2012年7月6日 星期五

多瑙河注Danube: A Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea,


Danubio (1986; translated as Danube: A Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea, ISBN 0-00-272074-4),

 In this acclaimed international bestseller, Claudio Magris tracks the Danube River, setting his finger on the pulse of Central Europe, the crucible of a culture that draws on influences of East and West, Christianity and Islam. In each town he raises the ghosts that inhabit the houses and monuments, from Ovid and Marcus Aurelius to Kafka and Canetti, in “a fascinating blend of anecdote and history” (San Francisco Examiner).

From Publishers Weekly

More than a thoroughfare linking Europe and Asia, the Danube, for Magris, is symbol and nourisher of a hinterland, a Germanic/Magyar/Slavic/Jewish/Central European culture counterposed to northern and western Europe. As he follows the river from the Bavarian hills to the Black Sea, lingering at villages, castles, Viennese cafes, ancient ruins and cemeteries, the author, a professor of German literature at the University of Trieste, offers a sustained, rich, often profound meditation on diverse themes: the tension between Greco-Roman and Teutonic civilization, the roots of fascism, Napoleon as a personification of modern, clashing nationalisms, etc. We read of Hapsburg splendor and decline, Nazi evil, Slavic soul-searching, Rumania as melting-pot of races and cultures. This sequence of stately tableaux is steeped in cultural and historical references to the likes of Kafka and Kepler, Haydn, Heidegger, Elias Canetti, George Konrad, Vasko Popa.
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

The Danube river runs from central to southeast Europe, and Danube is a stream of consciousness flowing down the history of the great basin. The intrepid Italian traveler and cultural and literary historian, Claudio Magris, has taken the occasion of his river-length journey to make forays into the legends and lore, history and geography, politics and literature of the peoples and places along the Danube's winding path. The result is a rambling amalgam rich in nuances and allusions, some of which may be lost on those unversed in Central European culture. This is a stimulating tour which will challenge and reward the attentive and courageous intellectual traveler. It is recommended for academic and public libraries.
- James B. Street, Santa Cruz P.L., Cal.
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

《多瑙河注32 Carnuntum 卡農圖》:「拋開對書籍的渴求吧,除非你想不知所云地走向你的死亡。」Marcus Aurelius213  

類別: 人文‧思潮‧趨勢>INTO系列
       Claudio Magris

文化生命的漣漪    ◎文/鄭芳雄(台大外文系教授)
作 者不僅以現代地裡學和旅行家的觀點,考證、描述多瑙河的起源,及其從阿爾卑斯山德國黑森林,流經德、奧、匈、保、羅,到注入黑海的三角洲,各地名城古蹟的 景觀,無不細膩詳盡。同時,最重要的,他經常以德語文學學者的立場作為申論的出發點,引經據典,引用文、史、哲的相關資料和作品,來強化、豐富他對多瑙河 人、物、事的論述。並用民俗人類學的角度和國際文化觀,敘述在多瑙河流域所發生的的歷史事件和人物,使得整個多瑙河流域的文化、政治、文學、哲學的發展 史,透過生動的背景故事,和作者本人的評述,具體地呈現出來。 
內 容 簡 介
初看之下,這是一本關於「音樂之河」多瑙河的遊記,但它絕不只是遊記而已。在景觀之外還蘊含了文化、歷史、哲 學、人物等等。作者從多瑙河的源頭巴伐利亞高地寫起,歷經奧地利、匈牙利、巴爾幹地區的諸多城市,直到黑海之濱的多瑙河出海口為止,讀者不僅欣賞到此歐洲 心臟地區的景觀,還不時與中歐歷史、文化交會,並「探訪」了許多騷人墨客、哲人宗師、帝王貴冑等,包括卡夫卡、佛洛伊德、維根斯坦等人。作者具有百科全書 式的的博學廣知,使本書充滿知識的魅力。
多瑙河,總讓人想到旖旎的華爾滋的衣香鬢影、維也納、哈布斯堡 的貴族餘暉。然而這些印象是片斷的,忽略了多瑙河是一條長度近三千公里,流經日耳曼、馬札兒、伊斯蘭、斯拉夫、猶太各文化混雜的地區。瑪格利斯的博學與慧 黠可與艾柯(Umberto Eco)相比美,所呈現的特別、細緻的生命情趣則近似卡爾維諾(Italo Calvino)。
作 者 簡 介
克勞狄歐‧瑪格利斯,1939 年生於特里斯特(Trieste),德國文學教授、散文家。自 1960 年開始研究中歐文學;重要作品除《多瑙河注》外,《小宇宙》(Microcosmi, 1996)一書於 1997 年獲義大利最重要的Premio Strega文學獎。另有小說作品《另一個海》(Un altro mare, 1991)及其他研究著作。
譯 者 簡 介
目 錄
1. 溝槽的問題
2. 工程師紐維克洛夫斯基的多瑙河世界
3. 在瓦赫低地
4. 中央咖啡館
5. 城堡和小屋
6. 潘諾尼亞古地
7. 安卡祖母
8. 可疑的地圖
9. Matoas──快樂之河

