2008年12月24日 星期三

The return of Depression economics – and the crisis of 2008

失靈的年代: 克魯曼看蕭條經濟= The return of depression economics / 保羅. 克魯曼著; 盛逢時譯. Imprint, 台北市: 先覺, 1999.

Paul Krugman on the Economic Crisis

Nobel Prize winner and Princeton professor Paul Krugman sat down with Deutsche Welle to give his views on our economic past and what the future might hold.

Economics Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman published the second edition of his book “The return of Depression economics – and the crisis of 2008” at the beginning of December this year. In it he sets out to explain why the crisis has occurred and what should be done about it in the context of the US.

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

  • 作者:Krugman, Paul
  • 出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc
  • 出版日期:2008年11月01日
08年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,新一代經濟學大師克魯曼,曾因正確預言亞洲經濟危機來襲而享有盛名。經典作品《失靈的年代》鄭重地提出警告:全球經濟已 經變得比我們想像的還要危險。克魯曼在書中細數兩年來,七個國家所面臨的不景氣,尖銳地提出問題,坦誠地釋出解答。他在99年經濟榮景就在本書中做過以下 預言: 經過長期的不景氣,日本為何最近急轉直下,陷入通貨緊縮?日本問題到底有沒有解?泰國幾筆不動產呆帳和技巧拙劣的貨幣貶值行動,怎麼會掀起骨牌效應,從印 尼 一路波及到南韓?中國又為何沒有捲入災難?人民幣有可能貶值嗎?為什麼俄羅斯沒有履行償債義務會給巴西帶來經濟災難,而且在短時間內導致美國債券市場「凍 結」?



The Return of Depression Economics


The Return of Depression Economics (Paperback)

by Paul R. Krugman (Author) "HONG Kong's elite may have been sleeping off the festivities of the previous night; but there was no break for the construction crews working frantically..." (more)
Key Phrases: tequila crisis, liquidity trap, zero interest rate, United States, Hong Kong, Latin America (more...)

