2019年2月11日 星期一

辜鴻銘:中國人的精神;The Story of a Chinese Oxford Movement By Hung-ming Ku 《清流傳:中國牛津運動逸事》

胡適:論定;《記辜鴻銘》1935 等;辜鴻銘的日本情結(上)(廖八鳴)


1912, Shanghai mercury, limited, print.

The story of a Chinese Oxford movement.

in English

The Story of a Chinese Oxford Movement
Paperback – May 23, 2015
by Hung-ming Ku (Author)

Originally published in 1912, this extremely rare book has long been out of print. Now it is reprinted (with a new cover) as a facsimile reproduction of the original book. Born in Penang, Malaysia; educated in Scotland, Germany, and France; fluent in English, German, French, and Chinese; the author, who is also known as Gu Hongming, was a controversial, if not influential, figure in the history of China. Articles written by Gu Hongming were published in New York Times and some other newspapers in the 1920s. There has been a revival in the interest in his thought and works in recent years. For books of similar interest search with the keyword hcbooks.

From the introduction to the second edition:

"So great has been the demand for the first edition of Mr. Ku Hung-ming's book, 'The Story of a Chinese Oxford Movement,' that a second edition has been found necessary. Whilst the book remains essentially as it at first appeared, Appendices, being a letter written to the 'North China Daily News' and a review of Princess Der Ling's book, 'Two Years in the Forbidden City,' likewise a letter to a German Pastor from a well-known Chinese scholar, entitled 'Jacobin China,' have been incorporated. It is hoped these will be found of additional interest."


Introduction to Second Edition .................................. v
Preface ................................................................... vii
Jacobin China .......................................................... xix
Introduction ............................................................ 1
I. The Manchu in Power ............................................ 5
II. The Middle Class Ascendency ................................ 15
III. The Manchu Restoration ...................................... 38
IV. An Interregnum: The Chinese Triumvirate ............. 79
Conclusion ............................................................... 97
Appendix I. The Late Empress-Dowager ...................... 105
Appendix II. The Empress-Dowager: An Appreciation ... 113




十九世紀英國高派教會信奉羅馬天主教義,攻擊「自由主義」,發動了名聞遐邇的牛津運動(Oxford Movement)。英國大文豪馬太,阿諾爾德曾經不無感慨:自由主義得勝了,牛津運動被摧毀,殘破的碎片散落飄零,令人痛心....。




