A Concise History of the University of Cambridge [Paperback]
Elisabeth Leedham-Green (Author)
This concise, illustrated history of the University of Cambridge, from its thirteenth-century origins to the present day, is the only book of its kind in print and is intended as a standard introduction for anyone interested in one of the world's greatest academic institutions. Many individuals are celebrated here who have exerted great influence upon developments within the University and beyond. But forces for change have often come from outside the University, from central government or from the aspirations and expectations of society at large. One of the prime objectives of this book is to describe how the university has reacted to, or resisted, these external pressures. At the same time it conveys an impression of the day-to-day experiences of students and their teachers and administrators over the University's 700-year history. Major university institutions, such as the University Press and the University Library, are also described briefly. The book contains many attractive and often unusual illustrations, of subjects ranging from medieval manuscripts to the striking new building projects of the 1990s.
(譯注容易錯譬如說某頁對M.Phil. 之說法)
The University of Cambridge: An 800th Anniversary Portrait | Varsity ...
www.varsity.co.uk/reviews/1212 - 翻譯這個網頁30 Jan 2009 – The University's much-publicised 800th anniversary this year has spawned at least two celebratory volumes. One is CUSU's glorified graduate ...The University of Cambridge: An 800th Anniversary Portrait - Peter ...
books.google.com › ... › Europe › Great Britain - 翻譯這個網頁Cambridge is one of the world's great universities, providing education, scholarship and research at the very highest level. Home to more Nobel laureates than ...
Clinical chest ultrasound : from the ICU to the bronchoscopy suite / volume editors, C.T. Bolliger ... [et al.] Basel ; New York : Karger, c2009 ix, 221 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm
Property stories / edited by Gerald Korngold and Andrew P. Morriss
New York : Thomson Reuters/Foundation Press, 2009
2nd ed
vii, 434 p. ; 26 cm
The art of brevity : excursions in short fiction theory and analysis / edited by Per Winther, Jakob Lothe, and Hans H. Skei
Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, c200 xx, 212 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Short cuts [videorecording] / Fine Line Features in association with Spelling Films International present a Cary Brokaw / Avenue Pictures productions ; a Robert Altman film ; screenplay by Robert Altman & Frank Barhydt ; produced by Cary Brokaw ; directed by Robert Altman
Irvington, NY : Criterion Collection : New Line Home Video ; Chicago, IL : Distributed by Home Vision Entertainment, [2004]
Special ed
2 videodiscs (ca. 183 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 booklet (157 p.) 2004
Emerging perspectives on Ama Ata Aidoo / edited and introduced by Ada Uzoamaka Azodo & Gay Wilentz
Trenton, NJ : Africa World Press, 1999
a-k, xxviii, 481 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm
The Victorian short story : development and triumph of a literary genre / Harold Orel
Orel, Harold, 1926-
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986
ix, 213 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
The development of the American short story : an historical survey / by Fred Lewis Pattee
Pattee, Fred Lewis, 1863-
New York : Bible and Tanren, 1975, c1923
388 p. ; 24 cm 1975
English short stories, selected to show the development of the short story from the fifteenth to the twentieth century
London & Toronto, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & Co. 1926
xiv, 368 p. ; 18 cm
A dark story, or, A brief development of the nefarious conduct of the black-diamond mongers with regard to the present system of the coal trade [electronic resource] : seriously recommended to the attention of the public, whose interest is so materially affected, by the scandalous imposition of high price and short measure, in an article of so general and unavoidable consumption / by T. Telltruth
Telltruth, T
London : Printed and published by W. Glindon, 1815
32 p. ; 20 cm
Thomas Hardy's short stories and Victorian periodicals [electronic resource]
Brownson, Siobhan Craft 240 p
The Victorian short story [electronic resource] : A textual culture's forgotten genre
Lewis, Karen L
236 p
經抗議後 劍橋大學昨正名稱我台灣
英國劍橋大學官網先前對台灣國別的稱呼為「台灣,中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China)」,昨天恢復成「台灣」。 (取自劍橋大學官網) |
稱我中國一省 校方辯稱官方規定
中研院學者駁 牛津等校只寫台灣
中 研院生命科學組莊姓副研究員日前為其助理撰寫推薦信,發現劍橋的網路申請表「國別」欄位是「台灣,中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China)」;中研院基因體中心特聘研究員陳鈴津因此代寫信函,陳述台灣是獨立自主國家,並非中國一省,要求劍橋更正。
由於類似事件在學界層出不窮,中研院生物多樣性中心研究員陳昭倫質疑馬英九總統在到處宣揚免簽的政績背後,換來的是「中國的一省(Province of China)」的默許。
矮化案例多 外交部稱肇因ISO
護台灣主權 學者籲提供申訴管道
劍橋大學首次發行債券英國《金融時報》 邁克爾•斯托撒德, 克里斯•庫金報導
一家中世紀學府昨天踏入現代金融時代——劍橋大學(Cambridge University)在其800年的歷史上首次利用公共債券市場(而非慈善募捐)募資。這所英國最為富有、歷史第二悠久的大學發行了價值3.5億英鎊的40年期債券,利用低收益率來為新成立的干細胞研究實驗室和研究生宿舍提供資金。劍橋大學在最新的上海交通大學排名中名列全球第五,過去它的開發項目一直依賴捐贈人的資助。財務總監安德魯•里德(Andrew Reid)稱,劍橋本可以直接資助這些開發項目,但“鑑於長期利率處於低位,現在似乎是藉款的大好時機”。該債券的定價比英國國債高出60個基點,市場反響良好。上週,劍橋大學由於“卓越的市場地位、擁有高額的流動資產和穩健的治理結構”,獲得了穆迪(Moody's)的AAA評級。發行債券的是劍橋大學的中央機構,而不是組成該大學31所學院中的任何一所。在不計入學院資產的情況下,該中央機構擁有26億英鎊的淨資產。劍橋是英國唯一一所十億英鎊級大學,它在2010-11年度的支出達到12億英鎊。數支養老基金一直流露出支持英國大學的興趣。 2010-11年度,這個備受尊敬的領域擁有230億英鎊的收入,盈餘達10億英鎊,扣除負債後的淨資產價值達240億英鎊。位於萊斯特的德蒙特福德大學(De Montfort University)2010-11年度支出1.5億英鎊,該校於今年7月發行了價值1.1億英鎊的30年期債券。“我確信以後將有更多的大學考慮獲得評級,進入資本市場,”蘇格蘭皇家銀行(RBS)英國及愛爾蘭企業債務資本市場主管拉塞爾•梅伯里(Russell Maybury)說。蘇格蘭皇家銀行、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和匯豐銀行(HSBC)是此次債券發行的承銷商。譯者/徐天辰