves — Austen-like — as a sort of Lonely Planet guide to the matrix of social obligations which people in Japan still navigate. For a crash course in ultranationalism and the pathology of obsession, Yukio Mishima is the man, even if his humorlessness can wear you down. (The end of his Sea of Fertility tetralogy, however, is surely one of the best final scenes in the history of the novel.) To mention the war, Akira Yoshimura’s “One Man’s Justice” and Saiichi Maruya’s “Grass for My Pillow” both examine Japan’s bruised relationship with its recent history. Sawako Ariyoshi’s “The Doctor’s Wife” is an excellent historical novel on the status of women in Japan.
村上春树可能是活着的日本人当中最有名的一位了,看他的书算不上是一种“发现”,但在他的祖国读他的书的确很愉快。远藤周作(Shusaku Endo) 可能是日本最接近“国民良心”的作家,有点像阿莫斯·奥兹(Amos Oz)。他的历史小说《沉默》(Silence)非常精彩。我还特别偏爱谷崎润一郎(Junichiro Tanizaki),他的早期作品充满爱伦·坡风格,非常有趣,但他的杰作《细雪》(The Makioka Sisters)却是奥斯汀风格的,有点像一本关于日本社会义务的《孤独星球》指南,这些义务至今仍然贯穿于日本人的生活之中。要想快速了解日本人的狭隘 民族主义和对病态的迷恋,就去读三岛由纪夫的作品吧,就算他的一本正经令人感到疲惫也值得一读。他的《丰饶之海》(Sea of Fertility)四部曲的结尾部分绝对是小说史上最好的终局之一。描写战争的优秀小说有吉村昭(Akira Yoshimura)的《一个人的争议》(One Man’s Justice)和丸谷才一(Saiichi Maruya)的《我枕头里的草》(Grass for My Pillow),从中可以检视日本与其近代史之间伤痕累累的联系。有吉佐和子(Sawako Ariyoshi)的《大夫之妻》(The Doctor’s Wife)是关于日本女性地位的优秀历史小说。

