2021年4月24日 星期六

Noam Chomsky at 92;92歲的"大師"Noam Chomsky接受《紐約客》訪問,他認為( Believes ):Trump 是人類史最要不得的罪犯( “the Worst Criminal in Human History} 2次訪談;state capitalism / Humanitarian Imperialism 人道的帝国主義―民主国家アメリカの偽善と反戦平和運動の実像

4月23日 反思錄 0423 2021:周芬伶'洪銘水。一些大學的新聞( News from Some Universities):92歲的"大師"Noam Chomsky接受《紐約客》訪問,他認為( Believes ):Trump 是人類史最要不得的罪犯( “the Worst Criminal in Human History}《德斯坦回憶錄--政權與人生》《一代報人王芸生》;胡適、蔣介石與王芸生敬悼盧淵源、彭淮棟譯的托瑪斯.曼《浮士德博士:一位朋友敘述的德國作曲家阿德里安.雷維庫恩的生平》(Doktor Faustus)

0:01 / 4:35

訪談中的人物 (56):92歲的"大師"Noam Chomsky接受《紐約客》訪問,他認為( Believes ):Trump 是人類史最要不得的罪犯( “the Worst Criminal in Human History}

訪談中的人物 (56):92歲的"大師"Noam Chomsky接受《紐約客》訪問,他認為( Believes ):Trump 是人類史最要不得的罪犯( “the Worst Criminal in Human History}
Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Noa... Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philos...

How do you introduce Noam Chomsky? Perhaps you start here: In 1979, The New York Times called him “arguably the most important intellectual alive today.” More than 40 years later, Chomsky, at 92, is still putting his dent in the world — writing books, giving interviews, changing minds.

您如何介紹Noam Chomsky? 也許您從這裡開始:1979年,《紐約時報》稱他為“當今最重要的知識分子”。 40多年後,現年92歲的喬姆斯基仍然在世界上屈指可數-寫書,接受采訪,改變主意。

There are different sides to Chomsky. He’s a world-renowned linguist who revolutionized his field. He’s a political theorist who’s been a sharp critic of American foreign policy for decades. He’s an anarchist who believes in a radically different way of ordering society. He’s a pragmatist who pushed leftists to vote for Joe Biden in 2020 and has described himself as having a “rather conservative attitude towards social change.” He is, very much, himself.

喬姆斯基有不同的立場。 他是一位享譽世界的語言學家,徹底改變了他的領域。 他是一位政治理論家,數十年來一直是美國外交政策的尖銳批評家。 他是一位無政府主義者,堅信採用一種截然不同的社會秩序方式。 他是一個實用主義者,於2020年推動左派人士投票選舉喬·拜登(Joe Biden),並形容自己對社會變革持“相當保守的態度”。 他非常,就是他自己。

The problem in planning a conversation with Chomsky is how to get at all these different sides. So this one covers a lot of ground. We discuss:

在計劃與喬姆斯基的對話時,問題在於如何從所有這些不同方面入手。 因此,這涉及很多領域。 我們討論:

Why Chomsky is an anarchist, and how he defines anarchism

How his work on language informs his idea of what human beings want

The role of advertising in capitalism

Whether we should understand job contracts as the free market at work or a form of constant coercion

How Chomsky’s ideal vision of society differs from Nordic social democracy

How Chomsky’s class-based theory of politics holds up in an era where college-educated suburbanites are moving left on economics

Chomsky’s view of the climate crisis and why he thinks the “degrowth” movement is misguided

Whether job automation could actually be a good thing for human flourishing

Chomsky’s views on US-China policy, and why he doesn’t think China is a major geopolitical threat

The likelihood of nuclear war in the next decade

And much more.

(A full transcript of the episode can be found here.)













信用...《紐約時報》的插圖;攝影:Heuler Andrey / Agence France-Presse,圖片來源:Getty Images
“ Ezra Klein Show”由Roge Karma和Jeff Geld製作;米歇爾·哈里斯(Michelle Harris)的事實核對;艾薩克·瓊斯(Isaac Jones)的原創音樂;傑夫·格爾德(Jeff Geld)混音。


ImageCredit...Illustration by The New York Times; photograph by Heuler Andrey/Agence France-Presse, via Getty Images

“The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Roge Karma and Jeff Geld; fact-checking by Michelle Harris; original music by Isaac Jones; mixing by Jeff Geld.


"𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏."
Happy Birthday, Noam Chomsky 🎂

...What are people supposed to think if someone says ‘I have got an answer, we have an enemy’? There it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants and the blacks. We will be told that white males are a persecuted minority. We will be told we have to defend ourselves and the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. People will be beaten up. This could become an overwhelming force. And if it happens it will be more dangerous than Germany.
這次美國大選後,英國《獨立報》找出了六年前美國一家網路媒體Truthdig 對喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)的訪問。
2010年,Truthdig 訪問喬姆斯基,談美國的兩黨政治、國會運作、社會與媒體現象等。喬姆斯基對沒有規範的資本主義、全球化以及帝國主義一向都有最尖銳的觀察,所以當時他就觀察到美國的民主制度處在一種很脆弱的狀態,並警告美國這種民主制度的運作持續不了多久(we have little time left to save our anemic democracy)。
喬姆斯基說他愛聽收音機節目,所以會聽一個右翼電台,聽那些Call in進來的人說什麼。他說那些人就像自駕飛機撞山的駕駛員一樣,他們都吐露的心聲都是:「我怎麼這麼倒楣?我什麼壞事也沒做啊!我是個敬畏上帝的基督徒。我努力為家庭工作。我有槍。我相信這個國家的價值觀,可是我的生命在垮掉!」
不過,六年前的喬姆斯基說:「美國萬幸的是,還沒有出現一個直言無忌、具有領袖魅力的人(The United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen)。
「他會告訴我們,白人男人是被歧視的少數族群。他會告訴我們,我們要捍衛自己和國家的榮譽。」而結果,對外會訴諸軍力,對內會訴諸棒子(Military force will be exalted. People will be beaten up. )
喬姆斯基還很感嘆地拿六年前的美國和1930年代大蕭條時代做了個比較。他說那時的情況其實更險惡,但是大家還抱著希望。而今天不是。大家對現有各種組織的憤怒、沮喪和憎恨,已經累積到必將發洩成自我毀滅的奇幻劇(It is going off into self-destructive fantasies.)
(補充)剛才一位網友提醒我他已經又接受Truthdig的訪問,在這裡: http://www.truth-out.org/…/38360-trump-in-the-white-house-a…

America’s greatest intellectual says, “The mood of the country is frightening. The level of anger, frustration and hatred of institutions is not…

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A special report on state capitalism

The visible hand

The crisis of Western liberal capitalism has coincided with the rise of a powerful new form of state capitalism in emerging markets(88)

a talk with Jean Bricmont - YouTube

Jean Bricmont (born 1952) is a Belgian theoretical physicist, philosopher of science and a professor at the Université catholique de Louvain. He works on renormalization group and nonlinear differential equations.
He is mostly known to the non-academic audience for co-authoring Fashionable Nonsense (also known as Intellectual Impostures) with Alan Sokal, in which they criticise relativism in the philosophy of science.[1] Jean Bricmont also collaborates with activist Noam Chomsky and campaigns on a variety of progressive causes.
In 2005 he published Impérialisme humanitaire. Droits de l’homme, droit d’ingérence, droit du plus fort ?, published in English as Humanitarian Imperialism in 2006.
In 2006, he wrote the preface to L'Atlas alternatif - Frédéric Delorca (ed), Pantin, Temps des Cerises [1]. He is a member of the Division of Sciences of the Royal Academy for Sciences, Letters and Arts of Belgium.
In 2007, he wrote an article in French discussing the possibility of a US invasion of Iran. "Pourquoi Bush peut déclencher une attaque contre l’Iran"
人道的帝国主義―民主国家アメリカの偽善と反戦平和運動の実像 [著]ジャン・ブリクモン
■論理的な批判、切れ味も鋭く 本書を読み進むうちに、すぐに気づくことがある。とにかく自らの論を説明するのに、これには二つの見方があるとか、明確にすべき三つの点があるとかいった具合の記述が多いのだ………[もっと読む]

