2011年5月23日 星期一

Maslow Business Reader/Douglas McGregor, Revisited

The Maslow Business Reader
ISBN: 978-0-471-36008-7
324 pages
May 2000

此書的特色是夾進數封 (也許五封)與名家之通信

Maslow Business Reader

Workplace Motivation analysis - from the Twentieth century's most influential behavioral expert

Abraham Maslow Photo
"The more evolved and psychologically healthy people get, the more will enlightened management policy be necessary in order to survive in competition and the more handicapped will be an enterprise with an authoritarian policy."
Abraham Maslow
Maslow Business Reader
In a world in which each new day brings a new management theory or strategic proposition, the timeless ideas of Abraham Maslow resonate with unimpeachable insight and clarity. Dr. Maslow, the pioneer behind elemental concepts including the hierarchy of needs and the human search for self-actualization, innately understood that the goals and passions that so impact humans in their everyday life could be just as applicable-and his own findings just as valuable-in the work environment.

The Maslow Business Reader collects Maslow's essays and letters for his many devoted adherents, and introduces his published and unpublished works to readers unfamiliar with Maslow's management breakthroughs. From recognizing and warning against management's natural progression to mechanize the human organization to brilliant discussions of human motivation, Dr. Maslow never fails to instantly recognize the heart and soul of each matter and provide direct, across-the-board solutions.

Maslow Business Reader pictureAbraham Maslow's contributions to behavioral science shine on every page. In notes and articles, as well as personal letters to icons B. F. Skinner, John D. Rockefeller II, and others, The Maslow Business Reader provides his outlook on:

  • Management and leadership issues such as customer loyalty, entrepreneurship, and the importance of communication
  • Ways to build a work environment conducive to creativity, innovation, and maximized individual contributions
  • Techniques for finding comfort in change and ambiguity, and using them to spur creativity and innovation

Amid today's impressive technological innovations, business leaders sometimes forget that work is-at its core-a fundamental human endeavor. The Maslow Business Reader reminds us of Dr. Abraham Maslow's towering contribution to the understanding of human behavior and motivation, and how his efforts can lead to a greater understanding of the twenty-first-century workplace-and the workers who call it home.

Abraham Maslow is renowned-and rightfully so-for his pioneering work on the hierarchy of needs and the human drive for self-actualization. As today's worker increasingly equates professional success with personal satisfaction and fulfillment, Dr. Maslow's words and ideas have become recognized for their wisdom and prescience on performance improvement and management/employee relationships.

The Maslow Business Reader collects Abraham Maslow's most instructive, intuitive thoughts and essays into one important volume. Assembled from the wealth of behavioral research and analysis Dr. Maslow left upon his death in 1970, the enclosed selections reveal a man comfortable with his position in history, tireless in his efforts to better understand what truly makes humans strive to reach their potential, and gifted in his ability to translate the most profound concepts and realities into entertaining, thought-provoking prose.

Abraham Maslow is still regarded as the modern world's most articulate, insightful authority on human behavior and motivation. Discover his beliefs and conclusions on worker drives and motivations-as applicable today as when they were first written-in The Maslow Business Reader.

The late ABRAHAM H. MASLOW is the world's most widely renowned expert on human behavior and motivation. Dr. Maslow has contributed seminal works to the literature of business, applying his ideas on human behavior, personality, and motivation to the workforce.

DEBORAH C. STEPHENS is the co-founder of the Center for Innovative Leadership. She is the coauthor of One Size Fits One and Douglas McGregor, Revisited and the collaborator on Maslow on Management.



The Hierarchy of Needs.

The Attitude of Self-Actualizing People to Duty, Work, Mission.

Additional Notes on Self-Actualization, Work, Duty, and Mission.

Self-Actualized Duty.

Creativity in Self-Actualizing People.

Some Basic Propositions of Growth and Self-Actualization Psychology.

Notes on Self-Esteem in the Workplace.

The Human Side of Enterprise.

The American Dynamic.

Dangers of Self-Actualization.


The Necessity for Enlightened Management Policies.

The Good Enlightened Salesman and Customer.

Further Notes on Salesmen and Customers.

Managerial Stuff.

Memorandum on Salesmen and Salesmanship.

Notes on the Entrepreneur.

By-Products of Enlightened Management.

Leaders, Pawns, and Power.

Communication: Key to Effective Management.

The Dynamics of American Management.

Theory Z.


The Creative Attitude.

A Holistic Approach to Creativity.

Emotional Blocks to Creativity.

The Need for Creative People.

Notes on Creativeness.

Addition to the Notes on the Creative Person.

Our Aesthetic Needs: Exploratory Notes.


A Theory of Human Motivation.

Is All Behavior Motivated?

Deficiency Motivation and Growth Motivation.

Management as a Psychological Experiment.

The Jonah Complex: Understanding Our Fear of Growth.




Cover image for product 0471314625
Douglas McGregor, Revisited: Managing the Human Side of the Enterprise
ISBN: 978-0-471-31462-2
196 pages
May 2000
Wiley List Price: US $34.95

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
  • Reviews
The words of Douglas McGregor, one of the fore-fathers of management theory and one of the top business thinkers of all time, cannot and should not be ignored. McGregor's vision of a more humanistic workplace may not have been widely accepted over three decades ago, but technological advancements that McGregor himself anticipated have paradoxically helped companies become more human. Viewing employees not as cogs in the machine but as living beings with individual goals-what McGregor called "the human side of the enterprise"-has proven to provide a remarkable competitive advantage.
Now, with the rise of the networked economy, the growing power of frontline workers, and the shift in power from mass producer to individual consumer, authors Gary Heil, Warren Bennis, and Deborah Stephens assert that McGregor's ideas are more important and relevant than ever before.
Douglas McGregor, Revisited emphasizes McGregor's lasting influence and updates his thinking with new concepts, fresh strategies, and modern implementation. This timely work traces McGregor's original thinking, which has emerged in current approaches that stress distributed leadership, open-minded appraisal techniques, and employee/customer commitment.
Highlighted throughout with gems of wisdom in McGregor's own words, the book describes the value of his theories for today's managers. The authors carefully outline how to put McGregor's thinking into practice in your own business so you can:
* Devise a better performance management system
* Form and supervise effective management teams
* Build cooperation instead of internal competition
* Cultivate an intrinsically motivating, values-driven workplace
* Create a cause worthy of employee commitment
Also featured are examples from a host of companies and leaders who have flourished under McGregor's approach. Authoritative and highly instructive, Douglas McGregor, Revisited offers new generations of managers important lessons from history and from the field.
Praise for Douglas McGregor, Revisited
"This book revisits in a contemporary manner the most important question facing management today: given what we know about human nature, how should work be managed so as to unleash the vast creative potential of human beings? The evidence is overwhelming that many people either come to an organization or can be appropriately led to exhibit the behavior McGregor characterized as 'Theory Y.' This book provides a 'how-to' approach for developing people at work and for establishing high performance organizations."-Joseph A. Maciariello, Horton Professor of Management
Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont McKenna College. Author of Lasting Value: Lessons from a Century of Agility at Lincoln Electric
Douglas McGregor's seminal works, The Human Side of the Enterprise and The Professional Manager, debunked Taylorism and described a revolutionary way to manage people. He was the first to apply the findings in behavioral science to the world of business. Based on what had been learned about human behavior, McGregor explored the implications of managing people in a different manner than tradition dictated.
The nature of work today makes McGregor's ideas more relevant than ever before. This important book applies his thinking to today's business world, proving again that the human aspect of work is crucial to organizational effectiveness. It also suggests how you can change your thinking and implement his ideas in your own business and workplace.


Why McGregor Matters.

Rethinking Your Thinking.

Becoming McGregorian.

Thinking Systematically.

Performance Appraisal or Performance Development.

Winning with Teams.

Build Cooperation Instead of Internal Competition.

Building the Intrinsically Motivating, Actualizing Organization.

Creating a Cause Worthy of Commitment.

Leaders, Test Your Assumptions.


The Human Side of Enterprise.

New Concepts of Management.

A Philosophy of Management.

Chairman Mac.

An Uneasy Look at Performance Appraisal.


馬斯洛人性管理經典 Maslow On Management

   馬斯洛最廣為人知的就是需求層次理論,馬斯洛理論被譽為人本心理學之父,是為心理學的第三勢力,分別與行為學派與佛洛伊德學派相抗衡。一九六二年的夏 天,馬斯洛在南加州工廠留下了一本日記,之後以《完善心理管理》的書名出版。三十七年後的今天,馬斯洛女兒重新出版這本舊作,兩位作者特地訪談當今全美著 名企業的領導者,針對馬斯洛理論提出全新的解讀。


  • 自我實現─員工有執行自我的理念、將想法付諸實行、做決定和犯錯的自由。
  • 協同作用─對個人有益的事也對其他所有人有益;個人的成功不應犧牲他人的成功;整 合個人與組織的目標。
  • 開明管理─假設所有都有成就的衝動;每個人都喜歡成為主動的執行者,而非被動的助 手;每個人都希望自己是重要的、被需要的、有用的、成功的和自負的;沒有支配與從屬的情形。



《博客來導讀》新經濟時代中,人力資源是企業最重要的競爭優勢;當前的企業不僅要積極廣納人才,也要尋求最佳的人力管理原則。當工作型態隨著科技 劇烈轉變,經理人在人力資源方面要作何種調整,才能創造企業最高產能,並滿足X、Y世代對工作的需求,在此讓我們看看心理學大師馬斯洛開出的人性藥方。

心理學大師馬斯洛以需求層次理論著名,被後人譽為人本心理學之父。雖然馬斯洛並未以工業或管理心理學為專攻領域,然而當1962年他受邀觀 察某工廠運作後,他隨即把「自我實現」的需求概念帶入企業的人力管理,提出「開明管理」的理想。馬斯洛認為,若人人都能在工作中獲得自我實現,個體便能達 到心理健全,這即是開明管理要努力的目標。

馬斯洛對企業中個體與組織關係提出的見解,在三十多年後的今天重讀特別具有價值。馬斯洛一方面重視個人差異、工作自尊、存在價值,另一方面 則重新詮釋組織的縱效、利潤、成本,提出非結構團體與創造力的想法,與當前新經濟型態要求的工作變革遙遙呼應。重新出版的《馬斯洛人性管理經典》,加入了 今日著名學院與企業菁英對馬斯洛管理原則的評述訪談,讓我們在深入馬斯洛的遠見之餘,也必須承認,人性終究是管理的永恆課題。

