Wikipedia 的優點多,譬如此條目,有約40種語言的報導:
我很早就覺得衡量維基百科品質問題的複雜和重要.我認為在Google公司在設立時就有品保主管等是對的.希望以後Wiki他們有品管的志願人員.最近的這些洋人的批評並沒有搔到要點. 而且各語種的狀況不一樣的. 中文的問題之一是不知如何feedback讓他們更好.
最 大的百科全書就是網路世界:可能猜想再過20年可能Google可公司可以有網頁品管工具: 由於它可以將許多相關資訊評比核對: 譬如說 Wiki.某大學創始校長的任期之更正等等 或Wikipedia 本身內容的一致譬如說 中研院院長王士杰的墓誌文分散在他的相關條目中......
Onionhead Cerebrum 維基百科內容品質恐不保
27 أكتوبر، 2013، الساعة 06:22 مساءً
英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)在英國時間 2013/10/26 報導(,當下許多維基百科的編輯人員業已求去不幹了。
當 初為了阻絕網路駭客的破壞行為,以及屏除扯爛的文章,基金會將編輯作業改以程式自動化,不再由編輯人員來刪除可疑的內容。這項自動刪除程式(auto- delete programs)執行的結果就是將眾多維基使用者辛勤工作所取得的真正知識,由於系統的自動刪除而無緣無故地被誤刪掉。
依 據美國明尼蘇達州大學(University of Minnesota)的新近研究指出,基金會的現代化點子是造成許多忠實「維基百科人」不再管事的一大肇因。維基百科是試圖透過更人性化的介面,以授權更 多的使用者可以進行編輯工作,但這項改變卻反而激怒原本忠實的「編輯們」,讓他們感受降低品質標準的沮喪。(Wikipedia has tried to empower more people by make the site more user friendly, but the changes have angered loyal 'editors' who feel are frustrated at the lowering of standards.)
維基百科另外一項不得人心的舉動,是改變內容上傳的方式。原先,上 傳內容的人必須熟諳這個網站的語言,亦即要以Wikitext才能順利到位,改成當下類似文書處理器(word processor)的方式便可以達成,導致任何毫無網站編輯經驗的人都能夠上網貼文。原本基金會的初衷只是為了吸引更多的新用戶來貢獻知識,但卻因為這 新作法而導致有更多的扯爛文章輕易過關,使得老經驗的編輯人員感覺很是無奈啦!科技網站「Raw Story」(報導麻省理工學院的調查報告(, 有位編輯人員提到那感觸,說「就像將橫桿降低,然後卻要求我們將其打入冷宮。從某個觀點來看,你像是絆倒的橫桿,而不是從標竿的下方穿了過去。 ('it’s like they keep lowering the bar, then asking us to limbo. At a certain point, you’re tripping over the stick instead of walking under it.)
觀察維基百科式微趨勢的明尼蘇達州研究生 Aaron Halfaker 說,這個式微期始於2007年。(I categorize from 2007 until now as the decline phase of Wikipedia.)那年開始,程式自動刪文的比例高於人的編輯。而且正如所料,用心良善的新進編輯志工幹活兩個月後,比先前遠不可能繼續下去。
結 果之一是維基百科的公信力和編輯人的水平一同受害。留下來的編輯絕大多數是男性,形成談論電玩和色情影片女星的文章居多,而關於女性文學的文章依舊有限。 少了編輯新血的注入,即意謂在網站上談論電腦遊戲和色情的文章將多於女性文學與女性主義的議題。(A lack of new editors on the site means there are more articles on subjects like computer games and porn then there are women's literature and feminism.)
維 基基金會總幹事 Sue Gardner(executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation)否認式微之說。她表示,丟掉Wikiatext,能吸引一種新的「熱烈初生之犢型的記者」(eager cub reporters)。她表示,「維基百科人」太熟悉作業的老人霸住辦公桌(The Wikipedians remind me of the crusty old desk guy who knows the style guide backwards.)。這些人不會三更半夜衝出門去探討一場火災:「新人會這麼做,他有的是精力和潛力。我們需要這樣的初生之犢。」(You don’t get the crusty old desk guy out at three in the morning to cover a fire. That’s for the new guy,who’s got a lot of energy and potential. At Wikipedia we don’t have a sufficient influx of cub reporters.)
日後學生寫作業,上網維基百科,除了C&P(copy & paste)之外,顯然還得練就除錯的辨識能力。
當 初為了阻絕網路駭客的破壞行為,以及屏除扯爛的文章,基金會將編輯作業改以程式自動化,不再由編輯人員來刪除可疑的內容。這項自動刪除程式(auto- delete programs)執行的結果就是將眾多維基使用者辛勤工作所取得的真正知識,由於系統的自動刪除而無緣無故地被誤刪掉。
依 據美國明尼蘇達州大學(University of Minnesota)的新近研究指出,基金會的現代化點子是造成許多忠實「維基百科人」不再管事的一大肇因。維基百科是試圖透過更人性化的介面,以授權更 多的使用者可以進行編輯工作,但這項改變卻反而激怒原本忠實的「編輯們」,讓他們感受降低品質標準的沮喪。(Wikipedia has tried to empower more people by make the site more user friendly, but the changes have angered loyal 'editors' who feel are frustrated at the lowering of standards.)
維基百科另外一項不得人心的舉動,是改變內容上傳的方式。原先,上 傳內容的人必須熟諳這個網站的語言,亦即要以Wikitext才能順利到位,改成當下類似文書處理器(word processor)的方式便可以達成,導致任何毫無網站編輯經驗的人都能夠上網貼文。原本基金會的初衷只是為了吸引更多的新用戶來貢獻知識,但卻因為這 新作法而導致有更多的扯爛文章輕易過關,使得老經驗的編輯人員感覺很是無奈啦!科技網站「Raw Story」(報導麻省理工學院的調查報告(, 有位編輯人員提到那感觸,說「就像將橫桿降低,然後卻要求我們將其打入冷宮。從某個觀點來看,你像是絆倒的橫桿,而不是從標竿的下方穿了過去。 ('it’s like they keep lowering the bar, then asking us to limbo. At a certain point, you’re tripping over the stick instead of walking under it.)
觀察維基百科式微趨勢的明尼蘇達州研究生 Aaron Halfaker 說,這個式微期始於2007年。(I categorize from 2007 until now as the decline phase of Wikipedia.)那年開始,程式自動刪文的比例高於人的編輯。而且正如所料,用心良善的新進編輯志工幹活兩個月後,比先前遠不可能繼續下去。
結 果之一是維基百科的公信力和編輯人的水平一同受害。留下來的編輯絕大多數是男性,形成談論電玩和色情影片女星的文章居多,而關於女性文學的文章依舊有限。 少了編輯新血的注入,即意謂在網站上談論電腦遊戲和色情的文章將多於女性文學與女性主義的議題。(A lack of new editors on the site means there are more articles on subjects like computer games and porn then there are women's literature and feminism.)
維 基基金會總幹事 Sue Gardner(executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation)否認式微之說。她表示,丟掉Wikiatext,能吸引一種新的「熱烈初生之犢型的記者」(eager cub reporters)。她表示,「維基百科人」太熟悉作業的老人霸住辦公桌(The Wikipedians remind me of the crusty old desk guy who knows the style guide backwards.)。這些人不會三更半夜衝出門去探討一場火災:「新人會這麼做,他有的是精力和潛力。我們需要這樣的初生之犢。」(You don’t get the crusty old desk guy out at three in the morning to cover a fire. That’s for the new guy,who’s got a lot of energy and potential. At Wikipedia we don’t have a sufficient influx of cub reporters.)
日後學生寫作業,上網維基百科,除了C&P(copy & paste)之外,顯然還得練就除錯的辨識能力。
- 3 أشخاص معجبون بهذا.
- Hanching Chung 謝謝.這話題雖然早有所聞.不過.我還是站在Wikipedia一方. 我固然在中文版找到些錯誤.但整體而言 由其對懂得多種語文 (至少英文)者. Wikipedia很有價值.
我當時答他說,對一般人而言,Wikipedia 英文版的介紹就很夠了,雖然《大英百科》的更專業而深入點。
舉個Henri Frédéric Amiel的例子。
Henri Frédéric Amiel 的作品和日記,尚無漢譯。除了梁宗岱先生翻譯過一篇散文詩,約200字。
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: October 28, 2013
An earlier version of this story misstated the first name of the global communications manager of the Wikimedia Foundation. His name is Matthew Roth, not Michael Roth.
Wikipedia China Becomes Front Line for Views on Language and Culture
Published: October 27, 2013
Jerome Favre/European Pressphoto Agency
Wikipedia editors, all volunteers, present opposing views on politics,
history and traditional Chinese culture — in essence, different versions
of China. Compounding the issue are language differences: Mandarin is
the official language in mainland China and Taiwan, while the majority
in Hong Kong speak Cantonese. But mainland China uses simplified
characters, while Taiwan and Hong Kong use traditional script.
That has led to articles on otherwise innocuous topics becoming flash
points, and has caused controversial entries to be restricted.
The entry on the 1989 military crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square
in Beijing, for example, has been subject to “edit wars” since the site
was created. Editors have argued over whether it constituted a
“massacre,” whether the People’s Liberation Army suppressed the protests
“with force,” or if the Beijing authorities had been “hiding the
Despite Chinese sensitivity on the topic, Wikipedia has not taken the
page down or done anything to censor it, the organization said.
“Wikipedia does not comply with the Chinese government’s self-censorship
policy. Absolutely not,” said Tango Chan, a representative of Wikimedia
Hong Kong, a local chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation. Mr. Chan said,
however, that some articles on the Chinese Wikipedia cannot be accessed
because the “Great Firewall” — the hugely effective censorship tool
developed by the Chinese authorities — filtered “sensitive words.”
Stephen Wong, a contributor from Hong Kong who has been active on
Chinese Wikipedia since 2009, said users across the region have
experienced “some form of cultural shock,” which triggers arguments.
“Users from different areas have received different education, and have
been influenced by different political ideologies,” Mr. Wong said. “We
discovered that the things we learned as a kid were totally different
from each other.”
No matter the language, disputes are part of the nature of Wikipedia,
Matthew Roth, the global communications manager of the Wikimedia
Foundation, said in an e-mail.
“The common perception is that arguments are frequent on Wikipedia, and
indeed there are active discussions and disagreements about content, as
would be expected in such an enormous and complex information
ecosystem,” Mr. Roth said.
In April, some users were embroiled in heated arguments over an entry
about the encirclement campaigns of the Nationalist government headed by
Chiang Kai-shek in the 1930s to purge the Communists. On the Chinese
Wikipedia, the entry is titled “The Chinese Community’s Anti-Siege
Wars,” which a Taiwanese user criticized as biased toward mainland
“From the viewpoint of Taiwan, the militant actions against the
Nationalist government were equal to riots. If Chinese Wikipedia is
accommodating to all stances, it should not only follow that of mainland
China,” wrote a Taiwanese contributor named DEMONBANE, who went on to
suggest the use of “siege wars” as a more neutral title. Another user,
named Sakamotosan, said the original name should be kept, as neutrality
does not exist in history. For the time being, the original title
Another recurring topic for debates is the nationality of citizens of
Hong Kong, a former British colony that returned to Chinese rule in
1997, and a new round of emotional discussions was spurred in August.
The issue of Hong Kong citizens’ nationality is complicated by the fact
that they are eligible for Hong Kong passports, which grant holders
visa-free access to a large number of countries, in sharp contrast with
the highly restrictive Chinese passports.
In one recent squabble, some users insisted on using the flag of the
People’s Republic of China to depict the nationality of people from Hong
Kong — as some users reasoned, “Hong Kong is not a country, so the
nationality China (Hong Kong) does not exist.”
That upset Hong Kong contributors. “Deciding on one’s nationality is not
something Wikipedia editors should do,” a Hong Kong commenter going by
the name Oneam said. “Editors cannot assume all people have a certain
nationality based on the nationality law, especially some people enjoy
dual citizenship.”
When Chinese Wikipedia was first set up in 2002, there were two versions
— one with simplified Chinese characters and one with traditional
characters. About 10 years ago, the two sites were merged. However,
early editors soon found the new site was mired in conflict triggered by
linguistic differences.
Chinese Wikipedia attempted to resolve the conflict by introducing
language conversion software in 2004 — the only instance in which it is
used on a Wikipedia site.
Today, the site has five settings: simplified Chinese for mainland
China; orthodox Chinese for Taiwan; traditional Chinese for Hong Kong;
traditional Chinese for Macau; and simplified Chinese for Singapore and
“This software feature could also be seen as an embodiment of
Wikipedia’s neutrality principle, in that it brings together editors
from different political systems and enables productive discussion and
collaboration between them,” Mr. Roth said.
Underscoring the importance of Chinese Wikipedia, Wikimania, the annual
international conference attended by hundreds of Wikipedia users, was
held in Hong Kong in mid-August.
Liao Hanteng, a Taiwanese researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute,
said that most Internet forums have a parochial focus, but that Chinese
Wikipedia offers rare opportunities for all Chinese-speaking people to
engage in discussion.
“There is some form of integration across the region,” he said. “But
that does not mean that mainland China assimilates Taiwan or Hong Kong.
Every area stands on the same ground.”
He pointed out that the flexible language options put all countries on
an equal footing. For example, this year Macau was given its own
setting, despite having a population of only 500,000.
“There was more bickering in the early days, but the discussion matured
at a quick pace after 2009,” said Wikimedia Taiwan’s chairman, Ted Chien
Hsiang-tai, 39, who joined the online encyclopedia eight years ago. “A
new generation of editors became active on Chinese Wikipedia in 2009,
and they brought new thoughts, too. They were less influenced by
political ideologies, so they have better judgments than us.”
Wikipedia contributors also must comply with the “no original research”
principle, which means that they cannot write any individual opinions
into the online encyclopedia.
All of the rules and changes have made a difference, users say.
“When I first joined the Chinese Wikipedia, I was an ‘angry youth,”’
said Wilson Ye, a 17-year-old Wikipedia editor from Shanghai who started
writing entries four years ago. “I was furious when I came across terms
like Taiwan and the Republic of China. But after more interactions, I
understand how people in Taiwan think, and I become much more tolerant.”
Mr. Ye was recently promoted to administrator, which means that he has the authority to lock pages and block users.
“In real life, I have my own political stance, but I will not bring this into Wikipedia,” he said.
Isaac Mao, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at
Harvard University, attributed the maturation to the fact that more
users are learning what Wikipedia is all about.
“It all came back to the ‘five principles’ of Wikipedia, including
authenticity, accuracy, neutral point of view and the use of
references,” Mr. Mao said. “If there are disagreements over management
and editing, people can engage in discussion based on these principles.
Such atmosphere has been built up in the Chinese Wikipedia community
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: October 28, 2013
An earlier version of this story misstated the first name of the global communications manager of the Wikimedia Foundation. His name is Matthew Roth, not Michael Roth.