2019年10月4日 星期五

Le citadin By Jacques Réda; Return To Calm

Le citadin: chronique Paperback – Import, 12 Feb 1998


Le citadin

作者: 傑克‧黑達 新功能介紹
原文作者: Jacques R\’eda
譯者: 胡瑞霞

  我們恰如其分的讚許這些微不足道的描述及印象式的細微觸覺,在傑克‧黑達這本深度作品<巴黎市民>中,呈現細緻的筆鋒、變化的影像、和諧的聲韻,及小說中看不見的城市建築 (法國文學雜誌 Magazine Litteraire)

  這些漫長的手札以散文詩的形式寫成,映照了我們內心存在的一種不確定性。傑克。黑達總是寂寞、總是漫走、總是好奇、不停地將心思付諸於實景、讓我們也深自體認城市中的萬象,和生命中種種過程。(費加洛文學雜誌 Le figaro Litteraire)

  傑克‧黑達以品嚐一份甜美的持續步履,來挖掘巴黎。這種持續的步履以維瓦地四步曲形式呈現,經過一年四季裡春夏秋冬、生命的四季,加上附記的「季節之外」(寂靜、言語、音樂)。從頭到尾,如一段段優美的文字背負著細膩的觀察、審思。其實,這些思緒也曾巧妙地引發自你內心,如你以往待在家中不曾出門,對外頭世界的想像;或者自窗口凝望外面世界時中所產生的幻想。(法國新政治報 Le Nourear Politis)

  跟著傑克‧黑達,都市值得好好散步,欣賞其魅力,取樂其中。跟著他,我們瞭解到首都巴黎值得不只匆匆一瞥,更值得緩慢地閒步其中、以確切的動作、深思的步伐。這有點「虛張聲勢」的行路人,有其說書人魅力。他彷如搭著的肩,告訴你這個城市歷史坍圮的過去、沈浸於愉悅的現況。他的文采如此 柔美,有如一段幸福的對話。(法國重點報 Le Point)

  傑克‧黑達寫關於巴黎書裡,最早寫是他「住」在巴黎(浸在其中)的那段時期。如果他邀請你好好觀察注意某些東西時,通時他會很篤定地,以他說話方式、以他的文字風格告訴你。所以,所有投射出去的眼光都是單一的、個人的、無法和人交換心得的。(法國世界報書評Le Monde des livres)

Jacques Réda (born 24 January 1929 in Lunéville) is a French poet, jazz critic, and flâneur. He was chief editor of the Nouvelle Revue Française from 1987 to 1996.
Amen (1968)
Récitatif (1971)
Les Ruines de Paris (1977)
L’Improviste, une lecture du jazz (1980)
L’Herbe des talus (1984)
Celle qui vient à pas légers (1985)
Jouer le jeu (L’Improviste II) (1985)
Retour au calme (1989) (Return to Calm, trans. by Aaron Prevots, 2007, Host Publications, Inc.)
Le Sens de la marche (1990)
Aller aux mirabelles, Gallimard (1991) (English translation: The Mirabelle Pickers, trans. by Jennie Feldman, Anvil Press Poetry, London 2012)
France, Peter (Ed.) (1995). The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-866125-8.
Into the Deep Street. Seven Modern French Poets. 1938–2008, Edited and translated by Jennie Feldman and Stephen Romer, Anvil, London 2009.
The Mirabelle Pickers, Translated by Jennie Feldman, Anvil, London 2012

Return To Calm (English) 平裝 – 十月 1, 2007
Fiction. Translated from the French by Aaron Prevots. RETURN TO CALM, published in French in 1989 and appearing here as a full bilingual edition, immerses the reader in Jacques Reda's lyrical observations of the everyday. Its seven distinct sections offer reflections on youth, on travel in open country, on seasons, on Paris and on remembrance itself. They provide a rhythmic initiation into the outer world's beauty, through the eyes of a writer deeply attuned to the passing of time and space.

The author of numerous poetry collections, essays and short novels, Jacques Réda has for over forty years been an active presence in French literature. In Return to Calm he is a writer in motion, expansive in his portrayal of days present and past. He holds a mirror up to ordinary events in an effort to reveal their innate poetry, as if to ask, Does the world belong to us or do we instead belong to it? Frequently on the lookout for deepened connections, he realizes they may remain at bay but encourages poems to emit slight signals of hope to us through the interplay of words on the page. Hints of emotion, particularly expressed as admiration for our natural surroundings, further point Réda’s poetry toward the lyrical according to today’s poetic compass.Return to Calm does what it implies it will – soothe, reassure, suggest forgiveness, appease. Whether quietly murmured or marked by a certain playfulness and warmth, it uplifts and entrances, as much through its thoughtful seeking and questioning as through its striking, yet in their images so recognizable, I-wish-I-had-said-that lines.” – from the Introduction by Aaron Prevots


