2013年1月27日 星期日
Art and Religion in Thera : Reconstructing a Bronze Age Society
Σαντορίνη / Θήρα
View across collapsed caldera
Minoan eruption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption - CachedThe Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption or Santorini eruption, was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption with a Volcanic Explosivity ...
Eruption - Geomorphology - Volcanology - Eruption dating
Santorini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Art and Religion in Thera: Reconstructing a Bronze Age Society
1984 www.amazon.com › ... › Archaeology - CachedArt and Religion in Thera: Reconstructing a Bronze Age Society [Nanno Marinatos, Profusely illustrated] on Amazon.com.
This is a book about wall paintings and the function they fulfilled in the Bronze Age society of Akrotiri, Thera. The author discusses the frescoes in their architectural setting and in relation to the objects found in the rooms and buildings. This method enables her to explore the symbolism of the art and to reconstruct actual ceremonies. The paintings also reveal attitudes towards religion and the Therans' basic confidence in the permanance and unchanging order of nature.
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