2016年2月12日 星期五

Weimar culture, political systrm,

According to Reuters opinion columnist Harold James, the European Union now sometimes looks like a replay of Weimar’s combination of institutional perfection with violent and nationalist forces aimed at tearing down the 'system.' Find out more in his latest piece:http://reut.rs/1o1Z2mQ

When he died, Gumbel's papers were made ​​​​​​a part of  The Emil J. Gumbel Collection, Political Papers of an Anti-Nazi Scholar in Weimar and Exile . These papers include reels of microfilm that document his activities against the Nazis. [ 2]
2. Weimar Culture由彭淮棟負責,最好能跟我們多談此書與浮士德博士之比對,最多30分

