《埃涅阿斯紀》2 Is the Aeneid a Celebration of Empire—or a Critique?" arms and the man" mean? Denis Diderot, The Aeneid by Virgil 卷一 第 462行 《狄德罗文集》, 《狄德罗传》, 《狄德羅畫評選》,《懷疑論者的漫步:狄德羅文選》
1. 埃涅阿斯英雄:埃涅阿斯被描繪成一位高貴而虔誠的英雄,履行他的職責和命運,即建立羅馬種族。他的性格代表了羅馬的美德和價值觀,例如責任、犧牲和家庭的重要性。
"The Aeneid" is a Latin epic poem written by the Roman poet Virgil. It is considered one of the most significant works of Roman literature and is often seen as the Roman counterpart to Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey." Here's a summary and analysis of "The Aeneid":
"The Aeneid" follows the journey of Aeneas, a Trojan hero, after the fall of Troy. The poem is divided into twelve books. Aeneas, guided by the gods, flees Troy with his son Ascanius, father Anchises, and a group of Trojan survivors. Their aim is to find a new homeland, as Troy has been destroyed by the Greeks.
The narrative takes Aeneas and his group through a series of adventures and challenges, including encounters with gods and mythical creatures. They travel to various places, including Carthage, where Aeneas has a passionate affair with Queen Dido, and ultimately to Italy, where he is destined to establish the foundations for the future Roman Empire.
The epic highlights Aeneas' unwavering devotion to his destiny and the challenges he faces in fulfilling his divine mission, which is to found Rome and ensure its glory. The poem concludes with a climactic war between Aeneas and Turnus, an Italian prince, over the right to marry Lavinia, the local princess. Aeneas emerges victorious and the poem ends with the destiny of Rome secured.
1. The Aenean Hero: Aeneas is portrayed as a noble and pious hero, fulfilling his duty and destiny, which is to establish the Roman race. His character represents Roman virtues and values, such as duty, sacrifice, and the importance of family.
2. Divine Intervention: Similar to Homer's epics, the gods play a significant role in "The Aeneid." They guide and influence the events of the story, reflecting the Roman belief in the connection between the divine and human realms.
3. The Augustan Message: Virgil's epic was commissioned by Emperor Augustus and can be seen as a propaganda piece to legitimize his rule and the origins of the Roman Empire. The poem promotes peace, order, and the importance of a unifying leader.
4. Epic Tradition: Virgil draws upon the epic tradition established by Homer, with heroic adventures, mythical elements, and the hero's journey as key components of the narrative.
5. National Identity: "The Aeneid" played a significant role in shaping the Roman national identity and mythology. It connects the Romans to their Trojan origins and sets the foundation for Rome's greatness.
"The Aeneid" is a masterful epic that combines elements of mythology, history, and prophecy to create a rich narrative. It has had a profound influence on Western literature and culture and remains a cornerstone of classical literature.
The Roman poet Virgil was born #OnThisDay in 70 BC 

His Aeneid reached across the Roman Empire, as shown by this writing tablet from Roman Britain!
The epic poem comprises almost 9,900 lines and tells the legendary story of Aeneas – the son of Venus and Anchises – who leads survivors from the fall of Troy, through the Mediterranean, to the future site of Rome.
This wooden writing tablet was found in the commanding officer's residence at Vindolanda, in modern Chesterholm, and inscribed with an unfinished private letter. On the reverse of the tablet is a complete line from the second half of Virgil's Aeneid. The placement of this inscription may suggest that the texts of Virgil were used for writing practice at Vindolanda 

羅馬詩人維吉爾出生於西元前 70 年 #OnThisDay 📜
這部史詩由近 9,900 行詩組成,講述了維納斯和安喀塞斯之子埃涅阿斯的傳奇故事,他帶領倖存者從特洛伊陷落中穿過地中海,到達羅馬的未來所在地。
🔎 木製書寫板,帶有維吉爾《埃涅阿斯紀》後半部分的完整詩句。 Vindolanda,西元一世紀末至二世紀初。了解更多:http://ow.ly/Rb6l50LaXL7
10月13日下午9:00 ·
From the moment it appeared, the Aeneid was the paradigmatic classic in Western art and education.
Is the Aeneid a Celebration of Empire—or a Critique?
By mythologizing the Romans’ Trojan origins, Virgil turned a story about losers into an epic about winners.
Denis Diderot was a French philosopher and writer, perhaps best known as the chief editor of the Encyclopédie (1751–72), a work of fundamental importance in shaping the rationalist and humanitarian ideals of the Age of Enlightenment. He was a highly versatile author, his vast output including novels, plays, scientific writings, and criticism.
"Poetry wants something enormous, barbarous, savage."
Philosopher, art critic, and writer Denis Diderot was born in Langres, Champagne, France on this day in 1713.
Their thinking was radical, but expressing it was dangerous. Diderot—who was born on October 5th 1713—was imprisoned for his writings, an experience that left him too scared to lay out his philosophy plainly, instead disguising it within plays, novels and letters
Eheu! - Great Roman poet #Virgil - author of three of the most famous poems in Latin literature (the Eclogues, the Georgics, and the epic Aeneid) - died #onthisday 19BC. Thought we'd mark his passing with a quick browse through some of the 82 works we have on our Virgil shelves.
Join us TODAY at 3pm at the Co-op to sing of arms and the man--David Ferry will discuss his new translation of "The Aeneid" with Rosanna Warren!
to sing of arms and the man
In English, the line translates as "I sing of arms and the man." In Vergil, "the man" is, of course, Aeneas, and "arms" refers to the Trojan War & Aeneas' journey from Greece. ... The title is an allusion to the first line of Vergil's Aeneid. In English, the line translates as "I sing of arms and the man."
What does "arms and the man" mean? | eNotes
狄德罗Denis Diderot 認 為:
The Aeneid (əˈniːɪd; in Latin Aeneis, pronounced ... Aeneidos is a Latin epic poem written by Virgil in the late 1st century BC (29 ...)最美的一句是:卷一 第462行。(兩處翻譯卻天差地別啦!2014年10.6決定抄出,送港民.....)
The Aeneid (əˈniːɪd; in Latin Aeneis, pronounced ... Aeneidos is a Latin epic poem written by Virgil in the late 1st century BC (29 ...)最美的一句是:卷一 第462行。(兩處翻譯卻天差地別啦!2014年10.6決定抄出,送港民.....)
He halted, and said, with tears: ‘What place is there,
Achates, what region of earth not full of our hardships?
See, Priam! Here too virtue has its rewards, here toothere are tears for events, and mortal things touch the heart.Lose your fears: this fame will bring you benefit.’BkI:458-462
Translated by A. S. Kline © 2002 All Rights Reserved