2019年2月15日 星期五

《佛洛伊德傳》The Second Coming of Sigmund Freud;Memories, Dreams, Reflections By Carl Jung , 世紀末的維也納(III): Freud's Dreams

224 世紀末的維也納(III): Freud's Dreams


221 昨日的世界(mit Stefan Zweig,佛洛伊德 und Dali) 2018-02 漢清講堂


The Second Coming of Sigmund Freud

Just as the old psychoanalyst seemed destined for history's trash heap, neuroscientists are resurrecting his most defining insights. 

By Kat McGowan|Thursday, March 06, 2014

《佛洛伊德傳》By Peter Gay 精彩的地方在:傳主人生關鍵處的"自敘"中,提出其分析和批評:
Peter Gay在第一章--中文本第38頁及其出處注解等--做一段"精神分析",包括指出該文經專家指出非哥德作品。

NATURE - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Translation by ...
Video for goethe on nature▶ 5:14
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"For Goethe human knowing was nature's knowing raised into the self-consciousness of humanity. He was ...

《佛洛伊德傳》 廖運範譯 ,台北:志文, 1969
本書含兩部分:《佛洛伊德的自敘傳》,pp.7-86、Ernest Jones 著《佛洛伊德的一生》,pp.87-194;L. Trilling《評介佛洛伊德》pp.195-206;《年譜》,pp.207-225
佛洛伊德自述偶有些感人的軼事,是Peter Gay的傳記中沒收入的。譬如說在與哲學家William James 散步時,James 夾心症發作,要Freud 先走,他隨後就趕上 (頁59)。"他於一年後因夾心症逝世,我經常希望我能像他那樣,面對逼近的死神能毫無懼色。"
事實上,Freud 在這方面是做到了。

Carl Jung 作品集,英文、漢文的,我都有許多本。普林斯頓的英文文集,由美國女富豪--Jung的崇拜者--所支助的。
1974-75年,我在東海大學圖書館讀到他與朋友合著的 人類及其象徵 Man and His Symbols,英文精裝本,翻讀幾頁,頗受震憾。1978年,在英國倫敦的Design Museum看到它,不忘補充一本。可惜這本書後來借給朋友,流失了.....80年代中,台灣有譯本,我也補一本英文平裝本,沒味道。。
Carl Gustav Jung died on June 6th 1961. He saw himself as an empirical scientist whose sole professional interest lay in the workings of the psyche. He believed psychology should be conceived on a grand scale, with a combination of disciplines needed to throw light on the “comparative anatomy of the mind”

It was the publication of Jung's book Psychology of the Unconscious in 1912 that led to the break with Freud. Letters they exchanged show Freud's refusal to consider Jung's ideas. This rejection caused what Jung described in his (posthumous) 1962 autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, as a "resounding censure".

